I have been trying to help a friend of mine who plays college soccer. His team just started off season practices and they also play a game on the weekends every few weeks, so it makes it difficult to have a set plan and progression because you are always working around practices and games (the days that they practice also changes week to week). I have stressed to him that I believe skill is still the most important factor, but aside from that, we have been prioritizing sprint work and improving the aerobic system with multiple means.
At this point, what I have suggested for him, was to use the day before practices to do some low volume sprint work (150-200m) plus low volume jumps and bench and squat, but no assistance work. And then on practice days, later in the day do some other full body general strength work, with the practices producing the endurance stimulus, and on other days adding in some aerobic work but primarily on the bike to save his legs a bit from the pounding. Reasoning behind this was that I think practice quality is a priority, so I didn’t want him fatigued during those, but I also wanted him to get in some quality speed and power work. The practices just started, so we are kind of playing it by ear in regards to how much other work he can handle. If we figure that the intensity at practice isn’t high enough to improve his endurance much, we may add in some form of tempo work on those days as well.