Pistorius decision pending

Got it in One


What about reduced ground contact time? Surely this involves lower limb strength.

Hip torque has a greater effect on CT.

Do you have any understanding of biomechanics ?

Sequential summation of forces, tells us that power is generated from hip. Transfered to knee- ankle joint. For summation of forces to be successful, the forces generated at each joint must be rightly timed. Given that Oscar has prosthetic legs. The timing & stability of each joint will be negatively effected. Splits are irrelevant, you just need to understand the biomechanics.

This kind of sums it up. If it really did help people would be cutting off their legs to win the olympics! And in the near future we should see Paraolympic athletes that out perform abled body athletes. Let’s just wait and see if it ever happens.

Thats where fantasy takes over reality.

r u a sport biomechanist?

Please explain his 400m split times with your incredible biomechanics knowledge. Why have other people with PhDs in biomechanics said he does have an advantage?

Greater effect does not mean only effect! Don’t you get it??

You are saying splits are irrelevant–that is part of the damn evidence! Look at one of his 400m race, please.

Their conclusions are based on data which is compared to the control group. In this study I don’t think the control group was adequate.

Additionally their data is based on Oscar alone. The conclusion that prosthetics are an advantage was tested on one subject. Note the data on Oscar would need to be repeated by larger sample groups in order for the conclusions to have statistical power.

This study opens up more questions then it answers. Those who blindly accept their conclusions, fail to understand the high level of evidence required for scientific proof.

Why isn’t the control group adequate?

You love to talk about statistical power, but it gets away from the point entirely. The population of double amputees with the cheetah prosthetics is 1. You cannot have a larger sample size. The fact is, there is a crap load of evidence to say that he is benefiting from them. There is theoretical and empirical reasons to conclude that. Again, please address his splits–simple as that. Explain to me how those splits are possible without something about the prosthetics impacting his performance–whether it is fatigue mechanisms, top speed, or whatever.

piss poor pace judgment? :confused:

What actually were the splits? Does anyone here know them by 100m? I have seen the vid which is :eek: I would expect more than 1 race to be used to draw a conclusion from though.

Pistorius has a PR of 46.56 - according to Google. The qualification standard for the OG is 45.55. WITH the ‘unfair’ assistance of the blades - according to Bruggeman - he has to improve with 1 second to ONLY qualify. Now he wants to take the IAAF to court?? To say WHAT??? That - because of his ‘unfair ADVANTAGE’ that HIS standards must be LOWERED?

Somebody said - ‘Oscar Pistorius should rather use the vast amount of money he will spend paying his lawyers to further the cause of fellow disabled athletes, not trying to disown them.’

I rest my case …

What are his splits without the blades? That will tell you whether the blades are an advantage to him or not…
Fatuous :eek: I know, but I’m over all this.

i think splits are necesary here. i just watched a few of his races and i honestly dont see anything spectacular. yes his second half is better, but im not sure its a as ridiculous as people are making it out to be. and while his endurance is better than his speed, his PRs dont look too suspicious either. splits are needed before this discussion continues.

Which races are you speaking of? http://youtube.com/watch?v=1so1ZMgpg2w

He is down by almost 20m at one point in that race before taking a close 2nd.

eyeballing that race doesnt do us any good. splits now.

Demand splits and you don’t even search?


It’s the first result.

His second 200m in the 400m is a second faster than the first. Splits from actual races are in the article.

i have looked (before i made my first post in this thread) and didnt find anything. that article had splits from a race of his in sheffield (24.4/23.3), or did i miss something? im hoping for rome splits, though 24.4/23.3 would be proving the same point.

To assume technology will not surpass the human body in something as simple as biomechanics (when compared to AI and similar categories) is riduclous. He’s a scapegoat, it doesn’t matter whether there’s an advantage or not.

Similar situation: Bodybuilders with naturally low testosterone and high estrogen levels take prohormones to supplement (and bring them up to “normal levels”), should they be allowed to compete in all natural shows?