Yesterday, recovery day:
4 lap warm up, stretch, 4 short strides (60-70m)
Today: speed endurance
4 lap warm up, quick stretch, drills, 2 strides with shoes, 2 strides with spikes
note: cold today…a bit hard to get warm
22150m, about 2.5 min between reps, 20min/set
20.03, 20.5, 20.01, 20.6 (in spikes)
I was bothered I didn’t go under 20, but it really was chilly out there…hey, at least I got all 20s this time, unlike other times when the second rep of each set was a high 21.
This coming week will be hard to train, due to crappy weather coming up (rain, wind, a bit colder). I was pretty lucky so far.
Hey Stefanie, I hope you’re enjoying Greece. Have you seen Pirros out and about? Those warm ups seem kinda long, don’t they, or is it just me? Are those jogging warmups, or are they brisk walking? Just wondering. How about showing us some pictures of Greece?
Oh, I’m loving Greece…i’ll post pictures after the 23rd when i come back, cause i’m my home computer is being repaired here and using the intrnet cafe to post…
Those warm ups ARE long, but they do work for me, cause it’s pretty chilly here and they bring up a sweat before jumping into drills and such…it’s easy jogging, doesn’t really make me tired (matter of getting used to it).
4lap WU, drills, strides (2 in shoes, 2 in spikes)
2200m at 400m race pace, 2min/rep, done at 27.8 and 30.0something
20-25min rest
1300m (400m race pace) done at 44.3
2 laps cool down, stretch
Thursday (today)
8min warm up, stretch, drill, 3strides
downhill sprints on grass (well kind of…there was mudd there too) 2(5*60m), concentrating on my freakin arms which are usually decoration pieces when I run…
2 sets of very light machine weights, 2 for legs, 2 for arms, 12-15 reps each and abs
Stef, you’re running OVER a mile just to get warmed up…that’s a bit excessive…no??? Why don’t u substitute some of that jogging for some extra dynamic stretches/drills…you’re not a distance runner for god sakes!
I find it alot easier to get warmed up when I have to run outside around here doing extended high knee drills/A-B skips than if I just jog for a long time…quicker movements make your body warm up quicker…just from my 23yrs of experience living in the NorthEast…but what do I know about the cold…
As I told you in person, I only get warm after the first 3 laps, so 4 laps are just right, I do 5 laps on the really chilly days. I still do dynamic stretching and drills and strides, and I don’t feel like I’ve spent too much energy at all, my warm up totals about half an hour to 45min, and it feels just right - that’s usually the time I’ll spend warming up at a track meet.
5 laps warm up (hahah, dont’ freak out )
dynamic stretching, drills, 2 strides in shoes, 2 in spikes
380m sprints with spikes (4min recoveries), 10min recovery then
280m sprints with spikes again (4 min recoveries)
2 laps cool down
Not as cold as the other days, but still chilly.
5 laps warm up, drills, 2 striders in shoes, 1 in spikes
2*(2*150m), less than 1:40min/rep(fast walk back), 25min/set
19.5, 20.4, 19.5, 20.5 (spikes)
It was pitch dark outside (7pm) and no lights on the track…only on the adjacent tennis courts…I actually like running fast in the dark.
1 lap cool down.
I have to remember to stretch…
noon practice: 3 laps warm up, drills and such, 2 striders
2*(4* downhill sprints), walk back/rep, 10min/set
That was the last real workout before my meet on Saturday.
Then in the evening 5 laps warm up, dynamic stretching, drills, 3 striders and that’s it
Tomorrow will also be similar to today evening, maybe add a few short sprints (30-50m)
Friday completely off.
I appreciate it
I’m excited about the race. The thing that worries me (as funny as it may sound) is the checking in and the “pre-race” stuff (where to warm up, where to be when it’s time to race, getting a lane number…aaah I got the butterflies already…), last summer when I ran a meet in my city in June, I kinda got confused where I had to be to get my lane assignment, and a man yelled at me for being late… it has created a psychological trauma…
College meets in the US make more sense to me, where procedures are more consistent, or maybe it’s just me…
Get there early, look around and ask people where everything is. This should calm you down for your warm-up!!
Even better, have someone put your name down, take your number, etc
I’m glad my sister will be there actually to help me out and prevent people from yelling at me for being lost :o
Today my college team has a track meet as well, I’m very glad I’m running tomorrow too, otherwise I would feel too left out
On another note, I love training in Greece, the training conditions are not bad at all and I love my coach, but at the same time I’m looking forward to college meets! I’m actually happy the weather in Greece is supposed to get worse starting on Monday, cause that’s the day I leave, so arriving to freezing CT shouldn’t be all that depressing
First meet, and an open 400m PR (indoor and outdoor), I ran a 59.58, I am very pleased yaaaaayyyy
The track was nice, pretty fast, the meet was fun…not too many entries (only 5 actually in the women’s 400!), there were two girls that ran faster, a 56 and a low 59.
My first 200 was a 27 (according to my cousin-fans), which means that my second was much slower, but that is very fixable.
Overall, today was a tiringggg day!!! The train ride was 5 hours long each way, aaaah!!!
Monday I go back to the U.S. I hope I can endure another muchhhh longer trip!!! :rolleyes:
I’m really nervous about going back to the U.S. and having to train with my college coach, following a different program that is different from what has been working for ME.
I NEED to stay consistent with what works for me and keeps me AWAY from injuries… I’m also nervous about getting to proper facilities and training there, because the track that our team uses there usually causes me shin splints and/or stress fractures, and I can’t be running sharp turns at 95%effort on rubber gym floor…
I just HOPE my training will go the way I want it to go…once the weather gets better it will be easier, but for now, I’m just a bit worried, maybe for no reason, can somebody please calm me down?
I will sure miss Greece… I’ll be back here in the middle of May.
Ohhhh and something else: what do you guys think about what colleges do; running a track meet every week for each season? My coach in Greece thinks that the track meets we run are WAYYY too many, and we will get “burned”, making injuries more welcome. I understand that some track meets serve as “tests”, but again, (my coach says) tests are not done every single week without taking a risk (unless you are on steroids…). Plusss…it’s not like I will be doing only one 400 at each meet, I’ll probably always be doing a 4*4 and either a 200 or a 400 as well. I thought maybe I could skip some of the less important meets, which my coach here strongly encourages, but then again, being on the team, that feels wrong from my part… Hmmm any thoughts?
By the way…today was purely a cool down: 5 laps easy jogging (I felt really bouncy today, even jogging…) and stretching, then some abs at home.
Tomorrow is a travel day.