Self massage works!

What do you mean by jacked up? Tight? :confused:

I think you raise a key point. ā€¦big on foam rolling when therapy access is limited. IMGHO having access to very regular massage (3+ pw) would automatically mean foam roller use would be less.

Mine is only once every 2 weeks so it is a case of necessity. Having 2 quite different ones helps too, one gets deeper and the other more for flushing.

Not sure about EMS but what I am using a fair bit (and with good effect) is relaxation ā€˜tapesā€™.

how perceptive of you to pick up on the ā€¦ā€˜roboticā€™ consistency in doing thing, and so much nicer than other possible descriptions such as obsessive or anally retentive :stuck_out_tongue:

Iā€™m not as ā€œobsessiveā€ or ā€œanally attentiveā€ as John :slight_smile:
I do use foam tubes and balls on a weekly bases for myself and all my p.t. clients.
In the beginning foam is slower than Tens, but with practice your muscles learn to relax faster with foam and you cam be done in as little as 10min with a lot of diff muscles.

Iā€™m not as ā€œobsessiveā€ or ā€œanally attentiveā€ as John :slight_smile:
I do use foam tubes and balls on a weekly bases for myself and all my p.t. clients.
In the beginning foam is slower than Tens, but with practice your muscles learn to relax faster with foam and you cam be done in as little as 10min with a lot of diff muscles.

Sorry, John, what do you mean?

Most people donā€™t have the luxury of having massage as part of the training session and it is done separately. Should stretching be done post massage?

I see. I guess it depends on the nature of the massage. If light (and consistent) I wouldnā€™t mind some stretching and light mobility work to check things. Otherwise, I would give the body a day to settle down at which point you can use whole body light activities and stretching. What has worked for you? Others?

As mine is not that light I always ensure I have a rest day to follow and donā€™t stretch or anything. I only raised it in light of the agreement to stretch post foam roller.

I think there is some similarity between a light massage and the use of a foam roller, in the sense that both can potentially be applied rather systematically (e.g., no need to go deep). I guess, in that sense stretching can follow both recovery modalities.

I have got to get one of theseā€¦