My quest for 6.7

How did your meets go?

100m opener today:

Heats: 10.93s 0.4w

Got there at 4:30 and the heats were supposed to go at 5:30, but they went at 5 so had a rushed warm up. Decent opener.

Finals: 11.04 NWI

They forgot to have someone at the wind gage. Ran well, better finish. Start was a little off because they held us for a while. Everyone ran .1-.2s slower then the heats so I would estimate a -1.3w. I checked the wind gage a couple times earlier and it was bouncing from 0.5 to -1.5 m/s.

Its too bad, I was hoping that the wind would pick up and could break 10.9. OVerall good opener. Its the fastest time I’ve run in 2 years. Last year was 10.94 (2.0w) season best and 10.87 (2.2w). The year I ran my pb my opener was 10.91 (3.3w) and 11.01 (0.6w) on what I consider the fastest track in this area. So my fastest opener by nearly .1s. Its looking pretty good.

Couple more meets, a decent taper and a hard surface and I think I’ll peak nicely at 10.6s in August.

200m tomorrow.

And cut out the heavy squats… What was your 60m time this year?


Yeah, after this meet got a little side track of bobsled training for a couple of weeks but I’ll be maintaining all my speed endurance so it shouldnt affect much since I have such a late season. Next meet series for me is end of july and throughout August.

22.66s (2.0w)

Groin was sore, meet was hour and a half behind. Was a couple minutes away from scratching. My legs were tight and sore from the previous days run. I wanted the SE training though so I ran it easy. Ran to 50m hard then cruised to the finish pretty relaxed. Had a fair deal of energy left.

I probably should have scratched completely.

My body is still a little sore today. I’m doing a more bobsled specific workout today. My core is really sore, I think its from this jumping competition I had with my high jump friend after my 200m. We took turns doing running box jumps over the high jump bar. Got up to 62 inches, but it ended up looking like a 2 foot scissor in the end. But I used my abs a lot to get the legs up quickly.

8x30m 35lbs sled pulls
10x 24lbs pud back throws
6x20m car pushes

5x3 bench press
6x3 explosive bench

I’ve got 2 weeks until I fly out to Calgary for the bobsled camp. This is mostly to get me used to pushing and involving the upper body a little more than usual. I’ll still be running plenty of SE to maintain what I’ve got built up.

Hitting some short work today on a hard track, felt really good.


Timed the flying 20m to make sure the quality wasnt dropping on the last sets and was pretty consistent all the way through.

10x hop and throw 8kg
5x 8kg forward toss

squat 1x5 @ 315 3x5 @365
3x10 weighted hip thrusts @ 225

I’m touching a bit on the short stuff to brush up a little for the bobsled camp. Its pretty short notice but I’ll be touching up my Max V once a week, now until 10 days from my next comp. But still be doing 2 SE sessions a week.

15x 7kg back throws
6x40m 15lb sled sprints


4x2 cleans @ 245

Good little workout, the SE runs were into a headwind, but served well for maintenance.

Tough workout day:

1x200m (22.40)

8x30m sled sprints 45lbs
6x Car pushes 20m

4x3 bench press @ 295
6x3 explosive bench press

Very sore and tight. Massage tomorrow

Damn that’s a tough workout.

If I was too add car pushes to my workout, they would probably end my life. I bet there incredibly tough on the whole body.

The worst part is the car pushes then bench press because they pre fatigue the chest. I’m pretty beat up today, going to take it nice and easy for a bit.

Do you think the car pushes help? My friend love them and think they played a major role in him running 6.20 years ago.

Its a very different type of training. While I hadnt considered using it for track training itself, some bobsled athletes have the most insane 30m times ever.

I’ve done 3 training sessions with it and I would say that its awesome. Like a more specific type of strengthening and conditioning then squats.

I’m considering scarfing a shopping trolley from the local store & loading it with plates & rocks. I could stock the full shopping & trolley into the car & ride away.

Car pushes would be too tough on me from the get-go.

I think I might include them. Stores shopping trolley pushes, they key to me going sub 10.2.

A prowler is basically the same thing but you can control the weight in it.

I don’t like the idea of pushing cars for the sport of track and field - what’s the value?

Sled sprints are better. But as a general form of conditioning and strength work its not terrible. The upper body transfer is better and very transferable to push sports.

I agree with RB, it wouldnt be my first or even second pick for sprint training. Stick with sleds. I’m not afraid to go a little heavier on the sleds though, I think theres some good to be had from that.

How heavy and what’s the benefits?

I would put these into my schedule if I had the right equipment. Pretty specific.


I think you could have bitten off more than you can chew syrus, pushing the full weight of a car from the get-go, hence all the soreness and tightness.