Marathon Plan

Thanks Angela - I noticed in the Jane project there was Pool work, and it reminded me of when i used to do it some 12 years ago. So I’ll be sure to use it as much as one can - esp in the heat, it’s the middle of summer here. Getting access to water is ok for half the week, and a struggle for the other half.

Side note - Himalayan Salt is working wonders. There are not too many things that I can take and really notice the effects. ZMA is one, and this Salt is another. Fantastic stuff. Esp during summer here, so much sweating.

Saturday - had a heap of family arrive for my Nans 90th party - and just ran out of time to train.

Sunday - 1.5hr run - was going fantastic, was pretty hot but bearable for the 1st 65min - then the Shade disappeared… what an absolute shocker. Was hoping to rip out another 30min once i got back, but noway - not in that heat.
Lucky where we stayed there was a Pool - so managed to knock out 10min of pool running before we got kicked out (10am have to hand keys back)
How good is pool running after a Hot and long run!! Really relaxes the muscles and feet and joints. I need a pool at home :slight_smile:

Total weekly time - 6hrs 25min (my best week yet)

Monday - easy day to follow the long run from Sunday - so 30min of run - water run - run - water run - run. Done bare foot, at a beach.
Today was the Hottest day we have had so far, and the beach was fantastic.
Beach running though, might need some Vibram 5 finger “shoes” to avoid the anchors, shells, rocks and so forth. Cuts on the feet are not very conductive to lots of training.