My quest for 6.7

Well when I say 15 minutes its never 15 minutes, its 15 minutes if you need it. And so often when I’ve said 10 minutes recovery we typically are at 8 minutes, because we’re fully recovered. We haven’t been strictly measuring it either, we dont have a timer and just go when we feel is right. So I guess its a little misleading to put 15 minutes rest because we probably will never get there.

We’re typically recovered at 8 and go then. But we dont feel pressured if we need the extra time.

yea 15 is way too much for a 60. I like the 1 min per 10 meter rule. If I still feel a lil tired I will take a few more but unles your dropping 6.2s hand no need for 15

Yea I used 15 today and was just cold and flat by the next rep :mad::mad: … If I dropped a FAST 60 though I might take the 15m…

You guys only need 6-8mins for 60m.

yeah, like I said, we go 8 mins, but dont feel bad if we take a 10 or more if needed once in a while. I think this works out pretty good.

Our last rep yesterday we took 12 minutes by accident (got caught up talking) and got fairly cold and definitely felt as though it was too long. I think rest is pretty intuitive when it comes to complete rest intervals.

In any case:

The workout went well, everything feels as though its starting to fire well and my starts have been coming along. Tonight will be tempo:


Should be fun

When is your next meet?

Next meet is the 9th of January and then pretty much something every weekend until the major champs.



The 150’s were clocked at 16.9s and 17.0s ht. Which is an indoor pb for me, with my pb from last year being 17.3s and my outdoor pb being 16.5s.
So not bad for the first Speed endurance workout of the season.

Tomorrow morning is:
3x3 cleans superset with drop jumps
3x5 jerks
A few upper body exercises

where’s the meet at?

The meet is in Moncton NB. Between Moncton, McGill and here, thats pretty much where all the competitions will be at.

4x20m blocks
2x60m blocks
2xflying 25 from a 20m run in electric timed (2.49s, 2.44s)

Felt a little down in the dumps today but the flying runs werent too bad.

In the gym:
6x2 jump squats
3x5 stiff legged deadlifts

How much do you see your 60m time dropping this indoor season?

At this point probably .2s. In a season I’ve usually gone anywhere from .1-.25s in a season. I’m hoping that because of the large loads I’ve been doing in training when I go to maintenance mode it will be towards the higher end of the spectrum. Usually difficult to tell. I’ve seen guys go 7.17s in January to 6.89 in february and Ive also seen guys go 7.19s in November and 7.17s in Feb.

How will your training look like inseason? I have no doubt in my mind that I will drop at least .2…

in season will be a low maintenance volume, a couple accels and a couple top speed runs, slightly sub max. Save it for the competitions and hopefully some good performances will come through in a few weeks.

Good block technical session today in the blocks.
6x20m blocks
4x60m blocks

Felt good on the starts today, felt like i’ve made some good and critical modifications to my start which was somewhat lacking before.

In the gym:
4x3 squats

Great session.

You have some really short lifting sessions how heavy were those squats?

Yeah, they have been quite short lately. Some more so then others.

Those squats were at 315lbs.

I usually have more on the list, but am so wiped I usually end up skipping it.In general though there has been less lifting this season than previous seasons.

Today:Track was closed because of exams so we’re going to do speed endurance tomorrow instead.

Cleans 4x3 superset with drop jumps
Various sets of stair jumps from running and standing and one and two legged.

On friday:
4x20m accels

Felt great and fast

5x20m blocks
5x60m blocks

Great session, got some good technical adjustments that felt great

In the gym:
6x2 jump squats
3x8 hypers

2 more hard workouts and then the easy stuff for a while.

On Tuesday, was feeling a cold coming on so I took it pretty easy. Did the usual:

4x20m accels
4xflying 30’s

Just took down the intensity a little bit. I finally got my last exam over with and now im feeling much better. Speed endurance workout tonight.