lsu strength and conditioning

These numbers only speak to what was done throughout their tenure at LSU and whatever good the combine preparation camps they attended did for their performance.

We all know how certain programs can lead to as much regression as progression. When I got here last year some of my players told me that they jumped higher and lifted more in high school then when tested here under the regime that Buddy and I replaced.

Regarding the guys you posted, I’d be interested to know what their numbers were coming out of high school and what impact their combine preparation had on their performance.

Lastly, don’t forget that the measurables only illustrate aspects of athleticism and that the greatest ‘athletes’ are the ones who put the measurables together with great coordination and fluidity.

While many of the numbers you posted wouldn’t be considered as ‘freakish’ we mustn’t for a second diminish the athleticism and ‘football sense’ share by the group that isn’t captured by the measurables.

Everything you saying I already know, since you guys are running a great program im gonna hit you up in three years and see how things are going. By the way you cant knock what ethan reeve has done at wake forest bc they dont get top talent but still win ball games.

Then why did you make the post?

While I’m no Nostradamus I’m confident you can shorten the 3 year wait to the end of this 08 season.

I’m criticizing is the premeditated/planned 15-20% margin for screw ups. This makes absolutely zero sense to me; and your justification of ‘still winning ball games’ fits perfectly into the example I provided earlier -the diluted reasoning shared by so many (ergo if A + B + C = winning games than we must be doing a great job even if it turns out that A= highly motivated team B= good tactical preparation and C= shit physical preparation)

tamfb, despite what we are going back and forth over here I realize that you and I are much closer in our shared viewed than we are distant.

Why did i make what post??

So the end of 08 huh, no problem. Just make sure you guys win more then 4 guys now. :slight_smile:

I always wonder when I hear/read some S&C coach talking about their extensive usage of the oly (and power) lifts in-season if the athletes are actually doing them. I know in our case, our “sheet” might say power cleans and squats during week 8 of the season, but I promise you nobody but freshmen and red shirts are cleaning, and most guys that squat limit themselves to sub 50%.

we squatted and did some kind of ol year round, be a baller instead of a cry baby.

This is our inseason program, we pick one from each plus sq and bp.

Box Jumps
Lunge Jumps
Cone Hops
Single Leg Box Jumps
Step Up Jumps
Shuffle Box Jumps

Weighted Exercises
Hang Cleans
Hang Snatch
Block Cleans
Block Snatch
Squat Push Press
One arm DB Snatch

Throwing Exercises
Overhead Step Throws
Overhead Scoop Toss
Kneeling Scoop Toss
Kneeling Chest Pass
Wood Chopper Throws
Shovel Throws

Yeah doing power cleans with a broke hand will make me really tough. Get real, man.

I’d rather be “tough” and explosive on the field than in the weight room, but that’s just me. :rolleyes:

I rather be both aka Gholston, Vernon

this is for you james smith:

look like tempo pace.

Agree. 16-20s for a 110 equates to 75% of a 12-15s 110 ran at max speed. While there may be a fat linemen or two that can’t manage a 15s 110 at max speed this time frame certainly encompasses the majority of preparation level for the d-1 athlete (especially LSU level athlete) to qualify for tempo.

Looking at the video they are certainly running sub-maximally.

I question the cue to “run until we can’t run anymore”,however.

Not very consistent with the physiological objective of tempo.

I believe my bro said that dorsey and jackson who is 6-5 295 can do the 26x110 in 15-16, also do see how the troops are sold on the program.

That looks like the spoof video my sprinter made demonstrating 5K runner block starts.

Tommy’s in-season program is really simple to use. He uses a bench mark type of training. He increases weight for major lifts for 3 weeks. Then he off-loads a week. Then he goes through another 3 week climb; then off loads a week. Increases can be 10-20 lbs depending on how the athlete feels. He lifts some heavy weight in-season. Have gone away from doing this, “but am returning to it”.

Rep schemes change through the inseason cycle.

Basic workout

Day 1
Hang clean
back sqt
glute-ham or hyper
leg curls

day 2
db incline
lat pull/chin circuit/hammer lat circuit
delt exercise
4-way neck

Summer conditioning program:
mon: 110’s/weights
tue: long warmup
thur: speed/sleds
fri: curves etc/weights

another one for you james:

This really isn’t that impressive. While I was at a small d1 school plenty of lineman who were over 300 pounds were able to run 16 110’s in 16 seconds.

I really think the 16-20 second interval for the 110’s is a typo because 16 seconds, especially for a skill guy and really for all positions excluding lineman, is slow as all hell for this test. Especially for a school like LSU.

School I was at we had skill guys run their 110’s in 14 seconds and very few guys had trouble with this. When I say trouble I mean in terms of failing the test. Because let me assure you there is nothing tempo oriented about this test. Preparing for it over the summer was a shit show for myself and many of my teammates. However, if you prepare for it after 10 weeks you will be able to complete it.

Also, I believe schools like Miami have their skill guys do 12-13 seconds, 14 seconds for TE/LB/etc. and 16 seconds for lineman.

As far as being sold on this and the program, who honestly believes lineman at LSU believe running 16 110’s in a certain time is helping them become a better football player?

my bro speak to tommy often, they do 26 not 16. the 26x110 are huge part of lsu program and tommy said that all the sr believes it counts for 3 wins per yr. also some of they top players perform the 110’s with a weighted vest.

lol @ “counts for three wins a year”

What difference does it make when all the opponents are doing the same thing? :confused:

Everybody either does 15-30 110m or 300yd shuttle. What a joke

im not gonna knock what tommy does bc hes getting the end results which is wins. for you to totally understand his program you must see more then 2min of stack vid, i remember him saying that one of his athlete friends played fb for ucla and came down to baton rouge for a week and decided to join the team for workouts “he didnt even make it through the strength training”.

that’s funny you should mention that bc we had a guy in here from ucla as well a couple of years back. he was doing our team’s training with his friend (voluntary summer period) and struggled greatly dont think he even did the running. as a matter of fact, it might even have been the same ucla guy it both schools as his friends were from N.O.

but guess what, we weren’t national champs next year (prolly never will be) and the knock on our nfl candidates the last few years has been “shoulder and low back issues”

funny story bout the ucla guy…talking about reggie bush he said “if he [reggie] saw you, you had lost your opportunity to tackle him” :eek:

this ucla guy was getting train by doc kreis crew.