Might as well...

Make a training journal here. I will be doing GPP once my shins heal up. Until then, lots of rolling, stretching of the calves, and physio. Current plan is weights 3x a week and bike tempo 2x a week.

Current PBs: 7.58 60m
Goal: 7.20 60m

PC 3x145, 2x3 155, 3x165
SQ 265 x4, 275 2x5
Bench 5x4 170

Bench was fairly hard, something was uneven as the bar kept bashing the rack. Squats were fairly hard, was dead all day.

Tuesday: Bike Tempo Workout, nearly the entire thing.

Wed: PC 165x3 155 2x3
Incline BP 135 2x8 1x7
Chinups 7 wide, 9 + 6 narrower
Push Press 95 3x10

Thursday: Rest
Friday: Physio for post tib

PC 2x3 155, 2x3 165 (hardly got the third rep on the last set of 165
SQ 135x3 225x3 275x5 285x5 (275’s weren’t as parallel because I couldn’t see, so began watching on the 285 and made sure they were parallel or lower)
Bench 115x6, 2x6 165, 165x5, 135x8
Incline DB Bench: 50x10 (e)

Stretching: some upper body, most of lower body.
To-Do: Buy one of these rollers to roll my calves with. Also do Post-Tib exercises.

10min on bike doing fast tempo intervals @ 150ish RPM. 90 calories burned

Sunday: Bike Tempo (only missed 1min 30 of biking this time)

Broke 2 clips on the right pedal strap now. I definitely need to buy more… by the next session they’ll all be broken.


PC - 3x3 @ 160
SQ - 3x4 @ 285
BP - 4x4 @ 175

Bench felt easier.
Squat was alright.
PC was fairly strong.

Ugh, gym was closed thursday when I wanted to go. I also had 2 tests on Friday too… so much for consistency.

10mx5, 20mx5-6, 30mx2
Total: 210m

Took it easy cause of my shins, it felt fairly alright doing this. I think if I adjust the volume up very slowly, I’ll adapt and won’t experience this crud anymore.
Today: 11km or so of cross country skiing. Sore everywhere. Brutal.

How are your bike tempo sessions going? I have used them in the past. Curious of your experiences beyond sets and reps. :cool:

Well, about 1/4 way in I start to get a bit tired, then it fades away till about 3/4 in. Eventually, it gets harder to go full speed, and my legs get a bit sloppy/floppy (this is usually when the pedal straps/clips start breaking. At the end of it (I haven’t finished it FULLY yet, the most I went was 1.5~ reps left (this is mainly due to the terrible pedal straps throwing me off)), I’m sweating intensely, literally pouring buckets in sweat and my legs feel extremely “fresh”, so to speak right after, and the day after, too.


Since my legs were still quite sore from yesterday, I decided to do upper body since I knew if I did PC’s/Squats etc, they wouldn’t be high quality. Decided to do some heavy CNS stuff to make up for that.

Bench: 105x6, 135x5,155x3,175x2,195x3,215x1 (pr),225x1 (pr+10)
Incline Bench: 135 4x6 Fast and explosive.
Chinups: 10, 6 (Crappy chinup bar at the Goodlife in Milton)
DB Shoulder Press: 45 x 8, 45 x 9, 45 x 8
DB Wrist Curls: 25 x 13 (e)


PC - 165 x 3, 175x2, 165x3
SQ - 225x3, 275x3, 295x3, 315x3
BP - 175x3, 185x3, 195x3

10min on bike (100 calories burned)

SQ 135x5, 185x5, 225x3, 275x3, 295x3, 295x3
BP 115x5, 145x3, 185 3x3
Wide Grip Seated Row 130x13, 130x12, 150x8

10min bike (120 calories burned)

Was posting my workouts at another forum, but I started really focusing on speed instead of weights so I think this is the right place to log.

Hills Speed Workout
Warmup (Drills, mobility, jogging, foam rolling etc)

MB Accels (1) x 8
MB Accels (2) x 1

40mx4 (4min rest b/w reps, 5-7 between sets)


Notes: Wanted to do more mb accels, but the grass had geese poop everywhere and the other fields were taken. Got a few videos of my mb stuff and hill runs, uploading later. Hamstrings super sore as usual. Timed brother in 100m - his conditioning is really bad and he just started to do speed work with me - 14.3ish, his hip flexors were bothering him too. He can easily shave a second off from conditioning alone.

Low Intensity Med Ball Circuit

Chest Throws - 40
Side pass left/right - 40
Seated Rollback Throws - 20
Seated Chest Pass - 40
Variation seated chest pass - 35
Straight Leg Toe Touches - 50
Passes around the body - 50

Total: 275 throws

Light stretch, 20 pushups

Notes: Got my heart beating a bit. Throws will be doubled next time, and i’ll do more of the exercises as shown in GPP essentials. Gotta keep my conditioning mint.

9/7/2011 - Upper body

Bench - 185 3x3
Pullups - 7,6,5,9
Seated Cable Row (Close Grip) - 100# 4x12
Reverse Hyperextensions - 3x10 @ bw

Notes: Kept everything light as I’m easing my way back into it.

9/8/2011 - Sprints

4x10m flat on ground
4x10m pushup position
2x20m high start
3x20m EFE
1x 25m acceleration and maintain to 50m

Notes: Did this on the indoor track today. Shins were feeling it on the 20m starts. It eased up on the last EFE when I really focused on running “up and down” as in only feeling knees and arms up and down.

Explosive Medicine Ball Throws

10x squat throw
10x single hop throw
9x double hop throw

Notes: Good. Switched to a 10 lb medicine ball from a 13 lb - way easier. Used concrete for the hops because the grass was soaked.

Try to do most work on grass and with sneakers/training flats when possible instead of spikes or those shin splints won’t go away. I had shin splints pretty bad for more then an year. They finally went away when I started avoiding hard surfaces like the plague. Basically did everything, from tempo to long sprints to warmup on grass and only high intensity(shorter) sprint work on the track, and even for that I bought some of those 400m. spikes that have a soft sole all the way back, not sure if I’m explaining that right. I only used my sprint spikes in competitions that year.

I always use flats to train. Won’t bring out the spikes till around time trial time. It’s hard to use grass sometimes especially if it’s rainy or snowing. For tempo, I will always be using grass no matter what (unless snow, or subzero temperature). For sprints, I will use grass if the weather permits.

9/10/2011 - Weights

Squats - 225 3x5
Bench - 170 3x5
Seated Cable Row (Close Grip) - 120# 3x10

Easy workout to get back into it and avoid soreness.

9/11/2011 - Extensive Tempo

(in metres)

90 + 90 + 90
90 + 180 + 90 + 90
90 + 90 + 90 + 180

(total 1170m) (+270m from last time)

No shin issues here. My form felt good and natural. All I focused on was up and down movement of arms and legs. My arms were the leader, my legs just followed. Feels good.

9/12/2011 - Weights (low volume)

Squat - 235 2x5
Bench - 185 2x4
Seated Cable Row (close grip) - 120# 5x10
Hanging Leg Raises - 3x8

Easy workout, just kept it low as I shall sprint tomorrow.


Sprints - 40m x 7
Med Ball Squat Throws x 10
Med Ball Single Hop Throws x 5

Notes: Was raining out, was late. Crappy day, crappy warmup. Just crap. At least I got something in, though. Got till October 20th to get a time of 7.55 or less in the 60m to make the track team. I’m hoping to get at least low 7.5x or high 7.4x. Plan is to cut and lose 8 lbs or so.

Do you have tryout or competition with real electronic timing or is this just the coach handtiming you in practices to determine if your in the team or not?

Real electronic timing, gun and all, ha.