Stef's New Mission

Yeah you’re absolutely right, and since I have a very high team spirit, this is what happens every year: I get too excited about training with the rest of the team. Sometimes I’ll train with the sprinters in the morning and then run a long distance “cool down” with the cross country team, not necessarily the whole distance but part of it. I don’t want you to think that I’m anti team, which is why I’m mentioning this. :slight_smile:

My coach knows all about the impact that the surfaces have on my body, and it is true that our team has lower body injury problems, mostly shin splints. Last spring I did ALL my tempo on the bike and that helped a lot. So that’s probably what I’ll in the winter time, plus pool, since I won’t have access on grass.

I LOVE being in a team and I’ll definately try to keep it that way. Plus, my coach in the states knows that in the summer i’m training with other coaches in Greece, so she understands that I have a different training opinion.
I’ll try to negotiate as much as possible without creating problems, which I haven’t done so far, considering that according to my coach I’m the most easy going athlete of the team. :o

I just want so desperately to stay out of injuries this year, that even if I had to be a little less easy going and not say “yes” to everything, I would sacrifice some of my “nice” reputation for a healthy year.

We don’t have good facilities to work with, so we don’t have many options. Most other athletes in the team may not get as easily injured as I do mostly because they’ve been running longer than I have and I’m more prone to injuries. So maybe I need a different approach and right now I’m starting to understand that.

4 laps WU, a bit of stretching
Drills (30m): 3low skips, 5high skips, 2A’s, 2B’s
Plyos: 3altitude skips
We were supposed to do more plyos, but then we got kicked out of the grass because it was time for soccer practice… :mad:
So instead: 3
80 jump rope high knees superset with abs

Tomorrow I fly!! (by plane) Ha!

One more thing I suggest is less - Less is always more. If you are not recovering from the previous workout you are putting your body into a position of a high rate of injury.
Working out with both groups is not a good thing.

Best of luck

Thanks :slight_smile: I agree.

Back in CT!!!

Where’s the sun???

Well, after cleaning up, unpacking, fixing my room for half the day and going up and down the stairs about 200 times, I did my workout:

  • 23 min easy jog on grass and just some asphalt

  • drills/plyos:
    3high knees on 20m grass hill
    8 broad jumps on 20m grass hill
    316 alternate leg bounds on grass
    12 skip-step plyos

  • 10min fast walk back home

  • body weights:
    3*(40-60abs, 8knee tuck jumps, 15push ups, 20-25 floor hypers, 30 mountain climbers)

  • shin splint prevetion:
    walking on heels: 4*40m, good calve stretching


Do you follow just your College program while in the USA or do you ad more?
Do you have confidence in the program?

You need to build up your strength and flexibility, there is no reason why you would have chondromalacia, you can only have that due to extreme lack of flexibility and/or quads strength.

In the past, I’ve just followed the program. The only thing I really added were some circuits on the weekends (when we had 2 days off).

No I really don’t trust the program. We don’t even have a sprint coach. And the workouts are made up to the spot, they don’t have any real planning behind them.

I don’t think it was a matter of strength, I was deep back squatting 210lbs…and my flexibility never had any serious problems, I’m fairly flexible.


Sunday was off, but went on a half hour fast paced walk.

Today: 21 min run (on pavement), 10 min rest,
12*80m strides on grass (walk 30m recoveries),
5min easy run back home
General strengthening: many many abs, floor hypers, glute exercises.

(I was planning on doing circuit-triplets, but my quads are still sore from the uphill broad jumps from Saturday).

Oh, I had a good stretch today.

I also had my first job interview. I know, 22 and never had a real job! Haha, Greeks tend to do that :rolleyes:

Jesus i thought i was bad at 19yearsold and ever having a job.


Stef!!! I see u have ur own log now huh? I’m gonna keep tabs on you this year, and we’ll make sure you DON’T get injured. I can’t wait to start implementing all the new stuff I’ve learned this summer!

:wink: thanks!

Sure thing Ben!

Yesterday I felt tiredddd…and after my workout I got sick and I woke up sick this morning, I talked to my friend/coach (her nickname is coachbutt so I’ll call her that from now on :slight_smile: ) and she told me since I’m feeling crapy to take two days off instead of one, like it was initially intended. So I’ll probably take today off and then Saturday, since thats the day I’m going to watch the Pilot Pen tennis tournament in New Haven :smiley:

Yesterday I did:
11min WU, dynamic stretching
I think I did too many plyos with very short rests :confused: :
36 altitude jumps while trying to reach an object
6 continuous broad jumps with more emphasis on height than length.
9*(15m bachwards running w/ fast transition to 15m forward running )
5*(15m butt kicks-15m high knees)
5scissor kicks (30m)
30m accelerations at 90% concentrating on form (from standing position)
Then: General strengthening exercises w/body weight (don’t have a weight room this week):
2*(20squat jumps, 50abs, 15push ups, 15 burpees, 20 floppy fish, 8 lunge walks each leg, 30v-sits, 15 dips) - almost no rest between each exercise, 20sec at the most

Oh: forgot to mention the half hour roller blading (pretty fast pace) before all this :slight_smile:

SICKKKKK!!! :mad:

I need to go back to Greece…
This climate is not for me :frowning:

I was feeling a lot better yesterday in the evening so I decided to give it a shot and do a workout.
5min warm up (pretty intense for wu)
dynamic stretching
drills: 3low knees, 3high knees
plyos: 4alt leg bounds(16), 3skip-step
Next was supposed to be 6*60m sprints at 90% but I really wasn’t feeling all that great so I stopped!!

I know I promised myself to be really careful about not doing workouts when I’m not feeling good, but do colds have to be in this equation too?? :confused: Colds and minor fevers obviously create some exhaustion, but I can’t possibly cut my workouts short every time they show up…because maybe this year is meant to be a year of colds for me… (last year was not, two years ago it was…)

Any thoughts?

Do your best to avoid colds in the first place! :slight_smile:

Be patient with those; it might take you longer than you think to recover. Having said that, it might just be coming back from those temperatures in Greece a couple of weeks ago and your body is still adjusting…

Right decision today!

Yes, I’m probably getting adjusted to the climate here…I haven’t been sick in so so long.

This morning I had to get out of the house so I went on an hour walk around the neighborhood. That was refreshing.
I had decided not to do any working out today just to ensure that I get well soon, but I got stressed out about some things and HAD to get out and convert any negativity into energy, so I did a 30min run and then 10*60m strides on grass. Those all felt GOOD.

Luckily, I’m feeling a lot better. Pfeewww

Tomorrow probably off, because I’ll be watching Pilot Pen tennis at Yale all day :slight_smile:

Tennis at Yale was greatttt…it actually brought back memories from playing at the states in high school there and my college america east tournaments, “surprisingly”, I didn’t miss it cause I prefer track meets :slight_smile:

Today I’m all healed too :smiley: I got TONS of sun too. I really think that’s what I needed! SUN. Boy, I’ll miss Greece!

So tomorrow I will do a good tempo workout to get my legs going a little bit. Then Monday speed. I love track!

30min run in the rain.

Sweet :slight_smile:

Abs, stretching (uuuhh…I need to stretch more!!)

10min WU on grass,
then started doing drills on grass (skips and stuff) but two people showed up with the lawn mowers…so I jogged another 7 minutes to another field, finished up my drills and then did:
6*80m sprints at about 90%, on grass, so they didn’t feel all that fast and I concentrated more on form. My recoveries weren’t complete at all…I don’t like waiting around for 10 minutes between each sprint… :rolleyes: I know I gotta fix that.
5min CD

abs, stretching (gotta stretch those hammies more often!!)

Starting tomorrow or Wednesday, I’ll start doing regular lifting since I will have easy access to the gym.

Tomorrow classes begin!! :cool: