Media in love with lolo...teammates aren't!

Amazing. ITs pretty much the same here. The only thing with Obama is he is more in the center not left nor right, which I thinka president should be. The democrats dont fight back at the republicans enough and the republicans are so far right they bout to jump off the ledge. At a republican convention the audience booed a soldier cause he was gay. The republicans want to outlaw abortion (even if the woman was raped), contraception, and cut back on goverment. One republican said he wanted to cut out public education! They want to make it so kids who can afford private school get educated and kids who cant get screwed. So what color is the families that generally can afford private school…they are not latin, black, or asian.
Republicans also want to get rid of medicare, which takes care of senior citizens. They also want to lower taxes on the rich and raise them on the poor and middle class. This is the platform the current republican presidential nominee is running on. They want to get rid of the middle class so that there is only poor and rich. That is the definition of a third world country. They also want to shrink the government to the point that you will have to pave your own road, maintain your own city, build wells to get your own water.

And then there is religion. There is supposed to be separation of church and state. But we have black preachers goin on a crusade against obama cause he said he thinks its ok for gays to get married. Who gives a shit if they get married thats there business. People are voting based on religion and not what they need.

I like your Christ, I do not like your Christians. Your Christians are so unlike your Christ.” Mahatma Gandhi