Soccer training question

I am speaking from North American side of youth soccer.

I have seen your scenario where higher level youth clubs will practice 2x week and play 2-3 games on weekends, including possibly 2 games within 1 day, often 3 games in 36 hour period. And this is done close to half the year.

As far as I remember the US Soccer coaches program advocates technical development early on (not many games), progressing to tactical development (more game focused). I will try to dig out the info if I can find it, but i recall around age 14 they recommend physical preparation.

Teams around age 12 can handle such a weekend load, but I don’t think it should be done for extended periods of time. My belief is to use a “GPP”-“SPP”-“Comp” scheduling, twice a year. GPP in summer (physical preparation), SPP in early Fall (aug-Sept, technical focus, maintain fitness/speed), and comp would be maybe 6-8 weeks of more game focus. Depending in the winter/spring focus this could be repeated 1-2 more times. Technical training is a must year round. the “GPP” above might include short sprint work, med ball work, general strength, ab work, flexibility/mobility (especially around age 12 when puberty begins to cause chaos). I have seen too many kids get burned out with the current set up and “only the strong” survive often leads to many injuries (I have found more kids get hurt in the end of a long competition block).