Stef's New Mission

Stef, your rest periods for Friday are off…
it went:

80m w/ 3min rest

100m w/5min rest


8 min rec

80m w/4min rest

100m w/6min rest


I was keeping track!!!

Also, question for the forum regarding accel dev for 400m sprinters: Should this be done in the same way as 100-200m runners, by starting low w/10m runs and such, and getting progressively longer as the athlete feels they are able to accelerate over a longer distance. I ask because I’m trying to help Stef develop a better drive phase for her race, and although I am a 100-200m runner, my thinking is that 400m runners need a good drive phase as well, but more emphasis might need to be placed on special endurace…?
Right now, I’m thinking her week should be organized as follows, disregarding warmup/cooldown,(lifting will be done on speed days)…and just focusing on the workout:

Mon, speed: accel dev w/either 10-12reps or 350m MAX volume, whatever comes first (mixture of 10-20m runs to start with from wr stance/lying face down start/falling starts,etc… until she feels as if her drive/accel is progressing, and then the distances will increase gradually…)

Tues, tempo: extensive tempo, approx 2600m volume w/reps of varying distances and appropriate recovery…

Wed, speed: accel dev/Hills or sled runs: ex: 5x20m hills w/extended recovey b/w ea.
6-8 sled runs of 10-20m to start and getting progressively longer (how far should these be done max, 40m?), w/extended recovery b/w ea.

Thur, tempo: intensive tempo, approx 1200-2000m w/appropraite rest b/w ea

Fri, speed: special endurance (600-800m MAX volume) w/reps of 60-(still not sure what the max distance of these should be)?

Sat: active recovery-someone please give her an appropriate amount of volume to do on this day. I say she can go as long as it doesn’t stress her CNS…

Critique is encouraged, thanks,


What is your plan for thursday int tempo session? I would be carful on friday the season is young and the injury problems are numerous.
I would try pool on sat or just rest.
Short hills are good for accell dev especially in the fall.Plus you are allready doing some accell work

Trying to work around my grad school schedule and the days that I can make it to the lifting workouts, this is what I was thinking for a weekly program:

Tuesday: speed (acc development), weights (arms)
Wednesday: tempo
Thursday: speed (acc development), weights (legs)
Friday: special endurance (can someone specify what I should be doing for special endurance at this time of the year? Indoor starts officially in mid January, and there’s one meet Dec 10), weights (total body)
Saturday: tempo
Sunday: active recovery (continuous easy running)
Monday: off

What are good days to stick plyos in? How many times/week? (I love plyos…don’t be conservative :slight_smile: )

Yesterday my plan was to do tempo, but it was raining, so I did some circuits and many many abs in the basement…

3 laps WU
dynamic stretching
9*20m accelerations from a standing start, with about 4minute recoveries. I attempted two from a falling start, but those didn’t feel half as good, so I went back to standing.
2laps CD
static stretching

Hey, I think I got better at accelerating today :wink: I was really concentrating on explosiveness and now I’m sore, yesss.

In the evening I went on a power walk with my mom and my hammies felt really tight, but the walk helped them loosen up a bit.
Tomorrow OFF. Then Tuesday I start the program I stated above, unless the forum objects to anything.

Have a wonderful week.

Lets see lets see…

2 laps WU, dynamic stretching
plyometrics (2high skips, 2alt leg bounds, 2skipstep) - I need to get some variety in plyos in…I always do the same stuff.
speed: I did 20m sprints, some standing starts, some falling starts, dome starting with resistance (my friend pushing against me)…I really don’t know how many I did, but they were no more than 10. After a while I got tired.
Weights: the arm day ( I won’t list everything I did, every arm day is the same)
my bench went up to 85lbs(or 90???I i dont’ remember!!!) for 10 reps. I remember when I used to do 95 … I’m getting there.
My clap push ups are up to 16 in a row (by the time we get to the clap push ups my arms are already DEAD… :mad: )

Wednesday: eeeeh…I kinda skrewed up here…I had a continuous running invitation so I said yes…and ran 1.7 miles at a moderate pace, going faster for the last 3-4 minutes.
BUT then I went on the grass and did 150s for tempo, with walk back recoveries.
Stretch, abs.

Today: the warm up took half an hour (:rolleyes: ), but it was VERY good, I must admit…one lap, dynamic stretching, hurdle mobility, drills…
Then hills: 5*20m hills for drive phase improvement, with 4 minute rests in between. I was told the last one looked a lottt better than what I’ve been doing cause my co-captain mentioned tucking my HEAD in, rather than just looking down, which is what I had in my mind all this time. Good stuff… :wink:
Then weights, legs.
My deep squats are at 165lbs for 10 reps right now, I definately have a lot of margin for moving up.

Have a great day.

2 laps WU, dynamic stretching, drills (everything took half an hour again…these are good warm ups…)
3*80m at 95% (my drive phase is looking better), 6-7min rests. Those felt good.
My legs feel unevenly strong when I run.
I need to start moving my arms like a sprinter…
1 lap cool down, stretching.

Weights: FUN day. We did a bunch of stuff, mostly strength endurance, including pull ups (12 reps w/ assistance, two times), manual resistance military press, tricept curls, agility exercises for foot quickness (sideways and forward/backward - loved those), manual resistance single arm presses, bisept curls with 45lb BB, 2*10 (ouch…), shoulder strengthening, (wow…we covered a lot in 40minutes…)

Then did hypers and a BUNCH of abs.

Tomorrow tempo on grass. Sunday easy 20min run.
And I think I’m very close to completing a FULL week of PROPER training, with a plan that I sticked to, right warm ups, right recoveries, right reps, etc…2 days to go!!! :stuck_out_tongue:

Tempo day. Felt sore and tired.
warm up jog, dynamic stretching, a few drills
5*600 on grass (which was uneven and taller than normal and the whole thing felt like a lot of extra work… :frowning: PLUS wetness…why does the grass have to be wet in the mornings??? :mad: )
But AAAANYWAYS…my rests were 3:30, the reps were around 2:30-2:33, except for the first one which I always do slower in tempo (2:40), to get a feel of how fast I should be running these. If these were done on the track they would be faster, but grass does miracles to shin splints. I need to find a smoother grass surface though…

Cool down jog, stretch, some abs.

Tomorrow light light stuff, Monday off.

15-20min run,
stretch, abs

This week I’m going to switch around my speed days with my tempo days, because I couldn’t get to the track today. I think this will work out, cause if I do tempo today, speed wednesday, tempo thursday and speed endurance friday, I don’t have to have two speed days in a row (R, F), like I did last week.
The only negative part of this is that I do my tempo on lifting days, but I don’t think it should be a problem for one week only.

Today in the weight room (arms) I pr’ed in almost everything
bench: 1st set 10 reps of 90, 2nd set 7 reps of 95 + 1 push up, 3rd set 2 reps of 100+4 push ups
BB rows, 10 reps up to 75lbs
clap push ups: 2max (20, 11) - last week I had 16,10, yay…
medicine ball smashes to the ground (LOVE these), 2 sets of 14 with 10lb ball
floor flies, 2 sets with 5lb plates (eeeasy)
shrugs, 2
12reps, 40, 45lb DB’s
6 min leg circuit (ouch…)

I’m gonna go on a 4 mile run today, just cause I feel I need a long run once a week only. My coach in Greece encourages it. Oh, and I’m going to run a short 1.7 mile cross country meet on Oct 23 I think, flat ground, on grass, just for some endurance practice and “fun”…so I should be getting one long run in once a week, at least…

P.S. I don’t like arm days…I can’t shampoo my hair after.

yeah its all about, having fun and variety like Kim Collins says.

I think you should do that cross counrty run, for fun, and variety. I am also going to do a cross counrty run, just one.

But for different reason, i want to annoy the other coaches, and mangers of my club. Because ever since i won a 800meters race, because i missed my 200m. I have proclaim myself has the most versitile athlete in the club.

All the coaches in my club are fools, and most of teh athletes, i only like my group. But i have far supassed my coach in knowledge of the sport.

In feb of next year i will be trainingon my own, club polictics. (Thats ok though am great)

Do you train on your own Steff, do you decide what workouts you wnat to do each day of the week.

Your training seems to be up and going now, so thats good.

Give me another 6weeks, and my journal will look like yours.

Keep it up Lion POWER lion Power.

Ive only just got in from the rain, dam the heavens openned and it was raining woman.

There was a funny event last year where a 400m girl (who isn’t that good at her own event in national terms) ran an 800m in about April and beat 2 European junior medalists by a mile. They had spent so long doing winter training they couldn’t even manage to run sub 2:16. By septemeber they were running close to 2.06 but then the season ran out. Now it is back to 6 months of winter training… speed rules!

Yeah Mr Shumon, I know it feels good to piss off other people while runnign events that are not your specialty :wink: I ran my first and only 800m race sophomore year just for the fun of it, in rain (rain really pumps me up!!) and I beat all my team’s 800m runners, it felt pretty good :stuck_out_tongue:

Yesterday’s 4 mile run went pretty well, I almost had a heart attack at the end, it was at a pretty decent pace, but I managed through the whole neighborhood. It felt great afterwards: fatigue, diziness…yess! :o
P.S. I went with the fast group :slight_smile:

Today I got out of class late and so trained in the dark, which fet GREATTTT…I also saw my old spring coach on the track and that made me happy, cause I liked that coach a lot…

2 laps WU, dynamic stretching
drills (high knees, butt kicks, A skips, B skips, backwards running)
20m-30m-40m-50m-60m, 3-4min rest/rep
2 laps CD

I feel that my drive phase has gotten a lot better from a standing start, but when I try doing a falling start, it falls apart. Is it crucial to learn to have a good drive phase from a falling start, or is it just a technique used to help those who find help in it??

Morning track:
600m warm up, dynamic stretching, drills (all took about half an hour)
400m, walk 200m
200m, walk 100m
150m, rest 2min
do it again

I need to fix the form of my arms…they’re all over the place.

Weights>>legs …GREAT session:
1)Deep squats, 210,18: 165, 175, 200!!! :smiley: (8-rep PR)
2)RDL: 210: 115, 125 (not lifting heavily on these, cause my back bothers me when I do them sometimes).
3)arm circuit: max push ups (45>>PR!!), max laying down pull pus (20>>PR), then same thing (22, 14)
4)MR leg curls, 1
5)hip abductors, 1*12 each (ooooch!!!)
6)lunges where you do calf raises too, w/20lb DB’s, 12 each leg
7)calf raises, 20each

10min abs

Hi Stef!
The idea of a falling start is to protect you in a way, since you don’t have to apply the same force as from standing and you make it easier for your self -or at least that’s the idea. You might as well achieve better angles with a falling start.

I would suggest you taking the right position first and without rolling backwards try a falling start; keep knees as bent as comfortable, one leg in front of the other, of course and your back straight and leave it there with your head following the action; arms initially in front of you and then the same -powerful- movements as per a block start.

In any case and in order to track improvements have someone looking at such things, or record your self -even a short clip from a mobile will work for now.

Hope this is of some help!

I’m a bit confused on what you mean by “falling start”, cause your description of it doesn’t really match what I do for a falling start (or rather, what I attempt to do).
Basically, what I call a falling start is sitting straight up, knees and legs together (knees straight), hands at hips, I let myself fall forwards (keeping body at same position) and when I feel like I’m going to fall on my face, I start sprinting.

My problem here is that I get scared and start sprinting a bit before than the right angle to take off, so then I naturally pop up.

Standing starts work a LOT better for me - keeping one leg in front of the other, arms also in ready position (one in front, other back), I lean forward, keeping head down and just go.

Today’s workout (speed).
2 laps WU, dynamic stretching, drills,3accelerations (30-40-50m) (all took about half hour)
speed development:
10m (1.5min rest/rep), rest 3 minutes
310m (1.5min rest/rep), rest 5 minutes
10m (1.5min rest/rep), rest 6 minutes
2*15m (2.5min rest/rep), done
1 lap CD, stretch

Shortly after: weights: “fun” day, did MANY MANY abs today with variations in between of: “quick feet”/agility drills (LOVE those), MR(manual resistance) military press, MR single arm bench press, BB curls (45lb bar), explosive single leg altitude jumps using bench, pull ups, supermans, 2 min squat position with back against wall (didn’t do too well on that one!! :eek: OUCH) . I think that was about it. It was really fun! :o

Might be playing racketball later on the day.

I think we mean the same thing (i.e., let your self fall), but from different starting positions; I suggested you simulate something like this -as shown on GPP DVD (wish me luck! :))

Keeping your torso and head in the same, straight line (from head to waist); your hands bent at elbows at <90 degrees and palms in front of you parallel to each other; bent at hips; knees also bent and one leg in front of the other -as in blocks, but shorter spacing- and on your toes, if you can . Push slightly forwards with your back leg. When you start loosing balance “scissor” your hands as from starting blocks (one forwards, one backwards), keep the same straight line from head to waist and let your legs follow pushing backwards.

You should be ok with this falling start and you should get better, as your strength levels improve and you feel more confident to achieve deeper angles for take off.

Also, you say a couple of things that might relate, too, i.e., that you keep your head down and that you pop up. If only your head is down independently of your torso and you raise it quickly after, say, 20 m of acceleration, your whole body position will change in such a way that a “pop up” is the next thing happening along with your hips/pelvis falling back/loosing height at the same time, something you don’t want.

If you’ve at least got the starting position from my brilliant sketch, this alone will make my weekend :cool:

If any others can help here -with a proper pic :rolleyes: - please add it on! Herb?

Let us know, Stef!
I tried…

ummmm the explanation is more useful than the picture :o I hope that still makes your week !! In the picture, I lose you at what the arms are supposed to do, everything else makes complete sense.

For today, I’m debading between speed endurance and hills. Any suggestions?
Tuesday was continuous tempo, Wedensday was short sprints, Thursday was ext tempo, Friday was short accelerations. Tomorrow will be active recovery, Monday will be off.

Drawing was never my strong point…
Thank God I can type -well… :stuck_out_tongue:

I did neither speed endurance nor hills yesterday. Since I did speed on Friday, I decided to do tempo.
2* [ 5*(50+100+150++) ]

  • jog 50m
    ++jog 100m
    16min recovery between the two sets
    (total 3000m)

Today active recovery: teaching private tennis lessons for two hours, then probably playing some racketball. :smiley:

Played tennis for about 2 hours.

A coach wanted to reqruit me for USTA, but I explained I already do track and it would be hard playing in two teams… :confused: I really like tennis…but I do love track!! :slight_smile:

Biked for 50minutes outside (hilly route).

Tomorrow off.

I never really took Monday off, I did 1.7 miles at a good pace around campus.

So Tuesday morning I felt kinda tired and had to cut my speed workout short:
600m WU, dynamic stretching, a feeew drills,
2 kinds of plyos, 2 sets of 5-10 reps each (hurdle hops w/out hurldes and frog jumps)

410m (1:30min rest/rep), 5min rest
15m (2min rest/rep), then I stopped cause my legs felt tight/tired, although my drive phase thing was pretty good, except my arms, which are only good in the first 5-10meters.

This week is active recovery week in the weight room, so I decided yesterday (after lifting) that this would be my active recovery week for running too, since we start official practices next week and all.
In weights we did:
1)1min bench press at 65lbs, got 20 reps, thankfully I went for the whole min and didn’t have to do any push ups
2) manual resistance seated row, 1 set of 12 reps
3) max clap push ups: 21 (pr’ed by 1 :rolleyes: )
4) med ball slams to the floor (still LOOOVE those), for 1 min with 6lb ball

Today I’m playing racketball after class, yessssss :smiley: