I am delaying going to the weightroom again for a week of bodyweight exercises. Good advice is messing up my schedule! :mad:
I have started my summer job as a camp counselor. It is EXHAUSTING chasing kids around all day. I have to take coconut oil before training to get my energy up. My grandmother died so we’re going down to Atlanta on Wednesday for the funeral. I don’t know how this will play out training wise.
Tuesday, June 25, 2003
-SPEED! 330 from standing, 330 from prone. At least five minutes in between each. 3 by 3*3 hurdle hops. These were on the second lowest setting for hurdles, pretty close. I didn’t want to go higher than that because I thought it might break the 30 inch rule. I would do the three walk back, do three walk, do three and then take about 2-3 min. between sets. I also did some barefoot power skips.
-After this, I did three sets with no rest of a circuit consisting of ten jumps reaching up for something, ten pushups, 20 v-sits, and 10 floppy fish on each side. This was actually pretty hard by the end. Next speed session I think I’ll try to add another set after some rest.
Wednesday, June 26, 2003
-OFF (not by choice), but the same stretching as Saturday, June 22, 2003 except only two on hip flexors and no stretching on calves because I couldn’t stretch them in our hotel room.
Thursday, June 27, 2003
-Did not do extensive warmup or much in the warmup department.
-4*5m from a prone start up a small grass hill. These felt good.
-Tried to do a GPP circuit of:
jumping jacks
abs (sort of like v-sit but only one leg at a time)
and then start over again, but when I was doing the lunges my right hamstring tightened up and felt like it was going to pull. I was worried that I had a timebomb in my hamstring because during the season this one really swelled up after a meet one day and because I sometimes feel some weirdness in it when I’m doing leg swings as part of my warmup. This same feeling had happened once before during lunges, but that was months ago during winter track.
-I did some jumping jacks and jumproping and went in.
-Hot bath.
Friday, June 28, 2003
-I went to this local place where they give 10 minutes massage for 15 bucks. I actually ended up getting about 15 minutes, almost completely on the right hamstring. The woman told me that I had tons of trigger points in the hamstring as she went up and down the leg, but that she was able to release all of them. She assured me that tempo would be fine today, and speed would be fine on Saturday. This was a real relief because it seems that I was right that it was just a matter of time before my hamstrings pulled if I continued like this.
-Tempo, 3 sets of 3*150. I think I lost some cardiovascular fitness during this week.
-Hot bath.
-Tiger balm (the stuff is awesome!) on the hamstring before I went to bed.
-Same stretching as Saturday, June 22, 2003.
Saturday, June 29, 2003
-Only 7 hours of sleep last night. The Italian Job sucks balls.
-Tiger balm seemed to have worked well.
-We were up in upper New York seeing my aunt’s first house so I had to run on a track that was almost as hard as ashphalt I couldn’t run with my spikes on. First extensive warmup with dynamic stretching (leg swings forward and sideways, shoulder rotations, ankle rotations) instead of static as usual on CNS days then…
This is a quote from Dan Fichter in the maximum velocity thread:
"I think something to think about as you train younger kids (high school) is the run up they use in a flying 20 meters or 30 meters. Even less experienced athletes fall apart during flying 30 meter runs. With HS kids we struggle with flying 30’s. Kids fall apart. We try to lengthen that as the season goes on. It’s amazing what they look like when trying to sprint that distance. I agree with Charlie that accelerations have to be kept to a minimum. I want accelerations in no way to impact top speed runs. Something I like to do to show kids that relaxation is key is to have then run gradually faster timed trials as they get warmed up. So, I throw a % out there. They run it, I give them a F.A.T time, and they gradually pick it up each run. What we see happening is when I tell them full speed, most of the time you see times get slower. When you say full speed to a younger kid they immediately tighten up. It’s a great teaching technique for them to feel that more relaxed is so much better than full speed tight! Each athlete will have a preferred run up. Each group of as athletes might need different max velocity work.
Just some thoughts "
Because of the recovery block and all the tapering in season I think I have to reteach myself how to relax a bit so I tried doing this over (approximately, I think a bit less) 30m. I ran my first at all out. I false started a bit but decelerated a bit at the end. I ran a 4.16.
Next I set a target time of 5.2.
I ran as relaxed as possible and ran a 4.68:mrt:
For the next run I set a target time of 4.6 and ran a 4.3
For the next I set a target of 4.2 and ran a 4.3
The last one I tried to run at all out and I ran a 4.10. No false start, no deceleration. So it was a slightly better time with an accurate timing system. More importantly though I think the relaxation would have carried me through the next 70m much better than on the first run because I was fighting less.
-Thanks for the idea Dan.
-Depletion pushups, 39, 10, 8.
Sunday, June 29, 2003
-Sleep last night was 1:00 AM to 10 AM. Not by choice.
-Curses, messed up dates again. Today is correct.
-Extensive warmup in backyard where the whole workout took place.
-Remedial tempo: trying to not really worry about mechanics and just relaxed
4*(6*15m) turning around when I reached the end of my yard and running the distance again. Seemed to work.
-200 sledgehammer pounds in sets of 25 with a longer break after the first 100. 70 to 75s between sets of 25, 2:30 after the hundred. The goal was to exert as little effort as possible.
-Full microstretching.
Monday, June 30, 2003
-I’m actually getting a good amount of GPP in just being a camp counselor. I played wall ball and basketball most of the day today.
-Extensive warmup. I’ve added running shoulder rotations into this which I really like. I’ve been doing this barefoot almost all the time including today.
-2120 at almost 100%. I was going to do the 3 of them at 95%, but I found that I was going near 100% for my first one so because of this combined with time constraints I only ran 2 and gave myself a 17-18 minute break instead of a 12 minute break in between each one.
-Went to the gym for the first time in a while. 310 full squats at 185, 210 unweighted dips 16 unweighted dips (only had at very most 2 reps left in the last one, hopefully when I go down to 38 I’ll be able to do all), 310 rowing machine on level 7.
-I do not know how my body will respond to this workout especially while being taxed all day by the kids. Hopefully it won’t be too bad.
-Full microsretching.