I was super tired today. When I made it to the track I didn’t feel like working out at all. Somehow I made it through my warm-up, the sun came out and I began to feel a little better. The only problem is I don’t think I was feeling good enough because every sprint felt slow and forced. I tried to finish up strong, but I think I ended up doing more damage than good. Right now my hamstring feels “funny”.
Speed Day
Track: East Literature
Temp: 54’ F
Time: 3:45PM
[li]Dynamic Warm-up
[/li]600m Warm-up, high knees, butt-kckers
[li]Speed Work
[/li]5 x 10m (1.75s, 1.65s, 1.69s, 1. 64s, 1.64s)
5 x 20m standing (3.07s, 3.07s, 3.00s, 2.73s wtf!!, 3.07s)
5 x 20m three pt (2.90s, 2.91s, 2.95s, 2.93, 2.93)
1 x 30m (4.07s)
[/li]Jog static stretching
[/ul] Weights
Gym: East Community Center
Time: 5:30PM
[li]Bench Press
[/li]10 x 185lbs, 3 x 8 @ 225lbs
[/li]3 x 10
[li]Incline Bench
[/li]3 x 8 @ 205
[li]Barbell Row
[/li]3 x 8 @ 155lbs
[/li]3 x 15 @ 65lbs each arm
[li]Cable Flyes
[/li]12 x 90lbs
Tommorrow I plan on getting some rest, and hopefully my hammy feels better. oh yea I’ll almost forgot. Anybody got a spare Speed Trap ll I can borrow? lol
I was worried last night about how my hamstring would feel in the morning. When I woke up, to my relief, it felt fine. I got to the track around 3:00PM to do a tempo session, but it was so cold I only got through about 1/8th of it. I went to the YMCA and tried to do some runs on the indoor track above the basketball court. The only problem was, the track wasn’t really a track, and it was made out of concrete. After about five laps around, I had to call it quits- the running surface made my shins sore as hell. Next, I went down and hopped on the stationary bike for about 7 minutes and went through a long warm-up that last about 25 minutes. After that I tried out a new ab circuit and played 2 games of basketball. I finished out the day with some static stretching.
Track: East literature
Temp: 30’ F and snowing
Time: 3:00PM
[li]Dynamic Warm-Up
[/li]800m Jog, high knees, butt-kickers, etc.
[li]Tempo + = 50 meter walk
[/li]100+100+100+100 (said “f this” and left)
Time: 3:40PM
[li]Tempo + = length of the court
[li]Long Warm-Up
[/li]bike 7 minutes, high knees- butt-kickers, A, B, C-skips, and everything else I could think of, it felt like a workout in itself.
[/li]3 x (12) hanging knees raises, (20) medicine ball sit-ups, (12) incline russian twists, (12) cable crunches
[/li]2 games up to 36pts. I know shouldn’t be playing ball but the games were very relaxed. I tried to concentrate running up and down the court and didn’t do a lot of jumping or cutting. That means I didn’t play any defense. lol
[/li]10 minutes of static stretching
Overall, today turned out to be very fun. I was definitely bummed about snow in the beginning, but I got alot things done. I’m thinking about doing more to work on my flexibilty every tempo day, because usually I feel stiff as hell is hot. Today I felt awesome. I’m ready for tomorrow
Note to self: STAY OFF THE DAMN BASKETBALL COURT!!. Please excuse the language people. Today was a fun day, but also horrible as far as my lifts went. I played basketball, when I knew I shouldn’t have and it left me drained before doing my jumps. As far as the weights go, my legs felt like spaghetti noodles. and that was before I even touched the weights.
Time: 5:00PM
[li]Dynamic Warm-up
[/li]5 minutes treadmill, high knees, butt-kickers etc
[/li]I played a few games
[li]4-star jump
[/li]2 x 8
[li]lateral cone jump
[/li]2 x 10
[li]standing long jump
[/li]2 x 4
[li]1, 2, 3 jumps
[/li]3 x 5 each leg
[/li]8 x 225lbs, 5 x 275lbs, 5 x 315lbs, 3 x 345lbs, 1 x 365lbs
[li]Glute Ham Raise
[/li]3 x 6
[li]Romanian Dead Lift
[/li]2 x 8 @ 225lbs
After today I made three new goals/rules for myself.
Today’s tempo session was hard but it was nowhere near as difficult as I thought it would be. Which also made today’s session very encouraging. Maybe this is due to the hard work I’m putting in or maybe the reason today went so well is the fact that I spent the better half of this morning coughing up phlegm that has been in my lungs for the past month.
Track: East Literature (Infield)
Temp: 47’ F
Time: 5:15PM
[li]Dynamic Warm-UP
[/li]400m jog, high knees, A-skips, b-skips etc
[li]Tempo Runs @ 75%
[/li]4 x 30
Wow, I feel so much better.
Yesterday was awesome and today was the opposite. To make a long story short, I ran, I felt fast, I hurt my hammy, I ran again, I hurt my hammy again. :mad:
Speed Work
Track: East Literature
Temp: 51’ F
Time: 5:30PM
[li]Dynamic Warm-Up
[/li]400m jog, high knees, butt-kickers etc
[li]Speed stuff
[/li]3 x 20m standing (2.85s, 2.82s, 2.89s)
[/ul] Weights
Time: 6:00PM
[li]Shoulder Press
[/li]4 x 8 @ 135lbs
[li]Barbell Curl
[/li]3 x 10 @ 85lbs
[li]Dumbell Flyes
[/li]3 x 8 x 25lbs each arm
[/ul]ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!!! :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad: I don’t know what to do, but I’ll figure it out.
Its more towards the middle/outer area of my hamstring. I didn’t think it was that bad at first (the main why I keep going. I know im dumb), but after reading “The Definitive Hamstring\Muscular Recovery Post” it seems like it will be a while before I’ll be back to 100%. Any advice?
how bad is the pain, ice and rest, i was wondering if you started to overreach or get some chronic fatigue going.
are you doing 3 high intense days a week or two. If 3 then drop it to 2 days of sprinting.
How are you running, would be good to see how you run, are you thinking legs up an down samming the track or you just sprinting with visuals that you see from the site?
Still resting my hamstring, so no running today.
[li]Bench Press
[/li]8 x 205lbs, 2 x 8 @ 225lbs
[li]DB Incline flyes
[/li]3 x 12 @ 30lbs each arm
[li]BB Row
[/li]3 x 8 @ 155lbs
[li]BB Push Press
[/li]2 x 6 @ 135lbs
[li]Leg Raises
[/li]3 x 10
I was bored out of my mind today in the weight room. On a good note my hammy is definitely feeling better, but I’m going to take it slow. Wednesday I’ll do some 10m accelerations and see how it feels.
Today was the first day back on the track and everything is going according to plan. I mean I didn’t do any sprinting or anything, but my hamstring didn’t bother me the least bit. I decided I’ll wait til friday to do some accelerations out to 10m. we’ll see.
Track: East Literature
Time: 6:15PM
Temp: 48’ F
[li]Dynamic Warm-up
[/li]400m jog, high knees, butt-kickers, etc
[li]Tempo + = 30 sec rest
[/li]400m jog, static stretching
Another thing to mention is tempo; its becoming easier and easier for me, so I know this conditioning thing is working. I was thinking back to about 5 weeks ago to my first day of doing tempo. I could barely finish 3 sets of (2) 100m runs @ 75%.
Time: 7:00PMish
[li]Cable Flyes
[/li]3 x 12 @ 90lbs
[/li]3 x 10 @ 150lbs
Overall today turned out to be an O.K. day. I think I’m finally getting a rhythm going. This week and next week I’ll be in training for a new postion for my job and all I have to save is, I have much respect for people who train while having full-time jobs.
Temp: 40’ F
Time: 6:15PM
[li]Dynamic Warm-up
[/li]400m jog, high knees, butt-kickers, etc…
[li]Tempo Runs
Today went well… uh, yea that’s about it
I can’t begin to tell you how good it feels to be lifting heavy again.
Time: 7:30PM
[li]Dynamic Warm-up
[/li]bike 5 min, high knees and stuff
[li]Full Squats
[/li]5 x 160lbs, 5 x 200lbs, 5 x 235lbs, 5 x 280lbs, 5 x 315lbs
[li]Bench Press
[/li]5 x 135lbs, 5 x 165lbs, 5 x 200lbs, 5 x 230lbs, 5 x 265lbs
[li]Barbell Rows
[/li]3 x 5 @ 135lbs, 5 x 160lbs, 5 x 185lbs
[li]Glute Ham Raise
[/li]2 x 8
Good Workout and my hammy feels good. Wednesday I’ll try to do some accelerations out to 20m.
So today I got back on track on the track and did some accelerations out to 30m. My original plan was to only go out to 20m, but my hamstring was feeling awesome so I decided to test it out a bit. I think its safe to say, right now I’m at 100%. All of my sprints felt good and for some reason I feel a little faster than I did before I strained my hamstring. I not saying they were though-- I didn’t time anything today.
Speed Work
Track: East Lit.
Temp: 60’F
Time: 7:30PM
[li]Dynamic Warm-up
[/li]800m jog, high knees, butt-kickers, a-skips, b-skips etc
[li]Speed work
[/li]5 x 10m
1 x (12.5m, 15m, 17.5m, 20m)
5 x 20m
2 x 30m
[li]Cool down
[/li]jog and some static stretching
[/li]200 reps
[li]Ab work
[/li]200 reps
Good Workout, feeling awesome. I’ve gotten a good amount of sleep this last week and a half. I usually get about 5 hours, recently its been about 8.5 hours. I can feel the difference. lets see how long I can keep this up.
Today was a pretty stressful and I expect tomorrow to be the same. I got off work late and really didn’t feel like doing any tempo at all. Somehow I managed to get through the workout though.
Track: East literature infield
Temp: 52’F
Time: 9:45PM
[li]Dynamic Warm-up
[/li]400m jog, high knees, butt-kickers etc…
[li]Tempo runs
= 2000m
[/li]500m walk to my car lol
Overall this tempo session went well. I’m glad I pushed through and got it done, because this session turned out to be the most relaxing part of my day. I’m feeling really good right now, but I don’t know how well I’ll sleep tonight. I’ m doing the second part of my final assessment at work and I’m freakin nervous man. :eek:
Speed Work
Track: East Literature
Temp: 54’ F
Time: 7:00PM
[li]Dynamic Warm-up
[/li]800m jog, high knees, butt-kickers
[/li]4 x 20m
4 x 30m
= 200m total
[/li]5 x 30
[/li]static stretching
I’m pissed I couldn’t make it to the weight room today. If I had known it was going to close early today, I would have done more volume on the track. 28 more workouts until my first meet of the season–Lets make em count
Track: East Literature (infield)
Temp: 52’ F
Time: 6:15PM
[li]Dynamic Warm-Up
[/li]400m jog, high knees, A’s, B’s etc
= 2200m FINALLY!!!
[/li]400 jog, static and PNF stretching
[/li]350 reps
Today workout went well, but it feels like I’m not doing enough to get where I want to be (where ever that is). Here are some things I really want to focus on: