My quest for 6.7

Thursday Dec. 2nd

2x15m falling start
2x20m 3pt starts
2x25m 4pt starts

4x30m 25lb sled
2x30m 20lb sled

2flying 50m with 10lb sled

5x heads up block starts

So I wanted to get some heads up start action today. I’ve typically had some problems starting in race and in practice. My start never lived up to what I was capable of producing in a 4pt. 3pt or standing starts. Something must have been up. So I downloaded fundamentals 1 because in the description it talked a lot about the start. Watched it a bunch of times. Charlie’s advice for starting was awesome. I took some good pointers from it and applied it to myself. For me its an arm split issue, I take the long route up on my lead arm, as a result my lead leg tends to come out slow and I end up stopping myself. I focused on starting with very fast arm action and letting the elbow come to the side.

The difference was great. Heads up today I was blowing away my training partner, whereas usually we would battle to 15m before I pulled away. Very promising results so far, I’m going to keep reinforcing this cue.

3x8 hurdle hops
2x10 depth jumps

3x3 squats

Still feeling loaded. This should be the end of a 3 week work cycle and the rest week comes next week. We took it a little harder because the next 2 weeks the facility availability isnt so good so its almost like a built in rest period as a result. Which is good because I definitely need it before a big competition period.