Semenya saga: management

There are two issues here why…

  1. Domination
  2. Future results/records

If she is allowed to continue competing, (after having improved her PB by 16 sec. in a year and winning the title convincingly), will her “condition” allow her to continue improving at much greater rate than other woman, and how IAAF will handle/cop with/justify/act/explain to public (after having learned all about this case) that they are behind someone who may be breaking WRs easier than Bolt but with an advantage while at the same time vigorously defending their standpoint on performance enhancing accessories!

What if all other competitors say: we all will run once we have balls too! And refuse to compete if CS is in the race with them?

Remove them, undergo HR therapy and continue running, I say.

For the record, kk1, and CF, my previous remark was not targeting any particular ethnic group, rather I used it to point out that it is easier to scream - it is because you are antisemitic, racist, sexist, alcoholic, homophobic or a sprinter - (as the Sport Minister did when blamed IAAF for racism and sexism) than rationally discuss the matter, find a solution, and in an orderly and civilised fashion deal with the matter.

The Minister threatened with a war! I know he was no different to Damir Dokic who made stupid threats towards an Aussie diplomat and that his “war” was rhetorical stunt but being a minister you should act like one, especially when dealing with sensitive issues. Humans need to evolve further, or better, we need to grow up.