Right here Past week was a mess… 4 massage sessions to fix facet joint syndrome… It happens every year and when it strikes I can barely get out of bed.
Came back to training yesterday with some frontsquats, light (80kg) GM’s and Hipthrusts.
Today was quite a nice return track workout.
4X30M, on spikes, 3 pt start. Best of 3.69 HT, first reaction. These felt very, very fast and the angles I was able to feel were new to me. Low all the way !
Then ran a couple of 40 yarders , 2x 4.40 - these didn’t feel as good at all I haven’t run upright in like 3 years hehe
Then onto a 40" paused box jump (from a box squat, pause 3 sec, to box jump) 5x3. Had too much to spare on these but couldn’t find another platform. 50" Next week… I’ll make one from wood and track surface that I have.
The 30’s were blazing for me and I didn’t want to overdo anything on my first track work after the unloading. So I left.
Some joint mobilizations as well as the massage should help with any future facet joint issues. Ask your therapist for some exercises designed to keep the joints moving. That may help prevent the issue from recurring. Or they may be able to teach someone how to do the joint mobs.