Wed: 500
Warmup W
2x30 sled (25lb plate+sled) - done in trainers
2x40 blk
2x3x60 30/3/5
A’s 3x30
400 jog
willie x8
pc 3x70 2x2x75
spilt squat 2x5
1a: ip 2x3
1b: vert pull 3x8
1c: planks 30sec
Overall the speed session was average and nothing spectacular. I re-injured my rib cage while performing power cleans, I drop them and performed 3 sets of 5 reps of db jump squats. I will consider dropping the ol’s and perform jump squats and lunge jumps if the problem doesn’t get better. I also had a chance to film a couple runs, the quality isn’t great and cant tell much. The first sled pull I kinda stubble coming out of the 3pt stance and the blocks starts didn’t feel great at all. BTW, I got some new racing spikes and the spikes they sent with the shoes are extremely short.
Countdown: 10 Days