Montgomery training with Charlie

Tim doing Starts with Charlie.

Starts at 1:27 min

I wonder if there exists more footage of the time Charlie was training with Marion and Tim? Angie? NumberTwo?

It exsists…I’ve seen it…but I doubt it will be put on YouTube…who knows…

I would love to see those vids.

But there is probably only a handful of people who have footage of the sessions, and I doubt they have any interest in putting this on youtube.

I was a little surprised to see Tims practice starts in this docuementary…

I remember that day well my friend.

I remember being in Toronto for seminar with Charlie back in 2002. He told me as I was leaving “Watch this week Tim is going to break the world record”. Then he did I was like holy crap, he was right. Great footage.

Yep I saw this. Just to put it out there, I would pay for an hours worth of random training clips taken from Charlies camp in the 80’s. Just like with flojo I have been told that the practices were legendary and I would really would like to see that.

:wink: Good times Esti…Good times…Hows things with you my man? I’ll drop you some contact details on FB for you and we’ll have a catch up on Skype or something.:cool:

Great training footage of Tim and Charlie…I can see where Cf has drilled the lead hand flick cue. Awesome.