bench 1x70 1x77.5 1x85 1x92.5 1x102
bent row 4x6
curls 3x8
MB tempo 2x5x100
Worked up to an easy 325 could have hit 335 with no problem and 345 if my AC joint was 100%. The glute activation work has increased the size of my glutes and the squatting has made my upper legs (quads/hip flexor) alot thicker.
squats 1x70 1x77.5 1x85 1x92.5 1x102 (worked up to 535- could have done 545-555 but wanted to save some for Wed)
pull thrus 2x10
abs 200x
Tread tempo - 2x5x20sec/40off (Rain kept me indoors)
Bike 10mins
Not bad considering I have a shitty diet and taking zero supp - no protein etc.
Overall I am on track strength wise and running is feeling effortless.
Just looked through this thread and was wondering what you are training for? The threads title is ‘Run Fast are die Trying’ which I know you mean run fast or die training however you list very few running sessions and seem to have an obvious interest and passion in the strength training. Just wondering if you were training to run a track and if so which ones? I also have to agree with previous responses to your training responses that 4.5min rest for max speed work if I have read correctly is very inadequate if your aim is a shift in your top speed. Cheers
The plan was to start Fall GPP mid August - somethings came up so I’m looking at early Sept instead. Today is another rest day - the month of August I’m planning active, passive, and very easy strength training sessions. The early part of the month will be easy workouts then more active and passive rest towards mid-late month.
Can’t wait to start training because I need to get in shape and drop 5-8lbs. The weight loss should happen pretty quickly once I clean up the diet and drop (soda, ice cream, chips, honey buns) etc.