Silencer's slam dunks and speed log

[QUOTE=Silencer;246447]AM Forest walk

( What is with the forest walk? Sounds interesting that you do that. )

I gotta tell you the dunking is pretty cool Silencer.
And the spectators are adorable.

Thanks Angela ! Yea, they are cute as hell… Little kids who probably never witnessed a dunk before :slight_smile: There aren’t many athletes around where I live and this country didn’t even get 1 Olympic medal in London :slight_smile:

About that forest walk… I live in the suburbs in a small town surrounded by a really nice and thick forest with a lake in the middle of it. Everyday when I get up I like to walk around there on empty stomach with just some coffee in me.
1 reason is the fat burn. Insulin is low in the morning, cortisol high… Few years ago I read some article by Dr. Lonnie Lowery who cited research showing that if you do ultra low intensity work on empty stomach, then because of the hormonal conditions, you will burn straight fat fast.
Been doing it for years(unless it’s raining too hard), and I can safely say that if one has the time to get up and do it every morning (that’s the hardest part), results are 100% guaranteed.

BUT, what keeps me back in there every morning isn’t the fat burn… It’s kinda nice to have an hour without any phones, paper clips and WWW. the Track provides the same purpose :slight_smile:

That’s the area… Quite niceאגם%20בית%20זית3.jpg

Oh my goodness…

Quote of my day: “Escape. Escape.” (this goes for me)

Nice! (10)

6’5-6’6 210-220. Dude is a freak

Tell you what, my role model has always been this guy :


I can’t blink for an hour every time i watch that video.

He is also my height so it’s always cool to watch.

Training today was forest walk, then


Upper hypertrophy weights:
DB Bench, 40kg each hand, 4x10
Close Grip BB Bench, used 80kg, 4 sets of 8
Pullups to 30 reps various grips
DB Row, 4x8 with 60kg Dumbel
Lateral raises, biceps, neck

Abs 10 minutes

Then refurbished my alloy wheels… sanding+priming :slight_smile: extra biceps work.

Good bulk of work tomorrow… Need to eat good

60 minute walk in the morning

General warmup
Medicine ball throws, 5x6, various
10m dashes x 6, pushup start
6" step jumps, 5x10 secs best of 19 jump per 10 secs
Seated box jump, around hip height , 3 sets of 5 jumps
Altitude landings off hip height, land to absorb and freeze. 5x3

Frontsquats, 5x3 90kg
Clean off blocks at knee height, 100kg 3x3. (clean first not sure why i wrote it second)

Too tired to continue… Don’t even know what force convinced me to lift 1kg today.
Jumps and sprints were excellent though

What’s going on with your futbol team - Galatasaray?

lol ? I’m in Israel :slight_smile: Our football sucks…

Thought you were in Turkey.

hah that reminds me of a chapelle act…


Game day !!!
AM (finished)
Upper weights
Bench press 110kg 5x3
Floor DB press 48kg each hand 3x6
Chst supported row 70kg 3x8
Pullups to 25 repa.

Game at night…

Victory again… Another dunk off a teammates lob… Fun fun fun !

Dunk treat:

OK I got to the stadium today, and before I started a warmup lap I thought about how hungry I was.
So I went to the store and bought one those cooked chicken ready to go…

Ate it in the weightroom.

And then I was too tired to train… :frowning: :frowning:
So now I’m home, will do speed work tomorrow instead.

I had a “training-depression” yesterday and had a complete off day (that’s big news, btw). :slight_smile: Instead, I went on a 1.5hr walk, in which a caught a cold, and I’ve been coughing since (lovely !)
But in any case, I did 10x150m murder-hills with my sister today, followed by a 500m “transformation” on flat. While inhaling the most pollen i’ve seen in the air, and a bunch of other bugs. It was pretty much hard to breathe…! But Hills are my favorite training =)

Silencer, I hope you recovered well from that last-night’s sandwich… !!! :o

I like the food photos. They make me laugh.
I remember training in California a long time ago and we knew this guy named Arnold and he had a gym and he was huge. I think that was the first time I learned from him that eating enough becomes a real challenge for those wanting to get really strong, super fit and are in a category beyond recreation. One of the NFL guys put it best … you become somewhat sick of having to eat so much. I did not always feel this way but I had my share of the challenges associated with timing of eating, what to eat and what worked specifically best for me. Golly geez, if knew then what I know now but ain’t that the way it always is…
Planning your eating and organizing your meals is really a dilema athletes of all levels of sport ( or recreation face I think?) .
Btw. I love roast chicken and I am getting pretty good cooking them.
Silencer, Stephanie… Anyone ?
What are your tricks? Do you have any? What are your favorite things that work for you?
Ok, I see you are not perfecting this all the time but maybe you read my blog about protein shakes. I know it’s seemingly obvious and simplistic for some but I really find the efficiency and quality of food stuff you can use in shakes works for me. Stabilizing blood sugar and keeping a steady flow of nutrients going so your insulin is even and you are never going too up or too down ( with the blood sugar).
If I eat only protein and really cut down the carbs I just can’t train properly.
I have mentioned before using the very high protein diet , no carbs during the week and then bulking up on high carbs on the weekend NEVER WORKED for me.
Hated that feeling and for my event I just never had any energy.
I find simple sandwiches and eating normal really does not work so well if all the things you are doing are not normal. ( ie / training routinely and fairly seriously with intent to perform).
Then there were the guys I witnessed briefly on the track circuit eating tons and tons of simple carbs but I know this was not a routine thing but something they allowed ever so periodically to indulge.
just my thoughts and I would like to hear what others thinking is regarding nutrition and how they make their " tricks" work for them with routine training.

You seem to work quite hard and I was wondering how you feel after taking one day off?
Have you done much experimenting with actively regenerating yourself as your " go to" training seems to be always… more not less.
walking for 1.5 hours and then doing hills the next day makes me tired thinking of it.
I am just curious as I know school is a large component of your day to day lifestyle so perhaps you need more exercise to compensate for a great deal of sitting?

Good, only athletes understand me :slight_smile: That chicken should be on the cover of sports illustrated !!

I totally agree on the intentionally low carb thing, it doesn’t work if you’re on you’re feet training 4 hours at the track in the heat …
What I usually do, which started as a system but now is unconscious is carb cycling. Fancy name for a basic idea, and that idea is “fuel for what you have to do”.
If it is a tempo day, it is wise to limit carbs severely to maximize body composition effects. But if i’m doing 2 hours track and 2 hours strength weights, I’ll bump it up.
So if on a tempo day I’m having 4 eggs, a shake and a salad for breakfast, on speed day i’ll have 4 eggs, shake, salad, and a potato.
For lunch, instead of 2 pieces of chicken breast with a bit of rice and an apple - then 2x chicken breast+a lot of rice/noodles and fruit
And of course Master Cafe and Kinder which is also a bit of sugar before the workout :slight_smile:

Mid workout “boosters” - Dates, walnuts and dried figs are always around and I’ll have a second coffee between track and weights while I rest 15-20~ minutes.

Shakes I have maybe once a day usually in the morning… After the workout I usually burn a tuna (ok, you thought the chicken was funny, wait till you see what I do with a can of tuna and a lighter).

Bottom line I am guessing the goal here is to maintain a low bodyfat level while maximizing performance. Or in other words if I can jump high and measure fast 60’s for 2 weeks in a row, while staying at the same weight (assuming bodyfat goals were achieved) then I am doing good.
Then you can play with it… Too much fuel makes a car heavy, too little fuel and you can’t finish the trip.

Now the morning walks, or morning “light hills” on empty stomach, these are powerful fat burners regardless of the diet. So it’s always nice to have a “spare” workout to take care of 20% of the body composition goals.

I used to count the carbs, but now I pretty much know what a weight gain diet looks like for me and the opposite.
That is because I used to be a 115kg “amature powerlifter” and an 89kg “athlete”.
Carbs is a big thing indeed, with pasta every day, potatos and oatmeal, at 100kg bodyweight, I could do this (225lb x 22 reps)
I think that was last year. (i always bench like that, half inch short of top, keeps my shoulder healthy)
Now at a nice 93kg, I can do 15 on a good day with no speed in it.

But bottom line, doing that @ 89kg would be optimal for an athlete :slight_smile: So now I “only fuel for what I need to do” and keep the “efforts” more CNS oriented rather than muscular/fuel/leverage dependant training.

Is it perfect ? Well, I stuffed a ton of “2nd hand” beef, ground with chicken beaks and feet in a white bread sandwich the other day… And it was midnight ! Still suffering from the effects… But I would like to think that most of the time i’m ok heh

General warmup 20 minutes with sprint drills
Football patterns 30 minutes with friends from national team.
Sled sprints - 6x20m, plus 6 contrast bodyweight dashes after each one.
1 legged box jump - 5x3

Basketball practice, 2 hours. (announced last minute… should have done weights)

Massage 30 minutes

There’s a crow there at the track that eats my dried figs all the time… He actually digs inside my bag when i’m not there.
Next time i’m there i’m going to set up a trap, catch that son of a gun, and put it on a grill. I’ll post my victory picture when I do.
So pissed !!!