Paula Radcliffe

hahaha that clarification by Charlie VERY important :stuck_out_tongue:

Yes- but no23 is prob poā€™d with me and went back to work!

Just kidding with you man ā€¦

Say! Donā€™t you have some work to do?

Please Sir can I stay?

Come on Charlie ā€¦ Iā€™m at home now ā€¦ workā€™s over ā€¦ Itā€™s 8pm over here in Ireland now.

Anyway you know I couldnā€™t let this forum go on from day to day without some input from your resident Super-fast (occasional) Guiness-drinking Irish contributor ā€¦

They let you guys off at 8?

Well yeh - (we started at 5 am)ā€¦ but weā€™re not allowed out of the hospital grounds without supervison

People who write into to boards are not really the public at large. Just spend a few minutes listening to the cretans who call into radio shows sometime. Too busy offering their opinions to bother with more mundane pursuits- like employment for example!

LOL this is trueā€¦

The story so far ā€¦

Trained twice yesterday, Registered, but not yet certain to run ā€¦,,10513-1233550,00.html

Sheā€™s going for it!!!

I knew it - this girl got guts.

(Sheā€™s brave ā€¦ she must be part Irish - well her husband is at least ā€¦ :slight_smile: )

Hope she does well - it wnā€™t be easy, but I really think she can get a medal here with plenty of luck and a good mindset.,,30000-1149143,00.html

Glad to hear. (Outside) Chance of British Gold in Womenā€™s 800m, 1500m, 10k!

Iā€™m backing the girl to get a medal ā€¦ I like her heart ā€¦

I respect people like her, she works very hard, sheā€™s lots many time prevously, but still comes back for more ā€¦

Itā€™s all over now.

The Girl has other issues happening just now.

Nothing to do with track, injury, preparation or training.

Itā€™s sad when outside influences affect someones performances on the track at the most important event of their lives ā€¦

Heard today that she has lost a porridge sponsorship due to their slogan saying something to the effect of ā€˜helping you go the distanceā€™. Unfortunate state of affairs for her.