My quest for 6.7

Bobseld Talent ID camp today

Interesting day today with the tryouts being held at 930am this morning. I tossed and turned all night finally getting to sleep at 3am. Have been sleeping late and it was tough to get up for this one.

Get there and its raining outside. They set up the gates and the plan is to time 15m,30m and 45m while running a 45m. They take the flying 30m from 15-45m. Unfortunately the rain crapped out the timing system so we had to go to the indoor facility and only had enough straight to run a 30m. They do the 30m with a 1m run in zone and you have to have 1 foot in the zone and 1 outside of the zone. We did the 5 double leg jumps outside before we went indoors.

5 double leg jump: 15.7m, 15.95m, 15.90m

Had the second furthest there. My friend that ran a 6.79s (but hasnt trained in a while) jumped 16.1m on his first and shut it down there.

We go indoors for 30m, standing start (2 point)

30m: 3.71,3.71, 3.65

Fastest there. 2nd fastest was my friend and he went 3.71s. Other then that no one else broke 2.8s.

Next we went back to the other facility to do the lifts. The power clean was first. The way it works is that you get 3 chances at any weight you choose for them to count it regardless of if you make it or not. You can warm up with any weight you like and make as many tries you want, but as soon as you get the officials attention for an attempt you have 3 tries period.

I warmed up and did an easy 225 and stopped there. That was my plan. I would have max done 245 and in terms of bobseld standards it wouldnt have mattered if I did it, 225 is in the same category as 245. So I figured I didnt want to struggle and waste energy, when I knew I could put up a decent front squat. Couple guys over 225, with the best being 295. There were some ugly ass cleans going on. Very dangerous.

Power clean: 225

Front squat went quick for me, I warmed up with 135, 225 and jumped right to 315. It felt comfortable. I had done 335 before in training so I knew I had that. So I loaded 335
and got the officials attention for an attempt. They check for depth at parallel and tell you when you can come up. If you dont hit depth it doesnt count. 335 went easy. Waited around for others to make attempts at various weights. Lots more nasty ass lifts and fails. Next I went for 355lbs, uncharted territory for me. This is the weight that I thought I’d max out at. Went down, got the ok to come up and finished it. A little slow at the bottom but otherwise not bad. Waited around again for others to try various weights. A lot of 225-295s, a lot of fails and bad depth that didnt count. Next we discuss what weight I should try next (remember you only get 3 attempts at any weight, so this is my last). The standards are in kilos so we try converting and end up going with 385 which is roughly 170kg. Get the bar up, feels heavy as shit. Go down, and its tough, I hear the ok to come back up and I start pushing hard. I didnt think I was going to make it, but I came up and finished it off. Quite a bit heavier then I thought I would get. Second best is 365 by the football player that hit 295 clean, he calls for 405, his third and last attempt after failing his first 365 and getting his 2nd. Mind you the second one he got away with terrible depth and the official jumped the gun on the ok to come up because he was struggling so much. Anyway, 405 collapses down without a pause straight to the rack. So I hit the best front squat of the day.

Front squat: 335, 365, 385

Overall I had a highly successful tryout for bobsled, weighing in at 200.5lbs this morning. The next step is invitations to the national camp in july out in Calgary. My friend who is on the bobsled team is 100% confident that they will ask me down. This friend of mine had tried out last year. He put up similar 30m times but only front squatted 250 and the recruiters were flipping for him (@ a body weight of 170). So someone like me who is 200lbs, big front squat and 30m should be an interesting recruit for them.

Heres the catch though. I’m not going to go to the camp if they ask me. First issue is that I have no cash for the flight ( apparently you pay your way and they feed and pay your hotel). Second, its right in the middle of track season for me, and I would really like to focus a bit on that before switching to bobsled. I’ve got one more year of school and varsity track. When I’m done, I’d be willing to try out some bobsledding.