Many with Left side tighter than right?

Doc, what kind of therapy do you use in your clinic?
Only manual or do you use any specific device or pharmacologic approach?


question then becomes: can we avoid compensative adaptation as a realized state at least in the end picture? How can we do that?How long can we do it for? What are the implications of that?

I mostly do not agree on all other points,but we can discuss that later.

Pakewi - If you did not have Access to the ARPwave - how would you then do things?

We can avoid compensation working on primary structure, but this point is an effect of body resetting, not the real purpose.
The intention is correct a “fault” in our nervous system communication.
Can we restore this communication???

Why does the Structure need re-setting in the first place?
I notice chiro’s have a belief that if you re-set the Spine, hips and neck, then tension will leave.
Other chiro’s believe remove the tension off the muscle directly, and the Spine, hips and neck re-align on their own.

However - what caused the missalignement in the 1st place? Why is the body unbalanced? or a compensation pattern in the first place?

it could be due to an injury.
It could be due to favouring one side 90% of the time, ie, right handed tennis player.
Could it also be due to Lack of Elasticity in the muscle/sheaths/ tendons? Thus causing a pulling action onto the “main frame” or Skeleton, thus causing compensation patterns, causing miss communication in the CNS?

It can also be, an example, Extreme strong Calf muscle from running, jumping ect, and a weak, underdeveloped Tibialas anterior muscle.

I’m speaking about a different work respect to classic chiro.
Manipulations are a tools, not THE tools.
Much chiro theory is history…


There are sport specific imbalances and general imbalance.

You’re speaking about sport specific.
Those problems can be addressed with all kind of treatments available today: massage, ART…acupuncture, acupressure…physiotherapy…vodoo, etc…
Other point, you see imbalances from periphery to center…(afferent signals)

General imbalance is related to CNS and its regulation (center to periphery - efferent signals)

On a structural point of view, a TMJ problem (lost of functional occlusion) can lead to (compensation) adductors tension, short leg, or psoas hypertonicity from a neurological prospective.

I’m not a big fan of classic chiro, because spinal work can be a limit, or a wrong starting point of view.
Today, classic chiro is only a piece of a great puzzle, the CNS.

Actually I don’t work on the spine, many spinal problems disappear with specific work above C7.

Sometime I’ve to correct some spinal segment, but it’s rare.

This is my experience.

yes - i gathered you were talking about more than classic Chiro - and it seems very interesting.

I know it can be like getting a Hair cut over the phone… But, can you elaborate on this?

Yes we can! And do it over and over. I call it TRAINING!

Same way,without the ARP!

I call it THERAPY…

the term training can mean many things.

I agree. Most times it means only accelerating the death process,as for today.

It only business,in the end…

why…? Business is another thing…

hands-on wise I use multiple myofascial release techniques (both active and passive), classic massage therapy techniques (effleurage, russian, etc), neuromuscular activation techniques (CK, MAT, myomere stim, etc). Chiro manipulative techniques (spine and extremities), SOT blocking, AIS, and others, all based on classic ortho/neuro eval as well as Functional Neurological eval, movement screen and gait eval. EMS therapies including classic forms (pre mod, russian, ifc), ARP, compex. Therapeutic exercise of all sorts and training approaches are client/patient specific. I like to have a lot of tools in my tool box and by no means believe in jack of all trades…I believe skills with regards to therapeutic interventions can be honed quite well, especially if done 10 hours a day for 5-6 days a week. The same way the art of physical culture and strength and conditioning can adapt to certain phases and microcycles, therapy and its intervention tools can be quite adaptive regarding the phases of healing and recovery. The biggest problem I see (being in an area surrounded by training centers) is COACHES NEVER CONSIDER HIRING/INVESTING IN A THERAPIST AS PART OF THE OWNERSHIP TEAM. Consider a great strength coach putting together the best training facility out there and getting investors (capital venture, banking, etc.) who know nothing and can contribute nothing to a strength and conditioning facility except money.
Figure in a great therapist who sees the athletes in the facility as part of their training because he or she owns the facility! You want to know how to prevent/avoid compensations and injuries…this is the model. The training and injury prevention/care go hand in hand. Staying on top of the athletes with nutrition can’t help either. (we dabble in a bit of functional medicine but mostly refer them out)
Does this approach make sense? It eliminates the need for extra money spent by the athlete for “therapy” because it is already part of the training. Novel idea eh". Anyway, back to the patients.

What about a training model encompassing preventing and avoiding detrimental compensation patters with no therapist whatsoever,meaning that takes care of them beforehand?
Or an all encompassing model,where training is not distinct from therapy,and simply does not creates the need for such a distinction finally?

what is an ownership team and what does it own

in its simplest form, the team of personnel that owns the training facility.

not everyone is in a position to own a facility, there are some damm good people out there who do not have the recourses or who do not want to be part of an organisation. i see it as most injuries/imbalances can be avoided by following a few simple rules. muscles work in a straight plane, it can contract and requires an opposing muscle to open it again, if the opposing muscle is too strong it acts as a brake slowing down the speed of the movement which can be bending or straightening of a limb.

i address the left right issues by dynamic drills/motorskills

Nope, not everyone can. But it is a common practice in my region of the US. I was not trying to be presumptive, and if I came across that way then I apologize.
Your rationale for clearing imbalances sounds like a great approach. The body does indeed thrive on movement eh’?