Sorry to hear that.
Kinda puts a sore foot in perspective.
Don’t hope, know. Go to the Doc in the Box if you have to, but get this looked at ASAP. I’ve dinged myself up pretty bad but never had something stay blue :eek:
Let’s “Die Antoher Day” and focus on what’s coming up next week job-wise, no?
PS question for experts: does this blue colour mean that the haematoma spreads out/goes away?
Try and check it though, yes…
Woke up slightly rememebering having two calf cramps in my sleep…I remembered it like a dream…one small one and later one big one that hurt very very much…
When I stepped out of my bed to walk and felt the usual soreness after these calf cramps I get, I was assured it was reality… :rolleyes:
I’m pretty sure I was dehydrated…
Foot looks better today. Less blue.
No23, you’re absolutely right about life’s perspectives… Sometimes (or nearly all the time) we act like big babies.
And besides, to think positively on my issue, this looks by far like the easiest injury I’ve ever had…I sense significant improvement every day.
Juggler, why are you scaring me?? Of course ankles turn blue when banged up…that’s what they do… no? Besides, I can move my toes, walk, even jog, blue does not necessarily mean “dead”. :o
Also, I firmly believe “this blue colour mean[s] that the haematoma spreads out/goes away” (Nikoluski, Stefanie’s track journal and MMA ventures, 2006)
I should also give some attention to my wrist… you know, the one that was chipped in the past and got hurt last Monday? Well, that just needs to stop punching pads every other day for now. I did have a violin night last night and it hurt to do some bowing movements…for now I’m just trying to not stress it.
p.s. will try to see a physio/specialist this week, only open day is Wednesday, let’s see what happens…
(I didn’t say or mean to imply you were moaning or a baby Stef )
I know Doc’s and physios and xrays aren’t cheap but they are well worthwhile.
[I played Gaelic football and worked (typing) for 2 weeks with a numb pain in my wrist (no swelling or colour) before my then GF told me to go to the Doc - 2 hrs later I was in plaster with a diagnosed chipped off bone floating in my wrist.]
Yeh - the blue thing is hard to be accurate - probably disperal, but its funny how some people will colour and bruise easily (I played with one guy who could bruise on a windy day!) and others can get battered around the place and not a mark on them!
It seems like a doctor would be a good idea this week… This foot business just doesn’t look normal to me…a normal bruise should have gone away by now ,right? , and the way it immediately swell up when it happened just did NOT look normal…Now it’s bluish towards the bottom of the toes, and around to the outside right of the foot (that’s the bluest blue) and the rest is just puffy and lighter blue. I will try to borrow a camera tomorrow if I can, and try to post it. It hurts to squeeze it/ poke it, it feels very tight to point my toes down, but I can walk fine. I even tried the elliptical for a few minutes and it felt perfectly comfortable.
Every time I discontinue my running for more than one day for whatever reason (which is always some sort of injury), my muscles freak out… My hamstrings get sore, last night the calf cramps, my calves today have been very tight, both of them.
When I go to the doctor I’ll ask for wrist x-rays as well…although what’s the point? I really know that it’s chipped from 4 years ago and the chip would not have glued itself back, and I know what needs to be done for the problem to be fixed for good (screw the chip back on the main bone), but I don’t want to do that…my plan is to just let it calm down and then just be careful with it…maybe this martial arts business is not a good idea after all?? I truly enjoy it, but right now I have two parts of my body hurting because if it, and I can’t run because of one :mad:
I want to go back to Greece… nothing ever works here…
Today I went on a “leisure” one 1hr and 10min bike ride. Later on, 40min elliptical. I need to start doing some abs… And make stretching mandatory to myself…
Maybe you need to chill a little Stef, don’t worry about heading home, take some time off -watch Greece! (the film - with some ice-cream) and relax, find out exactly what’s wrong with your foot and wrist and then get back into things slowly?
(2 hrs training while injured and a little p*ssed off might not be the best idea?)
What? ? :eek: ? :rolleyes: ? :mad:
Perhaps we’ve been kind to you and you don’t realise you are INJURED!
Yeh - maybe she’ll listen to you Nik!
Remains to be seen… I hope so!
I understand the motive, but not the means!
ok ok…
Steph, take it from a guy who is coaching sprints to an ex kickboxer and an ex Martial Arts guy. They both sufferd knee injuries while doing those sports. I have had to work around their problems caused by participating in those sports. If you want my advice, if you want to improve your track times then take some rest, get some good help and while your on decide whether you want to beat the crap out of people (and yourself) or run track consistently. Best of luck.
Thanksss…I’m really not planning on doing martial arts for the whole year… and these incidents and people’s remarks surely have reinforced my second thoughts about doing it even for “fun” (it’s not fun once chipped wrists become temporarily out of use and feet grow double their size ) in fact…after my foot heals I will even think very hard about going back. That does make me a bit sad though… I’ll just take one day at a time now, see a doctor or physio on Wednesday and plan from there. No reason to worry myself about things from now
Today was sleeping until 12 (!!), since I went to bed at 4:30am the previous night… The rest of the day was practically spent cooking for a dinner that I made for some friends, running around the kitchen, then cleaning the whole house…stuff like that. I am pretty tired from it too…I also discovered that I can cook :o
Foot update: it’s almost the way it was yesterday, maybe a little lighter blue??? Maybe I’m imagining it?? Nevertheless, when my friends saw it today they went like this " :eek: " and asked me why I’m not in the doctor’s office…I don’t get it…they’ve never seen a bruised foot before? They scared me by saying that it looks dead (although everything moves and functions fine) and that my toes get props for still holding on there (the bluest spot is right where the toes start). My friends did ruin my mood for a short while, but since tomorrow I will be planning a specialist visit, I suppose I am taking some action. I just get confused, because 2/3 of my martial arts trainers saw it as no big deal, one guy recommended immediate doctor…and so on.
And if you tell me “just listen to your body and follow your instinct”, then I’d just laugh, because you ARE talking to ME…
p.s. wrist is feeling better and better each day ( )
Work: sitting around (actually not reallly…since I had to visit the bathroom every 20minutes ) for 2.5 hours…then drove to a building half an hour away to do punchlists, meaning walking around and getting headaches for about 5.5 hours. I took a 10min lunch break so I finished an hour early…pfeeeew
And then went to the gym
15min rowing (I couldn’t find how to increase the resistancy on the darn thing…so annoying!! I don’t even think there WAS a resistancy…what’s up with that )
10min stretching (boringggggggg)
400 abs (a good variety)
Two sets of:
- upright rows (8 reps)
- chin ups (first set was 3 reps by myself, second set was 3 reps by myself plus 5 more with a spotter)
- one arm dumbbell rows (8 reps, first set with 30lbs each, second with 35lbs)
- bent-over rows (I was supposed to use a bar for these, but I had to go ALLLLLL the way downstairs to the free weight room and then come back up…wasn’t going to happen just for one exercise )…anyway, I think I did two sets of 30 lb DB’s for both? Can’t remember if I went up to 35.
- pull downs : did 4 different grips/ positions, 8 reps each position.
- back extensions (first set 12 reps, second set was hypers on the matt because someone would not get off the machine…)
- shrugs (both sets 8 reps of 35lbs)
10min biking
Donee… that felt very light though…I need more…
I think my foot needs exercise…Today it’s not swollen any more!!! Just few more blue spots. Maybe I don’t even have to see the doctor!!
Food? Should I keep posting my food?
Well yesterday was a lot of complex carbs I think, I cooked dinner for my friends and I tried some complicated recipies that turned out good
Breakfast was an apple and a cereal bar.
Then I ate a thing with spinach, a crepe with chicken filling, cous cous with mushrooms and onions… sounds a lot, but it was a little bit of everything…
Later two scoops of ice cream.
Today: breakfast: a shake (not protein shake, but still had protein in it…)
Lunch: chicken crepe with some spinach and kidney beans
Dinner : peanut butter and honey sandwich.
So tired…long day…I’m surprized I didn’t blank out during my drive back from school…this entry might be a little bit blunt …just looking forward to getting some sleepppppp…
Went to the gym after work, it was pretty late, gym was desserted, to my surprize and satisfaction…did the following:
18min biking (after min 8 I started picking it up at 1min intervals - with one minute rests -, both speed and resistancy, because I wasn’t really getting warmed up otherwise…)
10min stretching …my old plica syndrome knee issue felt surprizingly GREAT after some hip stretching I did… should do those more often :rolleyes:
- 2 sets of 50 leg abductions for each leg (body weight) followed by 50 leg adductions (each leg)
- 2 sets of single-leg hip/thigh extensions on the ground (25 reps each set)
- 1 set of single leg bridging, 20 each side…my hamstrings felt like they were gonna pop on these, so I decided to put both feet on the ground and did
- 1 set of leg bridging, 30 reps (concentrating on really extending)
- 3 sets of straight leg deadlift, 8 reps/set, 95lbs for both sets
- 3 sets of comp deadlifts, 6reps/set, 95lbs for both sets
then back to
-1 set of straight leg deadlift, 8reps/set, 95lbs - 2 sets of single-leg hip/thigh extensions with hands and one knee on bench, 25 reps/ set
- 2 sets of 40 leg abductions and 40 leg adductions (40 each leg)
- 2 sets of 20 leg bridging (both feet on ground)
(prediction: if anything is gonna be sore tomorrow, it might probably be my lower back…that’s what I felt mostly during the deadlifts, even while trying to put all my concentration into using the glutes - which I did, I just have a weak back right now )
Abs/back exercises done randomly in between, in sets of 50 reps…
5minutes rowing cool down
Food today was pretty clean until "OD’ed :rolleyes: on the peanut butter after my lift…this is what happens when i don’t run…
Morning: half a shake (I had NO time for breakfast… and no…I’m not gonna wake up wearlier than 6:20am…)
lunch: the other half of the shake plus a rather small turkey sandwitch (my job got them for us), from which I took out the top half of the bread because it wasn’t wheat (I honestly don’t like eating white bread…)
little later: ice tea k
an hour or so before lifting (or more): peanut butter and a bit honey sandwich
after lifting (which was 11:30pm…) I decided to just have a table spoon of peanut butter (I was really really hungry but it was really late to eat dinner), but I think I ended up having like 3… :o
Doctors updates: I just got the appointments down at this point: foot is Thursday at 12:20…btw…it’s still blue, and the bluest spots are at the base of my toes, one of my kind friends suggested that I refractured my matatarsals, WHAT DOES SHE KNOW :mad: psshhhh…Anyway, it’s perfectly fine to walk, it just hurts to push on it from the top (which makes sense because that’s where the kick contact was made).
Oh, and since I’m fed up with being hurt again, and this time not even from track, I decided not to go back to Muay Thai and Jujitsu once I heal, not even for entertainment…I will just concentrate on my track thing. Did you all hear that??? :o
I will see another doctor about my last spring’s plica syndromed knee, because it hasn’t gone completely away yet, and I will have it x-rayed (for the first time). I just want it GONE so i can run carefree. I see that doc Sept. 13. I might cheat and also ask him about my wrist, but I’m sure he’ll want it x-rayed, once he sees that the bones don’t even APPEAR right at my wrist… :rolleyes: (nothing freaky people, just two bones sticking out more than they should at two different spots…you can hardly notice unless I pointed it out)
Tomorrow I will do some sort of running testing, so I can report to the foot doctor any “activity symptoms”.
(oh God…I’m really sleepy and this is turning out long again…and I haven’t even showered yet… )
Ok ok…that’s it for the day. Bye, thanks for reading
p.s. I neglected icing today…no ice throughout the day (I was working ), and after the lift I got caught up talking to a friend for about an hour, then went home and remembered about it an hour later… better late than never, no?
We hear you loud and clear! Now I understand both the motive and the means!
Hope it works out well for you this way!
First of all it was first day of classes for me…I love learning… …the enthusiasm this year might be due to the fact that this could very likely be my last year of school (unless I go do a doctorate or something…), so I’m going to make the best out of it.
Went on the track at around 6:45pm to do some strides and test out the foot, the weather was GORGEOUSSSSSS, kids were playing baseball, some guys were shooting goals in the infield, 2 pairs were playing tennis… a couple of people came to run…I missed the track…
Started with two laps jogging, made an effort to run flat footed to limit excessive pressure (or whatever other reason!), NOT A BOTHER. Then did some stretching while walking, some static, some other random things (such as front-back and side to side leg swings), then
- 260m strides with 15 push ups and 100 abs in between, again, I ran these flat footed, I didn’t even know I was capable of doing that :rolleyes: and I found out that you actually work DIFFERENT muscles when you run that way!! cool. I was planning on doing more in the first set, buttt I had to go find a bathroom…and called it a set :o
-460m strides (about 8seconds after each rep: 15 push ups and 50-100abs, depending on difficulty…oh, push ups were done on fists because the normal ones hurt my wrist at the moment), then walk 340m rest
-3*60m strides (after each rep: 10 push ups and 100 abs), last stride was more of a sprint…I couldn’t help it…
Strides felt surprizingly very very good…despite the intentional flat footedness… I had to really think about running like that though, and I also made an effort to keep my arms close to my body, as opposed to “floating” them, like I naturally do.
I felt sooooo good afterwards…running is great.
And 0 foot pain.
It’s just pushing the top part that feels sore…The mystery will be solved tomorrow for me at the doc.
10am shake (calcium fortified drink mix, w/15g protein,13g carb, mixed with fat free milk)
1pm two meatballs with about a cup and a half of rice
5pm balance bar
Workout: 6:45-8:00pm, almost ate a fly, but I decided to spit it out
8:30pm kidney beans, vegetables and half a protein drink (made with milk)
PS on what surface?
PPS does bench press also hurt your wrist?
TRACK (the normal stuff?)
I’m not 100% sure about bench press…I don’t remember, I’d have to try really…
Was sitting there with no socks waiting in the exam room, doctor comes in, takes a glance at my blue skin and says “WHAT DID YOU DO”.
(we’re old buddies…from stress fracture incidents :o )
I tell him what I did
Hahah…it was funny…
He looks a bit worried, I’m thinking “oh boy…”, I ask him “you think I cracked something?” he says “well, you did SOMETHING in there…”, I’m thinking “greeeeattt…”
We take the x-rays, he sees them, comes back and says the only iffy part is in my second metatarsal which is not the part I hit with my foot even…he takes me with him to see the x-rays, he talk and laugh about my 4 ex-fractured metatarsals, I didn’t even know the second one had TWO fractures, and I also don’t know why the doctor finds it so amusing and just looks at me and smiles… :o he’s a funny dude… (he’s always half funny and half serious, works for me…)
But anyways, the kick from muay thai did not do any damage, the blueness takes 3-4 weeks to go away, so taht’s good to know. Ice won’t make a difference at this point, warm water will help the blueness go away.
Second toe “iffiness”…he sees a HINTTTTTT of a crack…which he says might even be what remained of my old fracture, he poked it and stuff to see if it’s bothering, I just felt something slight, and said if it were a fracture I’d be jumping up the roof wiht him poking on it, so that’s good news…He said I can return to my normal activities unless I feel ANYTHING…key phrase “listen to my body”.
I also asked him about my first toe, which is bunnioned and kinda hurts in cold weather (also ex-stress fractured), he told me that I might have problems/arthritis with in the future (like when i’m 40 or older), but if it’s really bothering me I can have surgery in the FAR future…
(this was typed in a hurryy.,…excuse any typos…)
p.s. my body tells me that my foot is not 100% ready to run on track and stuff all the time…i think i need grass for two weeks at least…