speedster's wide reciever training

hey all I’ve been meaning to start a training log for a while now. Im training as a college wide-reciever any help or input is appreciated.

Current status:
Age: 21
Height: 5’10
weight: 171
Best hand timed 40: 4.50
Best VJ: 35.2 (on mat)
Bench: 215
Squat: 275
DL: 275
Power Clean: 205

Training goals for summer:
As you can see im pretty weak, so im trying to bring up my strength and add a little weight. Im actually in the middle of a program and today im just finished the first 3 weeks of a MaxS cycle in the bench press.

I have been unable to do any sprinting or lower body lifting because of hamstring issues. but next week i will slowly add some in.

Todays workout (thursday, june 11): Upper body
(all numbers in order from set-reps-weight)
Bench press: 1x6x135, 1x3x175, 1x3x195,
1x2x195, 1x3x165
Chins: Neutral grip 10/10/8 reps
Flat DB bench (emphasizing eccentric): 70 lbs
6/4 reps
Curls: 4x10

Lower body stretching 10 minutes
Comments: very poor nights sleep prior to workout, bench felt week and tired. Next week i start a deload for a week.

Tomorrow is tempo and medball work hopefully my legs will be feelin better so I can begin some starts.

saturday, June 13

warmup-20 minutes
8x100 (15 seconds each) walk back in between

4x8 overhead throws
3x10 into ground

1 minute rest between sets and 5 minutes between exercises

Cool down and Light stretch

Weights: first day back for squats. Kept it light and very low volume

squats: 135 for 3x5
Chin ups: 10/8/8
Rows: 3x10
Curls: 2x10

Comments: Legs are feeling much better and squats felt good

Sunday june 14 no workout

Monday, June 15

Tempo 10x100 (15 seconds) On grass
Abs: 5 sets failure of bycicle kicks

bench: 155 2x6
Incline DB press: 55 3x10
Rows: 2x10


Tempo: Grass

4x150 in 23 seconds each

5x100 (15 seconds) while alternating abs and pushups between each 100

Squats: 2x8 1x5 135

Friday, june 19

Tempo 10x100
Medball thrrows

Bench: 155 2x6
Chins: 10/10/8
Curls: 3x10

sunday, June 21

tempo: 10x100
Abs and stretch

Squats 3x8

Comments: legs are feelin great and recovering from the weights well. very pleased with the way things are going

Monday july 6th…first day back to sprints

2 laps
gentle stretch
skips/lunges/ 100m build ups

speed work (just starts didnt go out farther than 10m)
1x3 5m
3x3 10m

felt very fast and explosive decided to call it quits just to make sure as ive been doing tempo only for weeks now and didnt want to risk aggrevating my hamstrings.

Bench 3x5 165 (conecntric portion performed very fast)
Inline Db press;55x2x10
abs: bycicle kick 3 sets of 60seconds each

comments: im feeling very strong and powerful all my lifts were very easy and the starts felt great