Shin Splints: Check again

Thanks dude. I’ve been taking good care of them again, and they’re feeling a lot better.

I’m actually back into lifting and sprinting now, and my shins are feeling reallyy good. Hopefully I’ve overcome them!!! crosses fingers

I decided to start wearing the neoprene compression sleeves again, and I’m really icing the shins nicely now. I also totally changed my diet around and I’m losing some weight. Everything feels amazing now!

I realllyyyyy hope I’m over shin splints, I really do

Edit: Oh yeah, and I think you’re right about the landing. I try not to strike with my heels anymore, for any sort of running. Also when I decelerate after a sprint, I gradually slow down, even if that means over 50-80m and I don’t land on the heels either if possible.

Another update: Speed is feeling real good again. I still lack motivation though. Now that highschools over with, and I’ve grown up, I’ve been thinking to myself what’s the point? That attitude needs to go. Maybe its because I can’t really sprint or do anything except on the track, because I fear pain or worsening of the shins…

Also, the shins are somewhat aggravated today, but theyre okay. Argh why did they feel just about pain free a few days ago, and now they dont? fuck…at least they aren’t as bad as they were before

Don’t let shins take away track from you, they are curable! Only a pain in the butt, but we like challenges, right? And end of high school certainly doesn’t mean end of track, this is when the good stuff starts :wink:
Try to relax, actually relaxing always helps with my shins. Are you a stressed in general?

Glad to read that they are better!

Thanks for the post Stef =)

I’m trying to just train through it now. Even if there’s pain, I’ve already lost 2 years of training…so why sit around anymore is what I’m thinking. They were feeling so good though , I dunno why they flared up again. Eff it, I’m not gonna stop training again for this.

Because of the pain and injuries, I’ve been very stressed. The more I think about it, the worse I feel, and the worse the pain is. I’ve been trying to just ignore the pain, and have fun. Maybe they’ll really just be gone eventually if I keep training. Maybe?? It’s just inflammation afterall…apparently it’s only MILD.

But yea I find relaxing helps too. Makes me feel better just chillin=)

ignore post.

im really happy my shin splints have stopped almost completely now since i do tempo on grass, man what was i thinking doing over 2000m of tempo on the track.

Out of curiosity how does tight calfs and shin splints effect ground contact times or speed in general, is it a negative? I have tight calves and so do many other athlets but we still see improvement regardless so it is something to think about or not?

What type of shin splints did you have? And all you did was just do tempo on grass?

Hmm I’m also trying to think. Why would compression sleeves make my shins feel tons better after only a few days of wearing them? I don’t understand how they work so good for me. I’m considering just training upper body for now…and trying maybe a 4-8 week thing of just pure rest for the shins in the sleeves + tape…because I had my last PE class yesterday…which means I actually have a chance for pure rest.

After a few days with the sleeves…the constant dull pain is gone, and walking doesn’t aggravate the shins. I’ve been down this route before, the shins start to feel really good with the sleeves on…but I either take them off and they get worse, or I just try to train again and they get worse. Maybe 2 months will be ample recovery time…then I can start by biking again. Dunno…I’d like to think ONE day I’ll be rid of pain. My whole life the past 2 years has been to find ways to alleviate my pain…really sad.

Have you tried running on grass bare feet? You may have very weak foot muscles which can contribute to shin splints .

Tried it. Only makes the pain worse.

Are there ANY muscles in particular worth stretching to help treat medial shin splints?

I just “PRed” today…did a full butterfly stretch. Got my knees to touch the ground. Also easily touched the ground in the standing hammy stretch. The shin stretch never feels like its doing anything anymore…except I feel an insane stretch in the foot/ankle joint…which maybe should be loosened up??? The calves are always retarded since stretching fails to show improvement in anything. No quad stretch does anything for me. I never feel a stretch in my quads ever…

lol I’m retarded. I’m probably stuck with this shit forever…

Keep doing it. The positives outweigh the negatives.

How do you figure?

A couple guys I know had shin splints…reduced volume + strengthening the feet seemed to do the job quite effectively. Given your issue sounds much more deeply rooted…but it might provide some relief.

yeah instead of tempo on track i did on grass, i still get it i just learn to deal with it. As i get running and warm it up its fine. Just at first it hurts alittle. I learned to just deal with the damn thing.

I tried dealing with them for 3 weeks…they actually felt pretty good the first week…but they just hurt a lot after the 3rd week. It just felt like there was a hard force going through the lower shin bone…and constant dull pain in the muscles, even at rest. Maybe my orthotics suck…I dunno what else to blame my failures on. Maybe I never gave myself a true period of pure rest.

But you still did your sprinting anyways?

If you suffer from shim splints, check the orthotic and do speed end work (continuous runs only as stopping and starting is the most stressful_ once a week and everything tempo related in the pool or with non-running work.

What in your opinion makes a good orthotic? Would you know any good providers in the LI/ NYC area?

And if I get you right, I’d basically be accelerating gently until I reach top speed…and just hold that for a bit and then gently decelerate ? Or do you mean doing like 400m runs without a full out acceleration?

I’m still considering just pure rest on the shins for the next 8 weeks, but you may know better than me about what I’m truly in for if I go that route…I don’t understand how just inflammation can be so painful. there isnt even any fracture

bump, please reply charlie!

Just wanted to chip in my experience, I had it for like an year and a half. The main culprits = too high training volume (in particular excessive 200 to 500m. reps. on a long to short program), a hard track. How I cured them = use soft running shoes as much as possible, speed spikes as little as possible. Anything under 85% effort should be done with running shoes. Everything 150m. and over I was doing in cross-country spikes and all speed in long sprint spikes (those that have a heel). I only used my speed spikes for competitions. Also avoid jumps and lunges like the plague. Once we reached the short part of the program that year the pain was completely gone. Then it came back for a month or two during the highest volume part of the next long part of the program, but went away as soon as volume started decreasing. Short speed sessions (reps of 80m. or less) really killed my shins when I had the problem, these should probably be minimized or use a flying start.

When I switched to short to long and trained a lot on softer tracks I never had problems again. This is just an overload problem caused by too much track and jumps volume. But it doesn’t go away spontanteously, so it’s dumb to completely stop training. Instead take gradual steps. Ice in my experience was of little use, this isn’t like a nortmal tendinitis. My 2 cents.