Marathon Plan

Saturday - Spent 6hrs pulling down an old Cubby house, falling 3 Palm trees and 1 big busy tree.
Not a day to go off and rip out a harder workout - so,
6km in 32min 20sec
Avg HR - 120 - this gives me a RATIO of 1.54 Meters per Beat

Sunday - Spent 5hrs chopping up, and sorting through the rubble left behind from Saturdayā€¦
Even had a 1hr nap afterwards
So, another Recovery session - this time with my group that i train on the weekends (so includes some exercises)
2.3km warm up
5km Circuit - 39min
Avg HR 115 (after every 10min had a 3min stand around and stretch)
Avg HR during the circuits was still only 120

Monday - 10yrs sleep (unheard of for the last 10yrs - kidsā€¦)
Ended up having the day off - pretty relaxing day

There is ONE race in particular i want to do really well in this year. Itā€™s a 3km road run, after 1.5km there is a big hill - so it wont be blindly fast. Last year i ran 9min 9sec. It would be good to be around 30sec quicker this year!
There is 15weeks till this race. (including this week)
Iā€™ll need 12wks of La+ work including race prep and taper.
So - Iā€™ll need to shorten my extended Base till 2wks time. (all i have done nearly all yr so far is Aerobic work)

1 week each of May and June = 2wks of Hill work + keep up the volume - Itā€™s like base volume wise, but with included hills

June = 2 wks of 10km pace work - then 1 wks of 5km pace work

July = 1 wk of 5km pace work - 2 wks of 3km work - then 1wks of 1km work

Aug = 1 wk of 1km work - 1 wk of Time trails - 1wk taper - Race 3km

Last week (itā€™s hard getting on the Computer - mobile devices i use the most donā€™t like this site much?)
Tue - 7km of circuits
39min - avg HR 132

Wed - 8km of circuits
44min - avg HR of 141

Thur - off
Fri - off

Sat and Sun - no running, but did some cycling (am now so bored of runningā€¦ - i canā€™t do any more base work, bla)
Sat - 18km - 7min warm up, avg HR 92 (stupidly low) 17:30 workout, avg hr 141. 7min cool down, avg HR 120

Sun - 19km - 36min, avg HR 133, Max HR 153
Cycling is soo much harder to get a solid workout in. IF you stop trying, the heart rate drops way down. If yourā€™re going hard, the heart rate still doesā€™t want to go upā€¦

By monday - after a week of easy sessions and some bike rides, and changing focus on the training (bringing HiLL training forward 2 weeks and going to do 4solid weeks of hills, instead of two, Iā€™m now ready to run, and get right back into it. (though i think iā€™ll make good use of the bike, esp for recovery sessions)

Monday - 9km
36min - avg hr 150, Max HR 163 (going up a big hill towards the turn around)

Tue - 7.8km of HILLS
HR avg, 136 - HR max 171
Done a circuit of 3 hills, 500m long and with a faster effort of around 100m on the flat once back down.
Two the up Hills included doing the first 1/4 of the Hill in a A-skip fashion, but sort of Bounding during the Skip.
The Third hill was a straight run (was hurting massively by the end of the top of the hill)


  • Solid warm up, then 10 x 200ā€™s tempo in joggers. between 35-36sec each, on a 1min 30sec cycle.
    Total 5kmTime,
    29 min
    avg hr 129 Max hr 153 (which is pretty low)

Easy tempo
Total 6.6km (including warm up/down)
time - 35.30 min
avg HR 136
Max HR 155

FriA.M. - Hills
Total 7.31km
time - 43min
Avg HR - 136
Max HR - 169

Midday - Weights
(started last week, two times a week - on hills days)

P.M. - Tempo - Large circuit
Total 4.27kmTime - 30min
Avg HR - 118
Max HR - 153

Total - 16.89km
Time - 33;34min
Avg HR - 142Max
HR - 158

Total - 24.83km
Time - 53.28min
Avg HR - 129
Max HR - 171

Weekly totals
Run - 3.62hrs - 40.02km
Bike - 2.18hrs - 60.72km
total - 5hrs 4min
Using cycling as a means of slight cross training (only on weekends) - keeps the pressure off the legs, keeps things motivating and allows for continued training (9 days in a row now!)

6km run (pretty easy) Time - 26minAvg HR - 143Max HR - 157
Hills Time - 71min
Dist - 12.8km
4 x long hills - 550m each hill. Heart rate monitor kept turning off (auto off when i stopped, but didnt re-start)
Highest HR i seen was still only 171 (i got 3 of the 4 hill runs on display)
Felt extremely La+ in the last 1/4 - 1/3rd of the hills - takes 2min for fastest, next was 2:05 and i missed the timing on the next two ( i would imagine slowerā€¦)

Wed - easy day. Tempo - 30minJust under 5km all up including warm up/down

ThursOff - Very tight hip flexors / foamrolled. Feeling very tired, still recovering from the Hills on Tue

Fri Hills3km warm upSame hills as Tue (550m) - Previous best hill was 2min flat1 - 1:54 2 - 1.523 - 1:45 (it was a race to the top, if it was fast enough, we would just do the 3 hills, if not, we would do another 4th hill - We ran fast enough :slight_smile: 3km warm downTotal time 65 minDistance - just under 12km

Sat - Off (wanted to train, but family stuff was on)

Sun - 8km in 37min - Avg HR 138

Mon - No running, but lots of foamrolling. Maybe a solid 1 x hr.

Tue - Hills54.5min totalDistance 9.2km3 x long hillsTimes

  • 1min 50 (avg hr 152, Max HR 166, Max speed 21.6km/hr)
  • 1min 48 (avg hr 157, Max HR 170, Max speed 22.1km/hr)
  • 1min 47 (avg hr 153, Max HR 167, Max speed 20.7km/hr) Had longer rest before, and avg speed was faster, peak was lower.

so when is next race and how is prep for that going?

Next Major race is Aug 19th. A 3km. Goal is 8 1/2min - or at least, Sub 9min (oh, and to win)

There are a few Minor races between now and then - next one is the 11th june if i go. 18.5km race against an old steam trainā€¦

16.5 min of easy Tempo

17.5km Easy jog

52.5min of Hard hills 4 x sets
1 - 1min 53sec
2 - 1min 45sec
3 - 1min 43sec
4 - 1min 51sec

Weights that afternoon


40min Bike ride - good recovery ride

Flu symptoms (sore and hot - no flem)
Mon night, slept like crap

Hills 4 x

  • but kept HR out of La+ zone and just ran within myself
    1 - 2min 20sec - felt very ordinary up the hill, but by the time the circuit ended, felt pretty good
    2 - 2min 10sec - This was a time that in my 1st week of hills was a struggle vā€™s today felt easy
    3 - 2min 9sec
    4 - 2min 11sec - felt really good by now

Nothing like a good aerobic run to flush the last remaining Crap out of the body - there is still a little bit left, but not much. A solid zzz tonight should bring things back to normal.

Fri will be the last of the Hill workouts - would be sweet to crack the 1min 40sec

Tue, During the day - too much talking, and lost my voice!
Tue night - another very poor 4hrs sleep

Wed - So tired, couldnt get a nap in, and being so tired, the Flu got back at me

Thurs - Solid sleep - still very tired - voice still mostly gone - still somewhat fluā€™y

Fri - Mostly better - Voice pretty much still wonā€™t workā€¦
Muscles feel ok - temp seems normal - back to eating non stop againā€¦
Got this thick flem that will only Cough out - hence causing my sore voice - still, wonā€™t train today - and when i do, itā€™ll just be a few days of easy aerobic work.

These are awesome for improving sleep I was using 2 per night as suggested and now on 1 which is working fine. Provides what I call holiday sleep :slight_smile:

Thanks John, I know a few people who will like that :slight_smile:
Today is Tue, day 10 of being sick. I havenā€™t been sicker for more than 2-3days in like 15+ years. I refuse to get sickā€¦ So this is baffling.

Another Tue - another week of being sick. Attempted to run this morning - it didā€™t work, not even nearly.

bugger so whatā€™s that 17 days? Been to the Dr?

18days today. Dr said it was a lung infection - got me on Asthma puffers and antibiotics. Though, i think itā€™s viral and the antibiotics did stuff all.
Itā€™s nearly gone, but really cold air Hurts the lungs??? Puffers donā€™t seem to do squat - maybe a touch??
Worst thing now, is some eye condition? Hurts in the sun, and has woken me up the last two nights with extreme pain?? On drops, which help during the day time a lot, but did nothing for the midnight pain??
If itā€™s not one thing, itā€™s anotherā€¦ Itā€™s like 15yrs of sickness has been built up and is being unleashed all at once!!

I was getting very excited for my 3km race in end Aug. If i can get healthy and a week of aerobic runs in by end of this month, then i have only 6wks left - and my base reduced to a month of sicknessā€¦ not very exciting nowā€¦

Wed - Tempo workout - slow. Lungs felt ok before, but like crap during. Had to keep the pace much slower than normal - basically just tried to finish without hurting

Thur - 1/2hr run. Had to run much slower than normal, and stop and walk for periods to get the heart rate back under control - this mostly occurred when the lungs were about to cough up some deep seeded crap. Also about 1/2hr of foamrolling about 1hr before the run, mostly thighs and hips.
Finally had a good nights sleep.

Last Fri - A.m. - around 10 x 400ā€™s at a pretty slow pace eg around 90sec with 60sec recoverys. After 5, the lungs cleared up and felt good for the rest.
P.m. - 10 x 200ā€™s with 2min recoverys in 38-40sec each - Felt great

Sat - crappy weather - day off
Sun - Half hr bike ride - around a 1.5km loop, each loop bringing the heart rate 5 x beats higher. Ended with HR at La+ threshold. Feeling much better.

Mon - 25min jog - pretty darn easy at the start, worked up into a decent trot with 1km to go. Felt Fantastic

Tue - Shocking weather - so did 20min Circuit session indoors

Wed - Shocking weather, wet and cold - day off

Thurs - 1hr session - good warm up, then 3 x 400m efforts with 10min recoverys, then a good warm down.
Was still raining, ground was water socked with puddles everywhereā€¦
Times - 64sec, 63sec and an easier 72sec. Goal is to get these down to 55sec before the next race. Be easier in dry conditionsā€¦ But, i recon i still need to improve 5x sec over 400m Pace is pretty slow ATM

Fri - Vo2Max work - 32min total
Max HR 171
7 x 340m (thatā€™s how big the park was)
All done on a 3min cycle - so, around 1min 50sec rest, as each rep was around 1min 8sec. The last two were 1:06 and 1:02. Ran out of daylight (planed was 10 reps) Need to start earlier, easier said than done on Friā€™s

40min of Hill work. (pretty decent steepness too)
On a shorter hill than my last block of hills
6.5km all up.
250m efforts - then a slow jog for a few hundred meters, then run solid/steady down hill, once at bottom, itā€™s around 700m back to the start.
Total of 3 x Circuits
Times up hill, 48sec, 48sec, 49sec

Side notes - it took a solid week for the Blood pressure to return to normal levels after the Lung infection, It was fairly Low until Wed night, Thur morning. Hence why the last week was just easy work till the body sorted itself out.
Resting Heart rate was pretty elevated until today, finally itā€™s dropped to nearly normal levels.
Have lost a solid 3km of bodyweight since the lung infection - 1kg of muscle, and 2kg of Fat - now iā€™m under 4% bodyfat levels - eat eat eat nowā€¦
Since i have a fast 3km race in around 7weeks, Iā€™ll try to gain only 1kg of mass between now and then.

Whatā€™s your height and weight??