Sharp pain in groin/hip area

A therapy example for anyone to try.

  1. Get two large pales of ice water and dip your feet in and out for a duration of 10 to 15 minutes challenging each time the duration of time in the water. Ideally try and get pales that go as high up as possible. One depth would be past the achilles, next depth to knee, third and best of all is just past the knee. ( harder to find pales that go that high)

  2. Paraffin wax is next = dip both feet past the Achilles in and out ideally for 10 to 15 min duration. Rest the waxed wrapped feet/ ankle joint on edge of pales you just used to ice bath your feet.

  3. EMS on your hamstrings and glutes. = Use active recovery mode on both Hamstrings and Glutes and do quads if you are able. ( you can google info here on the site about ems)

  4. End with massage with emphasis on glutes and hamstrings and quads if you are able.

Failing this method find a contrast spa or do contrast bath every day for at least 3 days or more in a row. I might try one in the am and one before bed if I wanted to get a result faster. ( I used to always be in a hurry but what is important is layering therapy = varied methods combined are typically more effective than one chosen method unless the entire system is " treated" such as pool therapy.

I hope you try some of this Major as I would like to see if you are able to get yourself feeling better soon. Injuries suck and they don’t need to drag you down . Think of an injury as an invitation to get better quickly and tighten up your training routine.