On the Grind: My Endless Pursuit of Athletic Aspiration

Thursday, 9-16-10

Warmup (1 Lap jog, hip mobility, hurdle mobility, sprint drills, MB Throws)

Accel Work: 300
5 x 10m
5 x 20m
5 x 30m

MB Throws: 12lb
5 x OHB, 17yd best
5 x BLF, 15yd best
6 x Split Squat Push Press Throw
4 x Snatch Throw

Trap Bar DL (high handles) - 135 x 5, 225 x 5, 315 x 5, 365 x 5, 385 x 1, 405 x 1
45 Degree Back Hypers - 5 x 10, 25lb plate

Foot is finally better, I’m now ready to get back to full throttle and finish this extremely long GPP phase. Sprints felt fine, but I’m still don’t feel completely sure about doing jumps. I messed around with some trap bar DLs today, after doing 405 I’m sure I still had some left in the tank. I liked them, but I think they are going to give me issues with ES tightness like I’ve experienced in the past.

Friday, 9-17-10

Warmup (1 Lap jog, hip mobility, hurdle mobility, sprint drills)

Tempo Running: Grass
3 x 3 x 100m, 30sec/2min. 15-16sec

Incline Bench - 135 x 5, 155 x 5, 3 x 6 w/ 185
Pullups - 3 x 8
Skull Crushers - 3 x 10
Hammer Curls - 3 x 10

Abs ~ 200

Tempo wasn’t too bad, a lot easier than the bike tempo. Hamstrings and glutes are real sore today. Going to foam roll later.

Monday, 9-20-10

Warmup (1 Lap jog, hip mobility, hurdle mobility, sprint drills, MB Throws)

Accel Work: 300m
5 x 10m
5 x 20m
5 x 30m (ran 3.91 and 3.93ht)

MB Throws: 8lb
5 x OHB
5 x BLF
5 x Snatch Throw

Back Squat - 135 x 5, 225 x 5, 255 x 5, 295 x 5, 4 x 5 w/ 315
Reverse Leg Press - 3 x 8, 170lbs

Sprints were OK, my foot was bothering me today. Must had been the weather. Today was the best squat day I’ve had in a while. I could barely handle 3 x 5 w/ 315 earlier in the summer. Today it was easy, I guess the pause squats I did in the summer helped, along with the density training. I should also note that I have just started taking the supplement Piracetam. I took it before class and didn’t see any difference in alertness, but during the workout I noticed some alertness.

Tuesday, 9-21-10\

Warmup (5min on bike, upperbody mobility)

Bench - 135 x 5, 155 x 5, 3 x 8 w/ 185
A1). Seated Row - 3 x 8 w/ 225
A2). DB Rear Raise - 3 x 8, 15’s
B1). Rope Pressdown - 4 x 8
B2). EZ Bar Curl - 4 x 8

ABS ~ 200

Bike Tempo:
2 x 5 x 45sec on/15sec off. 120+RPM

Felt a little sluggish because I had just got off work, probably should have eaten more carbs earlier in the day. Bike tempo was brutal as always, it’s been my only option lately because of all the rain.

Thursday, 9-23-10

Warmup (Light foam roll, 1 Lap jog, hip mobility, hurdle mobility, sprint drills, MB Throws)

Accel Work: 300m
5 x 10m
5 x 20m
5 x 30m

MB Throws: 12lb
5 x OHB
5 x BLF, best of 14m
5 x Lunge Throw

Single Leg Bounds - 2 x 20m

Trap Bar DL - 135 x 5, 225 x 5, 315 x 5, 5 x 3 w/ 365
45 degree Hyperextensions - 5 x 10, 35lbs

Decent workout today. Throws were kind of off, and I’m going to put more focus into the BLF throw since that is what bobsled/skeleton tests. Trap bar DLs were still easy, just wanted to get some decent volume in. I’ve been more active than usual during the day lately. A lot more walking than normal with my job and school, and my adductors are getting tight. I’m going to do some light foam rolling before my workouts from on probably.

Friday, 9-24-10

Warmup (1 Lap jog, hip mobility, hurdle mobility, sprint drills)

Tempo: Grass w/ flats
4 x 3 x 100m, 15-16sec. 30sec/3min

Incline Bench - 135 x 5, 155 x 5, 3 x 5 w/ 185
Pullups - 3 x 10

ABS ~ 150

Tempo was good today, moved the volume up a little bit. After the tempo I didn’t have much energy left for the weights, I was a little dehydrated. Have to take better care of myself next time.

Sunday, 9-26-10

Warmup (Light foam roll, 1 lap jog, hip mobility hurdle mobility, sprint drills, MB Throws)

Speed Work: 310
3 x 10m
2 x 20m
2 x 30m
3 x FEF

MB Throws: 12lb
BLF - 5 x, best of 14.7m from Ring
OHB - 6 x best of 15.5m from ground

Single Leg Bounds - 2 x 20m

Back Squat - 135 x 5, 225 x 5, 275 x 3, 305 x 3, 4 x 5 w/ 320
Reverse Leg Press - 3 x 8, 180lbs

Starting my training week on Sunday, fits my schedule better. Made a PB on my BLF throw today. Squats again were super easy, but I’m still going to keep the scheme the way it is and just go up 5lbs per week. Sprints felt good as well today. I orginally planned to go for 4 weeks of solid training and then go in to SPP, but I will go into SPP when my fitness levels get where they need to be.

Monday, 9-27-10

Warmup (light foam roll, 1 lap jog, hip mobility, hurdle mobility, sprint drills)

3 x 4 x 100m, 15-16seconds. 30sec/2min

Bench - 135 x 5, 155 x 5, 185 x 5, 3 x 6 w/ 205
A1). Seated Rows - 3 x 8 w/ 235
A2). DB Rear Raises - 3 x 10 w/ 15lb DB’s
B1). Skull Crushers - 3 x 10
B2). Hammer Curls

ABS ~ 150

I got cocky on the tempo running today. The first set felt very easy so I only took 2min imbetween each set (I usually take 3min), but I was 1m away from finishing the last couple reps on time. I was gassed by then.

Wednesday, 9-29-10

Warmup (light foam roll, 1 lap jog, hip mobility, hurdle mobility, sprint drills, MB Throws)

Speed Work: 310
3 x 10m
2 x 20m
2 x 30m
2 x EFE (20-20-20)
1 x 60m (40m + maintain)

MB Throws: 12lb
6 x BLF
5 x OHB, personal best of 15.8m (+.3m)
5 x Vertical

Power Skips for Height/Distance - 2 x 5 each

Trap Bar DL - 135 x 5, 225 x 5, 335 x 3, 5 x 3 w/ 375
45 Degree Back Hypers - 5 x 10-12, 35-45lbs

Kind of an off day, had to rush to get to the track on time. Still managed to do some good work and make a pb in my OHB. I feel like my MB throw technique has improved a whole lot since I first started doing them last year.

Thursday, 9-30-10

Warmup (light foam roll, 1 lap jog, hip mobility, hurdle mobility, sprint drills)

Tempo: on grass
3 x 4 x 100m, 30sec/3min. 15-16sec

Incline DB Press - 60’s x 10, 75’s x 10, 75’s x 10
A1). Pullups - 3 x 10
A2). Face Pull - 3 x 10
B1). Tricep Pressdown - 3 x 10
B2). BB Curl - 3 x 10

Tempo was easier today, ventilation has improved a little bit. Going to bump the volume up a little bit next week. May do some SE work tomorrow.

Friday, 10-1-10

Warmup (light foam roll, 1 lap jog, hip mobility, hurdle mobility, sprint drills)

Controlled Speed Work: w/ flats
6 x 200m, 26-29sec. 6min rest

GS Circuit: 3 x 10, no rest imbetween exercises, 4min imbetween sets
BW Squats x 10
TRX Rows x 10
Pushups x 15
Walking Lunges x 10
V-ups x 10
Donkey Kicks x 10
Crunches x 10
TRX Hamstring Curl x 10
Side Plank ES w/ Hip abduction x 10
Squat Jumps x 10

I feel like I need to add in GS circuits to help improve my fitness besides just doing the tempo running. I may start doing some rudiment jump circuits after tempo workouts next week. Was planning on running the 200’s at around 85%, but went a little fast. First ones I was running at 26-27, then the last two I was running 28-29. I was planning on running them all in the 29 range, but I didn’t control my speed very well.

Sunday, 10-3-10

Warmup (Contrast Shower, 1 Lap jog, hip mobility, hurdle mobility, sprint drills, MB Throws)

Speed Work:
4 x 20m
3 x 30m on grass
2 x FEF

MB Throws: 12lb
10 x BLF, from shotput platform. Made another PB of 15.25m (50ft)
5 x OHB

Back Squat - 135 x 5, 225 x 3, 275 x 3, 310 x 3, 4 x 5 w/ 325
Reverse Leg Press - 3 x 8, 185

Another good HI session in the bag. I’m still making PB’s in my MB throws, the white platform helps my BLF technique quite a bit. I just need to order a real 12lb shot to see how legit I am. My squat is continuing to go up, 325 wasn’t too bad as I’m sure I can handle 330 next week. No plyos today because my shins were feeling a little bit achey. I should also note that the weather here has gotten 20 degrees cooler so my warmups are going to take a lot longer. I may start doing more of my accels on grass so I can avoid the extra stress on the shins.

Monday, 10-4-10

Warmup (light foam roll, 1 lap jog, hip mobility, hurdle mobility, sprint drills)

2 x 6 x 100m, 30sec/3min. Failed to make times on last 3 runs.

Bench - 135 x 5, 155 x 5, 3 x 6 w/ 185
A1). Seated Row - 3 x 8, 235
A2). DB Rear Raise - 3 x 8, 17.5’s

5min cooldown on elliptical

My body is pretty trashed right now. I ran the first set of 100’s very smooth and with ease, then on the last three on the second set I started tightening up and slowing down. I’m very tight right now and will unload this week. It’s about that time to do so.

Wednesday, 10-6-10

Warmup (1 lap jog, hip mobility, hurdle mobility, sprint drills, MB Throws)

Accel Work: 240m, on grass
6 x 20m
4 x 30m

MB Throws: 12lb
5 x BLF
5 x OHB

Easy session today. My shins and feet are still achey, probably be a good idea to do accels on grass for now on.

Thursday, 10-7-10

Warmup (5min on bike)

Incline DB Press - 55’s x 8, 3 x 8 w/ 75’s
A1). DB Row - 3 x 8, 65
A2). Rear Raises - 3 x 10, 15’s
B1). Rope Pressdown - 3 x 10
B2). BB Curl - 3 x 10

15min on elliptical

Sunday, 10-10-10

Warmup (light foam roll, 1 lap jog, hip mobility, hurdle mobility, sprint drills, MB Throws)

Speed Work:
3 x 20m
4 x 30m, 4.02, 4.04, 4.00
2 x 60m, 7.20, 7.29

MB Throws: 12lb
5 x BLF
5 x OHB

Back Squat - 135 x 5, 225 x 5, 295 x 3, 3 x 5 w/ 330
Reverse Leg Press - 3 x 8 w/ 190

Squat has legitimately gone up 15lbs. I’ve been having issues with my upper quads lately and it feels like my glutes aren’t firing to their full capacity. My vastus intermedius, psoas, obliques, and tfl are all tight. I’ve been stretching and foam rolling the area quite a bit lately.

Monday, 10-11-10

Warmup (light foam roll, 1 lap jog, hip mobility, hurdle mobility, sprint drills)

Tempo: grass
3 x 5 x 100m, 30sec/3min. 16-17second pace

Bench - 135 x 5, 155 x 5, 4 x 6 w/ 175
A1). Pullups - 3 x 8
A2). Face Pulls - 3 x 8
B1). Rope Pressdown - 3 x 10
B2). BB Curls - 3 x 10

ABS ~ 200

Upper quads were still tight. Adductors were sore as well as shins.

Thursday, 10-14-10

Warmup (1 lap jog, hip mobility, hurdle mobility, sprint drills, MB Throws)

Speed Work:
4 x 20m
2 x 30m
3 x FEF

MB Throws: 12lb
5 x BLF
5 x OHB

Trap Bar DL - 135 x 5, 225 x 5, 315 x 3, 3 x 3 w/ 385
Back Hypers - 2 x 15 w/ 35lb Plate

My MB Throws have been real flat the past 3-4 sessions. I feel like I’m not applying as much force to the ground. My psoas/lower back has been feeling weird lately as well. I think I’m going to have to get some therapy this weekend. It’s been bothering me since last week.

Friday, 10-15-10

Warmup (1 Lap jog, hip mobility, hurdle mobillity, sprint drills)

Tempo: 1000m
10 x 100m, 30sec rest. 17-18 pace on grass

Easy session today, I’m going to Austin go get some therapy and a lactate workout tomorrow.

Saturday, 10-16-10

Warmup (20min light flush massage, hip mobility, dynamic stretches, skips for 30m, sprint drills)

Hill sprints - 3 x 150m, ran all at around 25sec. 8min recovery

Jump circuit:
Static Squat Jumps x 10
Split Jumps x 10
DBL Leg Rudiment Hops x 20m
Straight Leg Bounds x 40m
Power Skips for Height x 40m

Throw Circuit:
Rocking Throws x 50x
Vertical Throws x 10
Chest Throws x 10
Overhead Throws x 10
Side Throws x 10

Afterwards I got almost 2hrs of ART and massage therapy from my track coach. Great workout in Austin today, I was able to join my coach and his athletes for a hill workout off Riverside. I was desparate for the therapy today, my obliques had adhesions, psoas was super tight, feet weren’t dorsiflexing to full ROM, and my quads/adductors were also tight as well.


Warmup (1 Lap jog, hip mobility, hurdle mobility, sprint drills, Shot Throws)

Accel Work:
5 x 20yds, on grass
5 x 30m, on track

Shot Throws: 12lb
5 x BLF
5 x OHB

Power Skips Height/Distance - 2 x 5

Back Squat - 135 x 5, 225 x 5, 285 x 3, 3 x 5 w/ 330
Reverse Leg Press - 2 x 8 w/ 195

Finally ordered a 12lb shot put, will be using this for now on probably. I lost my tape measure so I’ll have to buy a new one to see how far I’m throwing. Weights were real hard today, I was barely able to complete the squat and reverse leg press today.

Tuesday, 10-19-10

Warmup (foam roll, 1 Lap jog, hip mobility, hurdle mobility, sprint drills)

Tempo: 1600
2 x 8 x 100m, 15-16sec pace, 45sec/3min

Bench - 135 x 5, 155 x 5, 4 x 6 w/ 185
Pullups - 2 x 12

Front/Side Planks - 2 x 30sec

Handled the tempo real well since I bumped up the rest intervals to 45 seconds instead of 30 seconds. First rep was as good as the last rep. Going to start taking 25g or protein 30min before my workouts from now on.

Thursday, 10-21-10

Warmup (1 Lap jog, hip mobility, hurdle mobility, sprint drills)

6 x 200m, 6min rest. First 4 were in 26-27, Last two were in 28-29

Tried to stay in the 85-90% range during these sprints. These days are never easy.