MMA - Uncensored

now with rampage doing damage to UFC fighters nog will come into action, Mirko has lost it for now and needs to get his spark back, but i dont blame him as he is fighting in an area he detests.

Pride is in deep trouble now with DSE and the fighters suing, they lied on HOW much trouble they were before but its worse then previously thought. Just goes to show you how Yakuzas money can make a large fighting corporation highly successful and when turned a blind eye can deteriorate in a very short period of time.

UFC 72 mostly sucked, except for Tyson Griffin once again, this time in an amazing rumble with Clay Guida. I was about to type something up, but I’m too tired.

Yeah, “Little Griffin” easily had the best fight of the night. Forrest and Rich did just enough to win. I was a little disappointed with Okami, he played the counter-puncher role a little too long in my opinion. He could have sub’d Franklin if he had tried earlier.

Okami freaking sucked. He basically stood there and took punches until a last-ditch attempt to sub Franklin. Too little, too late.

I just watched the PRIDE show on FSN and Trigg said that Crocop was mentally shut down for the Gonzaga fight, that he expected to run through the UFC. He should have known better – even if you are top dog, you still have to get in there and, you know, fight. Hopefully the Mirko who came with all cylinders firing at Final Conflict 2006 will be seen again.

Check out for the live stream of the undercard. You just register for a free account and look under live events. 7:30PT. The main even with Frank Shamrock vs. Phil Baroni will be on PPV. Should be a war. WAR Shamrock!

Any predictions for Saturday’s UFC? Looks like a good card with at least 4 good fights (potentially). Here’s my picks:

RASHAD EVANS by decision, maybe TKO

ANDERSON SILVA by TKO or KO. Nate says he’s not afraid to stand and trade with Silva? Huh?

FRANCA by submission. My big upset pick.

BIG NOG by submission. He’s already beaten Herring twice but it might be a war.

CHRIS LYTLE by decision. He’s got to catch a break sometime.


You still on for the wager between Rashaad and Tito in a rematch?

Some interesting match ups at
UFC 74 St J pierre vs Koscheck
Couture VS Conzaga

Any MMA guys here? mine background is in Muay Thai and BBJ.

I used to be training for MMA, i wrestled in high school and trained in boxing and submission wrestling for awhile, but quit about 2-3months ago to focus on returning to play college football. I still follow MMA(via TV and internet) as much as i used to, it’s just now i am training for football instead of MMA, but yes UFC74 has some very interesting matchups.

I have always find MMA who started off in wrestling hard guys to match up with because they’re generally so well conditioned. How do wrestlers get there conditioning?

I agree, most wrestlers are just naturally tough, strong and well conditioned.I also believe that wrestling is the best base to start off with in MMA. I know the old school philosophy was to run long distance, but most recently i believe most wrestlers get there superior conditioning through HIIT work, barbell complexes and minute drills, not to mention that wrestling in and of itself is probably one of, if the not the best conditioning exercise one can do. Do you do any pure wrestling training or do you just stick to BJJ??

I learned how to grapple and clinch in Muay Thai , I have done BBJ alone, we have Greco roman wrestlers who train with us. They aspire to make PRIDE promotions so they need to know how to work triangles and arm bars. Wrestling and MMA is not as popular as Muay Thai here. Since Australia is so close to Thailand many of our better fighters go into training camps there.

I would like to do pure wrestling alone; I think I would be pretty well rounded then.

Sure, I’m on for a friendly wager but I don’t know if the rematch will happen anytime soon.

I hope GSP defeats Koscheck, I think he has the skills to do it. Randy vs Gonzaga should be good, Gonzaga is a beast but Randy has handled good grapplers before.

if you allow knees on the ground wrestlers wont have a high advantage. However they are very strong and the american discipline goes well into wrestlers. They train very hard.

If they also allowed downkicks, it would make it very hard for them. I am not a fan of downkicks they can really mess someone up. And no fighters deserves to have their career ruined like this. The UFC rules are quite safe at the moment.

GSP v Koscheck, I want GSP to win too. So he can have a rematch with M.Serra and win back the title.

you mean the stomps those are fine. The japanese system they had under pride was perfect, entertaining as well. The stomps are not very accurate and hard to pull off however it prevents the guy on the ground from relaxing. Also if you dont push the pace and waste time for recovery you are deducted a certain percentage from your salary purse, so if you stall you lose 10% of your purse money. The japanese system was tight, only problem was their fighter selections, more freaks against legit fighters instead of 2 legit fighters. Trying to make it like an anime fighting show or something.

Personally, I hate stomps and soccer kicks to the head, it’s just a cheap way to win IMO. I hate seeing guys lose like that. I prefer the UFC rules. Besides, it looks more barbaric with soccer kicks and stomps, if they keep those out, more state athletic commissions are likely to sanction MMA in the U.S.

i love the stomps and soccer kicks especially the knees to the face or head on the ground, unfortunately everyone in the western world is to PC about this kind of stuff, pride rules was the best.

They may be entertaining; however they are not in this spirit of MMA. Remember what separates MMA & most martial arts from other sports such as boxing, is the respect and dignity of the fighter. Anderson DeSilva and Buakaw represent the true nature of MA. They represent a deeper philosophy of MA, something that should not be lost in the modern era.

Dana White said Bruce Lee is the father of MMA. JKD a style originated by Bruce was based equally on Taoists philosophy. MMA should never forget the true meaning and understanding of its history. PRIDE rules are not in the tradition of MMA.

anderson silva liked the pride rules alot better, as did many fighters before it went down. UFC is not their favorite venue, but they need money. The best fighter fedor likes Pride but would never go to the ufc cause it is not in the spirits of mma as much as people think. The fighters respect but they still want other arsenals at their disposal like the knees to the face on the ground, and stomps. Especially soccer kicks. After the fight is over they respect one another like in any martial arts event.

Dana white also doesnt know what comes out of his mouth most of the time, so listen carefully when he says stuff.

Your right UFC has its flaws also, epescially the audience. At least in PRIDE the silence of audience signifies a greater understanding of mma . Both organisations has its flaws.

Dana has done alot for MMA, remember how much the UFC was struggling before him.

UFC rules do favour ground and pounders too much, but you can blame the NSC for that.