Speed and Agility

It’s obvious that general strength will transfer over to both speed and agility. I was trying to point out that speed work will do very little to improve your ability to change direction, decelerate, backpedal, pivot or spin.


Can I get some help here?

[QUOTE=Blinky]I was trying to point out that speed work will do very little to improve your ability to change direction, decelerate, backpedal, pivot or spin.

Yes it would seem that way to me too, but studies aside, if agility improves with elasticity, and speed work is a method used to train elastic strength, then it would follow that speed work itself would help to train agility.

Gee thanks for the help guys…:frowning:

BigPhil -

I’m not an expert, but it’s hard to help without knowing where you’re at in terms of season, weight room #'s, sprint times, body composition, and current training program.

Looks good for off season…

Later you might want to drop the bball to practice football skills…


You first started this threah 2 weeks ago, how have you modified your program since then and what kind of progress have you made, also how confident do you feel about your current routine?

I have changed it to a bodybuilding/strength training program to help me gain weight through hypertrphy. I do 3 on 1 off where the 3 on are weights and the off is a speed and agility day. I responded badly to just strength training because I wasn’t gaining enough weight. However, once I get back on bodybuilding type training my strength and muscles explode. Maybe it is genes because I have never had success with strength only workouts. My problem at the moment isn’t strength it is speed and agility and weight. My speed is coming along nicely, but just now my weight is starting to increase. I am one of those guys who hits the gym for 2 hours, otherwise I start to plateau. However, I can use some suggestions for speed and agility drills for a offensive tackle.

Big Phil,
Get the Tunch Punch video. If your OL coach doesn’t have it, tell him about it. It is designed for pass protection. It is a West Coast Pass blocking scheme approach. You can also see applications for DL, bump and run coverage, and linebacker/TE coverage. It is like a speed ladder on the wall. Do med ball work. Charlie GPP video has some good GPP med ball work. Don’t be dependent on coaches who have lost the creativity/want to learn factor. I’m seeing to much of that myself.

One drill I like BP (its ozcoltsfan from bb.com) … is moving your feet laterally, small quick steps and having someone throw a medicine ball to you and you throw it back without missing your steps, whilst someone else is also pointing the direction for you to go laterally (left or right).
In pass pro im fine when I fan to the outside but I have problems with guys who I can punch hard they stop then go inside.