I can agree with this.
My junior college training was largely designed by myself. Right before leaving for a major D1 program I benched 2 x 395, hang cleaned 305 and ran a 5.10 forty. After going though winter/spring at the D1 my max bench was down to 360, hang clean 275 and ran a 5.61 forty. Endless push-ups, circuit style training, stadium stairs just did not work for me. Not to mention I got bronchitis (probably because I was overtrained) and had to train through that for 3 weeks as I could not shake it. At one point I needed 3 guys to lift the weight for me when benching 275 because I could not miss a single rep on the program. And that was only the first 6 months. Had plenty of teammates with absolute horror stories - some of them losing money down the track because of pure coaching stupidity and complete lack of understanding of recovery.