To add to Lyle’s comments, Yessis made his reputation (I use the term loosely) on translating Russian articles and materials (i.e. Soviet Sports Review). Not training athletes on his own. And, from what I understand, he’s not even good at translating.
I remember a story from a friend who attended a conference where Yuri Verkhoshansky (sp?) was going over some information in Russian (over the phone or closed circuit). Yessis was translating the presentation. Val Nasedkin (Omega Wave guy) was in the back re-translating everything to the people in the audience because Yessis was messing up the translation. Eventually, Val got on the phone and properly translated the information. I’m sure James Smith was there and could expand on the story.
If you can get the book for free or maybe a dollar, get it and look through it. Sometimes it is good to see what crap is being published so that you can make sure you don’t fall into the same trap. Or, it will reaffirm that you know tons more than the infamous Michael Yessis.