Stef, your rest periods for Friday are off…
it went:
80m w/ 3min rest
100m w/5min rest
8 min rec
80m w/4min rest
100m w/6min rest
I was keeping track!!!
Also, question for the forum regarding accel dev for 400m sprinters: Should this be done in the same way as 100-200m runners, by starting low w/10m runs and such, and getting progressively longer as the athlete feels they are able to accelerate over a longer distance. I ask because I’m trying to help Stef develop a better drive phase for her race, and although I am a 100-200m runner, my thinking is that 400m runners need a good drive phase as well, but more emphasis might need to be placed on special endurace…?
Right now, I’m thinking her week should be organized as follows, disregarding warmup/cooldown,(lifting will be done on speed days)…and just focusing on the workout:
Mon, speed: accel dev w/either 10-12reps or 350m MAX volume, whatever comes first (mixture of 10-20m runs to start with from wr stance/lying face down start/falling starts,etc… until she feels as if her drive/accel is progressing, and then the distances will increase gradually…)
Tues, tempo: extensive tempo, approx 2600m volume w/reps of varying distances and appropriate recovery…
Wed, speed: accel dev/Hills or sled runs: ex: 5x20m hills w/extended recovey b/w ea.
6-8 sled runs of 10-20m to start and getting progressively longer (how far should these be done max, 40m?), w/extended recovery b/w ea.
Thur, tempo: intensive tempo, approx 1200-2000m w/appropraite rest b/w ea
Fri, speed: special endurance (600-800m MAX volume) w/reps of 60-(still not sure what the max distance of these should be)?
Sat: active recovery-someone please give her an appropriate amount of volume to do on this day. I say she can go as long as it doesn’t stress her CNS…
Critique is encouraged, thanks,