err…those are my pb’s…seriously!
But that is because i do oly’ squats and my quads are week as hell and i very rarley do powerlifting squats consistantly enough to lead into a 1RM test session.
Anyway i agree with what you are saying about athletes abusing DL’s, which is probably beacuse it is a lot less daunting than a squat when they get heavy so people push it, probably more than they should. But, out of interest why wouldn’t you use goodmornings as a primary excercise?
There’s too much room for error. In a perfect world if you have a good training base, strong abs and lower back, and use proper form it’s a very safe lift. In reality too much can go wrong. I don’t see any unique benefit to a lifter who already does back squats and deadlifts, not to mention reverse hypers.
I agree, many lifters think the deadlift is so hardcore compared to squatting. “I must be a T-man if I have bloody calloused hands.” IMO nothing is further from the truth. I lose sleep over squats. Not really, but you know what I mean.
True GM’s do have those prerequisites, but then so does all training so they should already be in place, so i’m not sure safety is such a concern. I would be more concerned about consistancy than anything else.
The reason i’m advocating GM’s as a primary excercise for such a session as;
Primary excercise e.g. squats 5x5
Accesory excercises e.g. RDL 3x10, Front Squat 3x10,
or in an abbreviated session; 5x5 Squats,
is to offer a range of excercises to suit athletes of different dominant muscle groups and requirements with the goal of trying to effecient with time/No. of sets. So primary excercises from back to front might look like: Deadlift - Goodmornings - Squats - Front Squats.