RCRM's Training Log

4th week of January.

Plyos - ATM pause Jump Squats (explosive strength), shock jumps (reactive strength) and explosive push-ups (upper body)

Agree, that seems likely - I will probably cut it back to 2 days/week when club PS training starts.



Didn’t get up early enough and work all day so could only do a General Fitness circuit indoors at night (too dark for tempo and skills).

General Fitness Circuit

Jumping Jacks x15
Burpees x15
Mountain Climbers x15
Ergo Rowing 1 min (approx 230m/min pace)
MB Crunches x15
Push-ups x15

No rest b/w exercises, repeated 3 times with 1 min recovery b/w circuits

It was a lot more challenging that I expected.