The meet promoters have a cartel- just look how quickly the Berlin Director was kicked into line over Dwain Chambers. Do you think he had the ability to break ranks and pay Bolt what he was asking?
The cartel controls trade by limiting pay, and deciding where and if you can compete.
The power of A level meet promoters has grown because long ago they went to the IAAF to kill off most of the decent paying B meets (the opportunity came in 1983 with the argument that the introduction of testing in the A meets would create a wholesale exodus of athletes to the B meets)
The move to the Diamond League will make pay appear higher to fans while driving average circuit pay ever lower.
An effective athletes union is incredibly difficult due to both the vast numbers of generally comparable athletes available to the promoters and the possibility faced by athlete organizers that something ‘untoward’ might happen to them in retaliation.
In that light, it’s hard for me to imagine how Bolt bypassing this system is anything but good. He might be the catalyst for new and different competition opportunities which others might benefit from.
As for the IAAF, although Nebiolo was roundly criticized, there is no doubt he was instrumental in creating opportunities for athletes in many way.
Since then, the loss of state supported programs and the wariness of sponsors after the fall and vilification of previous superstars has taken a toll.
It is hard to imagine Lamine Diak as the visionary who can turn that around from the inside.