RB34 Comeback Program Part 2

So do you mean you’re going to take off 4 weeks from meets?

No! I’m going to be smart with my training and cont with my treatments and after the season rest for 4 weeks.

Wed: 510
Warmup C+Acc ladder+builds
2x30 pushups
Stadium pogo 2x20
hh 3x10
core 100x

Trash weather today, 60’s and a 15-19mph headwind. I think the headwind was a blessing because it kept the speed down which isn’t a bad thing this week. Overall the times were very similar to the workout 2 weeks ago. With the weather conditions and no SE work for about two weeks it wasn’t a bad workout.

Warmup C+acc ladder+1x100yd build
2x30 facedown
5x150@18sec 5mins
squats 2x3x315
bench press 2x3x225
pullups 2x8
box jump routine:
core 100x

Sat/Sun: REST

I took it very easy on the 150’s esp on the first 50. Bicep femoris is so damn tight, I feel it’s gonna rip at anytime.

Week 4: June 14
Mon: 330
Warmup C+buildups 30-100
3x30 face down
4x60 3pt
P skips h/d 2x5
ohb 2x5
Spilt squats 2x5
bench press 332
rows 3x8
reactive height 2x5
core 100x

Mod Warmup A
core 200x

Didn’t feel like going to the track today so I did a bike workout. Glad I didn’t compete last weekend because the weather was shit, 10.3 guy ran 10.8’s.

Wed: 510
Warmup C
2x30 3pt
squats 2x3x315
bench press 2x3
core 100x

Thur/Fri: REST

Warmup A
2x5x100 rest 30sec/3min
core 200x


Hey nice Journal…?

Was you being serious about taking 10 fish oil caps at day…?


I will take two, 4 times a day.


I thought too much, could thin your blood or something.

CP mega amounts (30-50) maybe.

Week 5:
Warmup C
4x20 3pt
height x6
core 100x

Hamstring felt like shit. The meet got moved to Tue instead of Thur.

100: 10.95 (-0.5) Rest 20mins
200: 22.80

The plan was to have a nice hour long warmup but that didn’t happen, traffic was crazy and I ended getting lost. I arrived at the track 20mins before the race and beg the meet directors to give me additional 10mins so I had 30mins to warmup.

Stride 3x100’s
Couple dym stretches
Couple sprint drills
2x100’s buildups
Throws x2
Stadium pogo 2x10
Overspeed starts 3x10
Several sprints over 30-60m

I was moving non stop and it also helped that I had 4 layers on my lower body. Traveling to Houston Tuesday and will race Thursday nite in H-Town. Second fastest time of the season, let’s see what I can put together over the next couple weeks.

Looks like you got your speed back, do you think so?

Slowly… My hamstring is really causing me problems late in races and causing my tech to break down. In the 200 towards the end I had to give up because my hamstring started to hurt. I have 4-5 meets reminding so let’s see what I can do, my friend told me I had 10.7 in me today.

Schedule leading up to TX:

Thur: SE+weights
Fri: Tempo
Sun: Speed+weights
Mon: Tempo
Tue: Travel
Wed: Premeet
Thur: Race
Fri-Sat: Rest
Sun: Speed+weights
Mon: Tempo
Wed: SE (Stim meet)
Thur: Travel

So your first meet will be next weekend

Im curious, by “weights” are you doing heavy squats? My times would be brutal with weights that close to competition.

How do you feel about eliminating weights 2-4 weeks prior to peek competition? Have you ever experimented with that or do you have a theory as to why you are maintaining the lower body weightlifting.

The squats are not super heavy. I would never take weights away but I will drop squats 10-14 days out. My inseason weights a couple years ago was 3x2x405.

Thur: 230
Warmup C+acc ladder+buildups
Stadium pogo 2x20
2x40 pushups
1x150 standing
p skips distance 2x5
blf x5
squats 2x3x315
pause bench press+chinups 3x2(245-225)+3x8
ohb x5
core x100

The 150 was awesome, I had to reduce the throws and bench press but overall training session was awesome.

As of right now I won’t be making the trip to Texas because it seems like I have a better offer on the table. My next race will be Tuesday night.