Shin Splints: Check again

Well if you cant run for a bit, i guess you could be using the ball in place of running, no idea about the numbers, maybe 20min worth? 1min between throws maybe?

Ok sweet thanks

I was lookin up some stuff and came across Periostal Massage. Anyone know anything about that?

Imo, a good progressive massage (superficial toward deep/frictional) on your foot, calf and tibial, ems in pulse and strength mode and arnica shots are the best solutions.

ART is a great tools but is always a tools, the concept is mobilization of the muscle tissue.

You can try to do an ointment mixing voltarin, arnica comp and warm water, shake as a martini, then apply it on your leg over night.

You think massaging the bone since theres some pain there would do any good? or is that just stupid lol

Work on your muscles not on the bone!

Muscle fatigue by myofascial restriction/fibrosis inhibite muscles to absorb force and much stress is placed on your bone structure.

Thanks. I’ve been resting and not doing anything strenuous or stupid for the past couple days and it feels like the inflammation is calming down right now. They still are inflamed of course, but at rest I don’t have pain…which was not the case a week ago.

Think those calf supports are worth investing in?

Maybe? might be good for before you exercise, warm up the area.
Perhaps, also, after you have removed pain from the area, and it feels good. Go do some weights on them calfs for a bit. Maybe a month or so? Work on them calf muscles and the tibia anterior. Build up some strength, go for range of motion - if you do one foot pause at the bottom, it will help stretch out the calf. Do both seated and standing calf raises and stretches. Continue the calf rehab work. Arnold use to train his calfs heavy and everyday, on the basses that calfs are used to walking every day, and for them to grow, you need to really dig deep into them, they are stubborn and respond to large amounts of work.
After a period on time, working on the calfs, Pain free, then slowly attack your running again! Remember, ice at night still, keep the massages going. If it gets a bit sore, cut back till they are better. Eventually, you will be fine, pain free and running.

maybe try doing some isometric calf raises with ur body weight. stand on ur toes starting with 3min rep and work ur way up week by week up 2 10min reps.

i managed 2 get a successful recovery of a achillies injury using this system. make sure ur protien intake is sufficient cos it builds and repairs damaged tissue.

Thanks guys.

Arnie- interesting idea there. How many times per day (and per week) ?

Oh yeah, probably a big factor I never even told you guys about was when my shin splints developed. I guess a quick injury history should be important:

July 29th 2005- grade 2(i think it was 2 anyways…maybe 2.5?) sprain of my rightankle. I rolled it with a 115lb barbell on my back (I was doing step ups and fell …fuck). My right ankle is STILL noticeably looser than my left, but there isn’t much pain

October 2005- grade 2 or 3 tear of my right hamstring. Sprinted the day after a squat max out…and this injury still somewhat affects me. It still feels like there’s a bulge in my hamstring, however sprinting/running causes no pain. Something just feels weird there, and I can make my hamstring bulge, unlike my left. dunno…it just feels diff still

January 2006- Developed shin splints. Pain originated in upper outer calves, and was hurt in motions that compressed the calves (such as kneeling squats, or doing foam rolls for my tibialis anterior) Pain then spread to my inner shins, and has remained there, while the original pain has gone away. Pain was originally worse in my left shin, but has now balanced out

Just a brief history of my recent major injuries. A self flexibility diagnosis done by me has revealed that I do have a few imbalances between my left and right side. Also, for some reason my quads would feel “cramped” sort of when I did stuff like kick hard or jump in the past few months…perhaps indicating a flexibility imbalance or electrolyte imbalance? I admittedly dont eat much potassium as far as I am aware of, and probably only drink 64fl oz maximum a day, not necessarily from water alone though.

Dunno if any of that means anything as far as to why im still hurt though

do 3-4 sets
of 4 reps every day. maybe try walking on ur toes as well as much as u can thru out the day, this should give the calves a very light stimulis 2 adapt 2.

as far as i can understand u don’t have shin splints cos that has got 2 do with the bone ur problem is muscular. i have an athlete that had a similar problem 2 u. the soleus muscle, which i believe where ur pain is, in most cases the soleus should consist of app 75%-90% slow twitch due 2 the fact that it is used 4 walking all day. u may just have a higher percentage of ft which is thought 2 get damaged easier than st.

4 efficient muscular contractions u need an adequate amount of calcium, sodium and potassium in ur diet.

the bulge in ur hamstring could b scar tissue, watch out 4 that cos scar tissue is not very elastic and could tear again.

i have a mate that snapped his hamstring in a couple of places on both legs, both legs have the same funny bulge problem. Though they dont affect him in general life, he also does not and has not “trained” in yrs now!!
You seem to be highly unbalanced, hence the recuring injurys. My brother is/was highly imbalannced. He came to live with me 6weeks ago, i have had to cut his weights right back to 2 lifts (bench and deadlifts). the deadlifts were cut back from clean n jerks, to power cleans, to deadlifts with a shrug now down to just deadlifts. His form really sucked. Only just the other day i noticed that the deadlifts are finnnally being pulled correctly, and he says, “man that was easier”. His bench is still, right arm stronger, its starting to even out.
In the last wk, plenty of flexabilty work. WE dont have him sprinting yet, lots of Left to right work ie, speed endurance.
My 10yr old cousin is worse. No weights for him, but med ball throws, man, you can see imbalances everywhere. No muscle tone, little flexability, and less than no fitness - such low fitness its like he is a smoker!!

You need to get your hammies checked out. Try to find a stretching band if you can, its like a massive elastic band. stretching and weights done in proper form need to be worked on, a lot. A proper massage will need to be done like every 2nd day for at least a week? Use tens/ems to help with tightness and weak spots.

I never even stretched for years. I started off my training “Career” with lifting…and never even stretched. I only did mild stretching once I started sprinting.

I doubt I’ll be able to get to a massage therapist, considering I’m just a teenager with a part time job.

Perhaps you can help me with the lifting/stretching program? I have a foam roller, but find a baseball to really go in deeper. I dunno if thats a bad thing, but I made my calves really sore today from rolling them on a baseball yesterday. I found a spot that REALLY hurt in the calves, but dunno if that means theyre knots or anything, because they were in the same spots in both legs. It wasnt even where my shin splint pain was

The foam roller is great, be careful with the baseball it can be great but it also can do some damage. I use a tennis ball softer and has some give so it cant do as much damage.

I cant afford massage either so i encouraged my gf go to massage school (i hope she doesnt see this :wink: ) Or just convince a girl to give you a little rub down.

Hot/cold helps to. Get two buckets that you can put you legs in. They dont have to be large ones just up to your knees.

I can see it now! the new Pick up line at the night clubs… :stuck_out_tongue:

Also, I just took a pic of my feet with and without the orthotics…and I don’t think the orthotics arent really correcting much if anything?

dunno maybe im just not seein it

Often 0.5 inch of correction can be the solution for a problem.
Try to give a chance to orthotic.

Then, soft tissue work on your lower leg can be an idea for manage your gait imbalance.

Yeah I went back to the podiatrist. He said these are definitely giving me support, and should be fine.

He also tested my calf/achilles flexibility and said it was veryy very tight, and said I need to stretch out a lot, and he’s going to give me a night splint to help the stretching process.

What do you guys think about night splints?

Is ice the best way to go even if its been a year? I thought heat was supposed to be used after the first 48 hrs

if you want to massage your shins heres a trick I picked up from a training camp. Ice them until they are as numb as possible and then really work on the sore areas.

I’m actually getting ART heh…gonna ask about getting deep tissue work as well. Sounds interesting though!

edit: I’m in a frenzy of research now, and I came across some sites that are saying you shouldn’t land on your heel when you run. Such as this site:
stuff like that makes me question whether i really need to wear orthotics. i pronate(flat-feet)…so better not take a risk eh? (especially while i still have pain…)