Many with Left side tighter than right?

Pakewi - interesting to note, all my clients that start with me, they all start with Mediball throws - each muscle has its own throw, almost similiar to the reactive catch and release examples shown in the videos you linked to.

I do this and don’t allow anybody to progress to Harder exercises untill they have mastered the mediball - it breaks Left/right side patterns (or compensation patterns) and also front/rear patterns.

Sometimes you can see, some muscles are not responding, or cant respond as some come in with FROZEN muscles - eg, rhombiods, certain rotor cuffs, hip flexors ect. We then remove the tension (tension which is mostly 80% of the time on the LEFT) and once removed, and stretched out, the activity recommences with Vastly different outcomes (for the better)

Once Mediball work is passed, we move onto Bodyweight exercises, same thing applies, then Dumbbells and or Cables. Again, looking for issues and fixing them as they arrive.

I typically find, once i can get somebody doing a full body Dumbbell complex routine - correctly, they have NO compensation issues.

The only thing from there on out, is to ensure tightness, or compensation issues do not sneak in.
eg - people do things outside from me, like Golf, or gardening, or tennis, or whatever. The repetitive nature of ONE side domination of these activities leads to tightness in one side. (normally the left)