llennys training journal

My last post vanished, so heres the sessions I completed last week.


Warm up:
3 laps (jog 100m/skip 100m), stretches, strides (3x50m)
drills (3x20m a skip, 3x20m ankle hops)

Tyres/Block starts

3x30m tyres/starts

5.18/4.14sec Rest 3min(rep)/5min(set)

Med Ball (5kg) throws

2x5 fwd - 10.50m
2x5 bwd - 10.40m
2x5 ht

Abs (various) 200

Warm Down: Walk, Stretches

First time to time tyres & starts so I guess I can count them as unofficial bests. Tyre & harness weigh a total of 9kg.


Warm up:
jog, stretches
drills (4x20m a skip)
Abs (various) 200



Abs (various) 200. Total 400

Warm down: walk 1 lap, stretch

50m walk between reps, 100m walk between sets.

Foam roller: calves, glutes, hams, quads

Did tempos barefoot again today. Calves not as tired as last week.


Warm up:
3 laps (jog 100m/skip 100m), stretches, strides (3x60m)
drills (3x20m a skip, 3x20m ankle hops)


3x10 double leg hops - 31.05m pb
3x10 bounds (4str run in) - 32.10m pb


Cleans 3x6 (50,50,55kg)
Bench Press 3x6 (65kg)
Squat 3x6 (65kg)
Calf Raise 3x10 (75kg)
Various Abs 200

Warm down: walk 1 lap, stretch.

Massage - Feet, calves, hams

Calves a bit flat from barefoot tempo, but loosened up well in warm up. Pleased with this session. Not bad for 2nd bound session in 10 months. Conditions were cool & grass was damp, but cant complain.


Warm up:
Walk, jog, stretches
drills (4x20m a skip)
abs 150



30sec rest between reps
Abs. 400 total.

Warm down: Walk, stretches.

Ran tempos in joggers today as im still a little tight in calves, but much better than last week. Felt good throughout session.


Warm up: Walk, 3 laps (jog 100m/skip 100m), stretches.
drills - 3x20m a skip, ankle hops
strides - 3x50m
Accel - 3x30m. 3min rest.


3x60min 7.41,-,7.41sec. Rest 6-7min.


Snatch 3x6 (40kg)
Dead Lifts 3x6 (80kg)
Power Press 3x6 (40kg)
Calf Raise 3x10 (70kg)
Various Abs 200

Warm Down: stretches


1st 60s session in about 8 weeks. Main focus this cycle is 0-30m. This was a morning session & I felt a bit sluggish. 2nd 60 felt quicker, but wouldnt you know it my stopwatch didnt work.


Warm up: 1 lap walk, 2 laps jog
Stretches, Abs 100.

Circuit (x3)

10 Squat jumps
20 MB(5kg) chest throws
10 Jump onto bench (65cm)
10 MB bwd throws
10 Split jumps
100 Abs (3 sets only)
2x100m tempo (30sec rest)

Total 580 reps incl. warm up & abs (400)

Slightly different circuit to last week. No chin up bar so did bwd med ball throws. Weather conditions were good (24 C in winter) so replaced wall runs with tempos. Overall a pretty good week at the office.



Mixed bag this week. Started off great tyres/starts & tempo & ended on the sidelines with a bruised ankle.


Warm up:
3 laps (jog 100m/skip 100m), stretches, strides (3x50m)
drills (3x20m a skip, 3x20m ankle hops)

Tyres/Block starts

4x30m tyres/starts

5.01/4.02sec Rest 3min(rep)/5min(set)
4.70/3.83sec pb

Med Ball (5kg) throws

2x5 fwd - 10.60m
2x5 bwd - 10.85m
2x5 ht

Abs (various) 200

Warm Down: Walk, Stretches

An overall improvement with this session. Both tyres/starts & med ball throws have improved this week. Starts will take a few more weeks to nail. Not so powerful out of the blocks. Takes 15-20m to get going.


Warm up:
jog, stretches
drills (4x20m a skip)
Abs (various) 200



Abs (various) 200. Total 400

Warm down: walk 1 lap, stretch

50m walk between reps, 100m walk between sets.

Foam roller: calves, glutes, hams, quads

Felt very good with barefoot tempos. However my right ankle started hurting towards the end of the session. Had a similar ache 5 weeks ago that dissappeared after a few days rest. Barefoot tempos must have aggrevated an old injury. Will ice.


Warm up:

Abs (various) 200
EMS - Back, glutes, hams (10x10sec on/50sec off)
Ice ankle.

Right ankle sore when walking down stairs, hills, & any movements that compress. Icing today & see physio tomorrow.


Warm up:
Abs (various) 400

Visited physio today for diagnosis & treatment. After a series of ankle tests his diagnosis was bone bruising, as the only pain I had was on palpation & compression. Fortunatley its not a series injury & I should be back soon. I can only put it down to one of my early sessions when I did ankle hops heel toe which may have jarred my ankle.


Warm up: 5min Rowing, stretches


Bench Press 3x6 (70kg)
Front LPD 3x6 (60kg)
Shoulder Press 3x6 (40, 45, 50kg)
Seated Row 3x6 (60kg)
Reverse Hyperextension 3x10
Various Abs 200

Warm Down: stretches

EMS - Back, glutes, hams (10x10sec on/50sec off)

Upper body weights only with the exeption of reverse hypers. Ankle a little better.


Warm up: 10x25m swim

Pool Tempo


Contrast Shower

2x3min hot/30sec cold

Very easy tempo in the pool. Right ankle was fine during the session. Felt good after contrast shower.



Did mostly upper body weights, ems, pool tempo, & circuits this week. Also getting physio on right ankle.


Warm up:
5min Rowing, stretches


Bench Press 3x6 (70kg)
Seated Row 3x6 (60kg)
Dips 3x10 (-,10,10kg)
Chin ups (various grips) 3x10
Hyperextension 3x10 (-,5,5kg)
Various Abs 200

Warm Down: Stretches

EMS - Back, glutes, hams (10x10sec on/50sec off)


Warm up:
Abs (various) 200
6x25m swim

Pool Tempo


Abs (various) 200. Total 400

Contrast Shower

2x3min hot/30sec cold


Another easy session in the pool. Physio worked on ankle medial ligament & capsule mobility. Did some plantarfascia stretches. Other modalities were ultrasound & interferrential (suction machine with pins & needles feeling).


Warm up:
5min Rowing, stretches


Shoulder Press 3x6 (60kg)
Front LPD 3x6 (60kg)
Upright Row 3x6 (30,35,40kg)
Hyperextension 3x10 (-,5,5kg)
Various Abs 200

Warm down - stretches

EMS - Back, glutes, hams (10x10sec on/50sec off)

EMS felt more intense today as compared to Tuesday. Post the rest of the week tomorrow.


Heres the rest of last weeks sessions. Various weights & circuit sessions. Re intro some tempo running.


Warm up: (circuit)
5x20 push ups, sit ups, squats

Circuit (x3)

10 MB Fwd throws against wall
10 MB Overhead throws against wall
20 MB chest throws
10 Step ups onto bench (50cm) each leg
10 Hip raises each leg
100 Abs (3 sets only)

Total 840 reps incl. warm up & abs (400)

Pretty tired at the end of this session. Havent done any leg exercises since last week.


Warm up: 5min Rowing, stretches


Bench Press 3x6 (70kg)
Full Squat 3x6 (60kg)
Seated Row 3x6 (60kg)
Hyperextension 3x10 (5kg)
Various Abs 200

Warm Down: stretches

Weights felt pretty heavy today. Probably tired from yesterday’s circuit. Will do EMS tomorrow.


Warm up: Jog (2 laps), stretches
Drills: 4x20m a skip
Abs: 100

Tempo/Circuit x 2

10xFwd MB throws
10xBwd MB throws
10xMB over & unders
100 abs (before & after each circuit)

Tempo - 600m
Med ball - 80
Abs - 400

EMS - Glutes, hams (10x10sec on/50sec off)

First tempo session back as advised by physio. Felt good at throughout session. Ankle felt good too.


Thanks Pete.


Warm up:
3 laps (jog 100m/skip 100m), stretches, strides (3x50m)
drills (4x20m a skip)

Sprints (standing start)


Med Ball (5kg) throws

2x5 fwd - 10.70m
2x5 bwd - 10.45m
2x5 ht

Abs (various) 200

Warm Down: Walk, Stretches, ice ankle

First track session in almost 2 weeks. Ran at about 70% effort. Ankle a little sore when slowing down. Apart from that feeling ok.


Warm up:
6x25m swim

Pool Tempo


Abs (various) 400.

Sauna - 5min
Contrast shower - 2x3min hot/30sec cold

Easy tempo session. Give the ankle some rest. Has been sore for a couple of days following physio. Felt good after sauna & contrast shower.


Warm up:
3 laps (jog 100m/skip 100m), stretches, strides (3x50m)
drills (4x20m a skip, 4x10m ankle hops) .

Sprints (standing start)



5x10 jump onto box (30cm)


Bench Press 3x6 (70,75,75kg)
Cleans 3x6 (50,55,60kg)
Full Squat 3x6 (60,70,75kg)
Various Abs 200

Slowly getting back to regular training sessions. Everything felt pretty good today. Sprints are still at about 70-80% effort. (I guess they shouldnt be called sprints at that pace).


Warm up:
Walk, jog
Abs 150



Abs 100 between & 150 after tempo sets. Totalled 400 reps.

Gradual increase in tempo. Slight ache in warm up. No pain during session.


Warm up:
1 lap walk, 3 laps jog
stretches, strides (3x50m)
drills (3x20m a skip, 3x10m ankle hops).




Snatch 3x6 (40,45,45kg)
Dead Lift 3x6 (70,80,90kg)
Power Press 3x6 (40,45,45kg)
Reverse Leg Press 3x6 (70kg each leg)
Calf Raises 3x10 (50,60,70kg)
Various Abs 200

Warm Down: stretches, ice feet.

Running closer to 80% today. Experimented with a reverse leg press machine at the gym. Beats using the gyms universal machine. May use it again in future sessions, when I need a change.


Foam Roller - Glutes, hams, quads, adductors, back

Thats it for this week. Seeing physio on Monday, so may be sore for a day or 2 after. Im almost back to regular sesions so shouldnt be too long.


Ankle nearly 100% this week. Intensity up this week from the previous 2-3 weeks. No pain after physio this time.


Warm up:
1 lap walk, 3 laps jog
stretches, strides (3x50m)
drills (4x20m a skip, 4x10m ankle hops)
Accel 3x30m

Tyres/Block starts

4x30m tyres/starts

4.8/4.0sec Rest 3min(rep)/5min(set)

Med Ball (5kg) throws

2x5 fwd - 11.10m
2x5 bwd - 10.95m
2x5 ht

Abs (various) 250

Warm Down: Walk, Stretches

First all out session in 2-3 weeks. Ankle feels almost 100%. No pain from physio yesterday. Feel like I need another week to get back into it. Med ball throws improving each week.

Foam roller - Hams, glutes, quads, calves, back.


Warm up:
625m swim

Pool Tempo


Sauna - 5min
Contrast shower - 2x3min hot/30sec cold

Abs (various) 500.

Massage: Feet, calves, glutes, hams,

Calves were a little tight from yesterday. Felt good after sauna & contrast shower.


Warm up:
1 lap walk, 3 laps jog
stretches, strides (3x60m)
drills (3x20m a skip, 3x20m ankle hops)
Accel 3x30m

Stadium Stairs

3x9 double leg hops (up 2 stairs at a time) 4.7,4.5,4.5sec
3x9 bounds (up 2 stairs at a time) 3.2, 3.3, 3.2, 3.1sec


Bench Press 2x5 (75,80kg)
Cleans 2x5 (60,65kg)
Full Squat 2x5 (75,80kg)
Calf Raises 3x10 (60,70,80kg)
Various Abs 250

Warm down: stretch.

Massage - Feet, calves, hams

Running much quicker today up stairs than last time. Weights going up each week. Meant to do bounds today, but weather was bad.


Warm up:
Walk, jog, stretches
abs 150

Skipping Rope

2x5x30sec (15sec rest)

Abs. 500 total (between & at end of skipping rope sets).

Warm down: Walk, stretches.

Experimented today with skipping rope. If anything its tiring in the upper body & calves. Did it on a cricket pitch with artificial grass. (pretty soft). Its on a soccer field but they havent covered the cricket pitch.


Warm up: Walk, 3 laps (jog 100m/skip 100m), stretches.
drills - 3x20m a skip, ankle hops
strides - 3x50m
Accel - 3x30m. 3min rest.

Block starts

3x20m 3.0, 2.9, 2.9sec


3x60m 7.8, 7.6, 7.5sec


Snatch 2x5 (45,50kg)
Dead Lifts 2x5 (90,100kg)
Power Press 3x6 (45,50kg)
Calf Raise 3x10 (70,75,80kg)
Various Abs 250

Warm Down: stretches

Block starts were 100%, but 60s were under 95%. Should be back to 100% next week. Pleased with how my ankle has progressed. Back to regular sessions next week.


Warm up: 1 lap walk, 3 laps (jog 100m/skip 100m)
Drills (4x20m a skips)
Abs 50.

Circuit (x3)

10 Squat jumps
20 MB(5kg) chest throws
10 Jump onto bench (65cm)
10 MB bwd throws
10 Split jumps
100 Abs (3 sets only)
2x100m tempo (30sec rest)

Total 680 reps incl. warm up & abs (500)

Got through circuit ok. Felt good afterwards.


Its good to hear your making some really good progress. Keep it up.:slight_smile:

Hows ur Tendonitis holding up llenny ?
Any plans to compete ?

Gloop, achilles tendons are fine at the moment. Spent a lot of time from Aug 02 till March 03 rehabing which was very frustrating. However the plan this year is to do some 60s in August, some TJ & possibly 100m in Oct/Nov, then prepare for state & national champs in Jan/Feb 04 in the TJ.


Back to normal training this week.


Warm up:
1 lap walk, 3 laps jog
stretches, strides (3x50m)
drills (4x20m a skip, 4x10m ankle hops)
Accel 3x30m

Tyres/Block 3 pt starts

3x30m tyres/starts
4.6/4.0sec Rest 3min(rep)/5min(set)

1x20m tyre/40m

1x10m tyre/50m

Med Ball (5kg) throws
3x5 chest throw (against wall)
3x5 fwd (against wall)

Abs (various) 250

Warm Down: Walk, Stretches

EMS - Back, glutes, hams. 10x10sec on/50sec off

Tyres sprints were fast today as track was wet. Right hammy tight at end of session. Cold & damp conditions


Warm up:
6x25m swim

Pool Tempo

Sauna - 5min
Contrast shower - 2x3min hot/30sec cold

Abs (various) 500.

Massage: Feet, calves, glutes, hams,

Pretty much the same as last week. Felt good after sauna & contrast shower.


Warm up:
1 lap walk, 3 laps jog
stretches, strides (3x60m)
drills (3x20m a skip, 3x20m ankle hops)
Accel 3x30m

Stadium Stairs
2x9 double leg hops (up 2 stairs at a time) 4.3, 4.2sec
3x9 bounds (up 2 stairs at a time) 3.3, 3.1, 3.3sec
2x9 hops (left leg/2 steps at a time) 4.9, 4.3sec
2x9 hops (right leg/2 steps at a time) 4.7, 4.3sec

Bench Press 1x5,3,2 (80,85f,85kg)
Cleans 1x5,3,2 (65,70,75kg)
Full Squat 1x5,3,2 (80,85,90kg)
Ecc. Calf Raises 3x5/5 (40kg) up 2 down 1 leg
Various Abs 250

Warm down: stretch.

EMS - Back, glutes, hams. 10x10sec on/50sec off

Stair runs & weights going well. First attempt at hops of any sort since last August. Handled it well. Right hammy still a bit tight, pretty high on leg. Get it checked out.


Warm up:
Walk, jog, stretches
abs 100

2x5x100m (30sec rest)

Abs. 500 total

Warm down: Walk, stretches.


Tempos felt good. Right hammy still bothering me. Had a massage & it was pretty sore. Go easy tomorrow on sprints. Probably just do drills, run thoughs, & weights.


Warm up: Walk, 3 laps (jog 100m/skip 100m), stretches.
drills - 3x20m a skip, High knees, Skips, side skips (each side)3x10m ankle hops
strides - 6x50m

Snatch 1x5,3,2 (50,52.5,55kg)
Dead Lifts 1x5,3,2 (95,100,105kg)
Power Press 1x5,3,2 (50,55,60kg)
Calf Raise 3x10 (75,80,85kg)
Various Abs 250

Warm Down: stretches

EMS - Back, glutes, hams. 10x10sec on/50sec off

Decided to do an extended warm up & weights today. Get my hammy checked out by physio. Felt ok during weights.


Warm up: 1 lap walk, 3 laps (jog 100m/skip 100m)
Drills (2x50m a skips)
Abs 200.

Circuit (x3)
10 Squat jumps
20 MB(5kg) chest throws
10 Jump onto bench (65cm)
10 MB bwd throws
10 Split jumps
100 Abs
2x100m tempo (30sec rest)

Total 680 reps incl. warm up & abs (500)

This circuit feels better each time I do it. Had another massage. Tightness slowly disappearing.


Back to normal training this week. Going easy on training this week due to tight right hamstring. Tightness is close to glutes.


Warm up:
1 lap walk, 3 laps jog
stretches, strides (4x60m hills)
drills (4x20m a skip, 4x10m ankle hops)
Accel 3x30m

2x4x30m hills.

Med Ball (5kg) throws
2x5 fwd(10.95m)
2x5 bwd (10.60m)
2x5 ht

Abs (various) 250

Warm Down: Walk, Stretches

Had physio on right hamy today. Physio says the pain is neural. He showed me some neural stretches. Treatment & stretches seem to be helping. See physio again on Friday.


Warm up:
Walk, jog, stretches
abs 100

2x5x100m (30sec rest)

Abs. 500 total

Warm down: Walk, stretches.

Foam Roller - Quads, hams, glutes

Usually do pool tempo on this day due to a sore ankle I had. Back into grass tempo runs. Prefer this to the pool.


Warm up:
1 lap walk, 3 laps jog
stretches, strides (3x60m)
drills (3x20m a skip, 3x20m ankle hops)
Accel 3x30m

3x10 double leg hops - 30.50m
4x10 bounds (4str run in) - 31.30m

Bench Press 1x3,3,2,2 (80,80,85,85kg)
Cleans 1x3,3,2,2 (75,75,80,80kg)
Full Squat 1x3,3,2,2 (80,85,90,95kg)
Ecc. Calf Raises 3x5/5 (40kg) up 2 down 1 leg
Various Abs 250

Warm down: stretch.

Pleased with bounds & weights. Bounds were pretty much medium effort. Didnt want to aggrevate hamstring. Weights progressing well.


Warm up:
Walk, jog, stretches
abs 100

2x5x100m (30sec rest)

Abs. 500 total

Warm down: Walk, stretches.

More physio today. Right ham progressing well. see physio again next wed. Going away on the weekend. Only doing abs on sunday.


abs - 500


About time I posted last weeks sessions, so here we go.


Warm up:
1 lap walk, 3 laps jog
stretches, strides 3x60m
drills (4x20m a skip, 4x10m ankle hops)
Accel 3x30m

4x30m: 4.1, - , 3.9, 3.9sec
2x60m: 7.6, 7.5sec

4x5 Jump onto platform (approx 75cm)

Med Ball (5kg) throws
5xbwd (10.60m)
5xchest (8.80m)

Weights (80%)
Cleans 3x3 (72.5kg)
Hang Snatch 3x2 (40kg)
Calf Raises 3x10 (80,85,90kg)
Various Abs 200

Warm Down: Walk, Stretches

This is an easy week. Running between 90-95% speed at the moment. Right hammy still a bit tight but improving each session.


Warm up:
Walk, jog, stretches
abs 100
Drills 2x50m a skip

2x5x100m (30sec rest)

Abs. 400 total

Warm down: Walk, stretches.

Had physio today. Plenty of neural stretches seem to help. See physio again on Fri. Loosened up well during tempo runs.


Warm up:
1 lap walk, 3 laps jog
stretches, strides (3x60m)
drills (3x20m a skip, high knee, ankling, 3x10m ankle hops)
Accel 3x30m

MB/MB accel
2x5 MB chest throw. Land in push ups position
2x5 MB chest throw + 20m accel.

Weights (80%)
Snatch 3x3 (47.5kg)
Hang Cleans 3x2 (67.5kg)
Various Abs 200

3x5 Squat jump onto box (60cm)
3x5 Lunge jump onto box (45cm) each leg

Warm down: stretch.

Experimented with MB accel exercises today, & fond them to be great exercises. Accelerated really well from a low position. Found them in charlies 2002 forum review. Good stuff. Overall a good day at the office.


Warm up:
Walk, jog, stretches
abs 100
Drills: 5x20m a skip, 3x20m ankling, flip flops.

2x5x100m (30sec rest)

Abs. 400 total

Warm down: Walk, stretches.

More physio today. Right ham progressing well. see physio again next mon. Having a rest over the weekend as advised by my coach. Had intended to do some fast runs & weights, but decided to listen this time.


Started a 3 week maintenance phase. Looking to cut down volumes over the next 3 weeks. Aim is to get times down over all distances in training up to 60m. Will also add in tests over stairs & bounds where possible. After the next 3 weeks will get into SPP.


Warm up:
Walk, 5min jog

Cleans 1x3,2 (75,80kg)
Hang Snatch 1x3,2,1 (45,50, 55kg)
Calf Raises 3x10 (80,85,90kg)
Various Abs 200

3x20m a skip, 3x10m ankle hops
Run throughs

Med Ball
5xMB chest throw. Land in oush ups position

4x30m: 4.2,4.2,4.1,4.1sec

Med Ball
5xMB chest throw. Land in push up position

3x60m: 7.8,7.9,7.8sec

Med Ball (5kg) throws
5xbwd (10.60m)
5xchest (9.20m)

4x5 Jump onto platform (approx 90cm)

Warm Down: Walk, Stretches

Unable to run on track today as there was a school carnival, so ran up some short hills & 60s on grass with a very slight uphill. Experimented with weights before track work. Seemed to work well for me. Lifted a PB in the hang snatch. Physio on hamstring. Still feels tight but improving every session. Able to run close to all out. Really helps to run relaxed. Less strain on hamstring.


Warm up:
Walk, jog, stretches
abs 200
Drills 5x20m a skip

2x5x100m (30sec rest)

Abs. 400 total

Warm down: Walk, stretches.


Felt really good in tempos today. Felt bouncy in runs which is better than flat legs for a change.


Warm up:
Abs 200
Push ups 40
Squats 40

Pool Tempo

Sauna: 5min
Contrast Shower: 2x3min hot/30sec cold

Wanted to do a bound session or stairs today, but my left calf was grabbing just above achilles so decided to give it a miss & do some pool tempo to keep impact off calves


Warm up
Walk, 5min jog, stretches, abs 200

Snatch 1x3,2,1 (50,55,60kg)
Hang Cleans 4x3 (70,72.5,75,77.5kg)
Various Abs 400 total

strides (3x60m)
drills (3x20m a skip, 3x10m ankle hops)

MB/MB accel
5xMB chest throw. Land in push ups position
5xMB chest throw + 20m accel.
5xMB chest throw. Land in push ups position


4x5 Squat jump onto platform (65-80cm)

Warm down: stretch.

Another good session, with weights first. Another equal PB. This time in the snatch. Starting to get pretty cold at nights, making it hard to stay warm. Rest day tomorrow.


Warm up:
1 lap walk, 3 laps jog
Drills 3x20m a skip, 3x10 ankle hops
Run throughs 3x60m
Abs (100)

Standing Long Jump
3xSLJ: 2.73m

2x40m: 5.2,5.1sec
2x60m: 7.4,7.2sec

Med Ball (5kg) throws
5xbwd (11.00m)
5xchest (9.20m)

5xJump onto platform (approx 80cm)

Cleans 2x2 (80,80kg)
Hang Snatch 2x2 (50, 50kg)
Full Squat 2x2 (90,95kg)
Calf Raises 3x10 (85,90,95kg)
Various Abs 200

Warm Down: Walk, Stretches

Times gradually coming down, so things are going according to plan despite the niggly setbacks. In a way its good Im not going all out all the time.


Here are last weeks sessions. Very cold evenings last week. This weeks much better. 23 degrees C in Sydney monday & tuesday. Not a bad couple winters days so, cant complain about that.


Warm up:
Walk, 5min jog

Snatch 1x3,2,1 (50,55,60kgF)
Hang Clean 1x3,2,1 (70,75,80kg)
Bench Press 1x3,2 (80,90kg)
Various Abs 150

3x20m a skip, 3x10m ankle hops
Run throughs

Med Ball
5xMB chest throw. Land in push ups position
5xMB height
5xMB chest throw + 20m accel.


Warm Down: Walk, Stretches


Eccentric calf raises 3x10 each leg
10x50 toe crunches

Very cold & windy night. I think the wind came directly from the antarctic cause it was freezing. Did some calf & foot exercises at home cause my left achilles was hurting. Also did some massage & stretches. Achilles & calves felt good afterwards


Warm up:
Walk, jog, stretches

Circuit (x3)
10 Squat jumps
20 MB(5kg) chest throws
10 Jump onto bench (65cm)
10 MB bwd throws
10 MB under overs
10 Split jumps
100 Abs
100m + 100m skip + 100m tempo (+ = 30sec rest)

510 reps incl. abs (300)
Tempo 900m

Warm down: Walk, stretches.

Home: Ecc. calf raises 3x10 each leg

No tightness or soreness in achilles today. The eccentric exercises, massage & stretches are helping, so will keep them up 3xpw. Stretch & massage daily on calves.


Warm up:
Walk, jog, stretches

Cleans 1x3,3,2,1 (75,75,80,85kgF)
Hang Snatch 3x3 (50kg)
Various Abs 150

3x20m a skip, 3x10m ankle hops
Run throughs

Stadium Stairs
3x9 double leg hops (up 2 stairs at a time) 4.4,-, 4.2sec
3x9 bounds (up 2 stairs at a time) 3.2, 3.0, 3.0sec
2x9 hops (left leg/2 steps at a time) 4.4, 4.3sec
2x9 hops (right leg/2 steps at a time) 4.2, 4.1sec

Warm down: Walk, stretches.

Home: Ecc. calf raises 3x10 each leg

Some bests in the stairs today. Wanted to do a 3rd set of hops, but my back started hurting so stopped session. Guess its a sign to take it easy & do some strtches & massage on back.


Warm up
Walk, 5min jog, stretches, abs 200

2x5x100m tempo (alt. skips & runs)
Abs 300 (6x50sec stomach holds)

Back was much better today. Decided to do stomach holds as any other ab work may have hurt my back. Had physio on my hams & back. Loosening up well.


Warm up:
1 lap walk, 3 laps jog

Bench Press 1x3,1,3,3 (80,90,80,80kg)
Snatch 3x3 (50,55,50kg)
Various Abs 150

Drills 3x20m a skip, 3x10 ankle hops
Run throughs 3x50m


Sprints (standing start)
2x40m: 5.2,5.0sec
2x60m: 7.3,7.2sec

Warm Down: Walk, Stretches

Times gradually coming down which is good. Back feeling much better today. Arm speed getting better thanks to the CF seminar video promo. Able to accelerate a lot better. Found it hard to keep my legs up with my arms, but I guess thats to be expected for the first time. Should improve slowly with each session.


Lost my last post in cyberspace, so here we go again.


Warm up:
1 lap walk, 3 laps jog, stretches
Drills: 3x20m a skip, 3x10m ankle hops
Strides: 3x60m
Accel: 2x30m: 4.1, 4.0sec

Sprints (standing start)
4x30m: 3.7, -, 3.7,- , sec
1x60m: 7.0sec

3x5 Jump onto platform (approx 80cm)


Warm Down: Walk, Stretches

Eccentric calf raises 3x10 each leg
10x50 toe crunches

Times gradually coming down. Using this week as a test week before starting phase 2 training. So less volume and sessions this week.


Warm up:
Walk, jog, stretches, abs
Drills: 3x20m a skip

2x5x100m tempo (alt. skips & runs)
Abs 300

Warm down: Walk, stretches.


Warm up:
1 lap walk, 3 laps jog, stretches
Drills: 3x20m a skip, 3x10m ankle hops
Strides: 3x50m

Cleans 1x2,1,1 (80,85,87.5kgF)
Hang Snatch 1x3,2,1 (50,55,57.5kg)
Various Abs 150

Warm down: Walk, stretches.

Home: Ecc. calf raises 3x10 each leg

Foam Roller: Calves, quads.

Did a full warm up before wts today. Lifted much better than previous session. PBs in the hang snatch.


Warm up:
1 lap walk, 3 laps jog, stretches
Drills: 3x20m a skip, 3x10m ankle hops
Strides: 3x60m
Accel: 2x30m: 4.0, 3.9sec

Jumps (2 step walk in approach)
4x6str LJ: 5.40, 5.40, 5.40m, -
3x4str TJ: 12.25, 12.60, 12.20m

Sprints (stand start)
1x30m: 3.8sec
2x60m: 7.0, 7.0sec

Warm Down: Walk, Stretches

Foam Roller: Calves, glutes, hams, quads

Very pleased with todays session. 1st jumps session in the pit since Aug 17th last year. Overall a pretty good week. Happy with phase 1 results.


any plans to compete?


Im looking to jump & sprint the odd race from November. At the moment we only have dates for state & national champs. Dont have the schedule yet for local meets. As we have a short season this year, Ill probably only get 5-7 TJs this season leading up to Nats. Look forward to competing though.


Had a 4 days off before starting phase 2 workouts. Feeling good.


Warm up:
1 lap walk, 3 laps jog, stretches
Drills: 3x20m a skip, 3x10m ankle hops
Strides: 3x60m

Med Ball (4kg) Accel
4x20m MB chest throw + 20m accel

3x40m: -,5.0, 4.9sec

Med Ball (4kg) throws
2x4 fwd: 12.00m
2x4 bwd: 11.50m

5x6 jump on/off box (approx 45cm)

Cleans 3x6: 50,60,70kg
Bench 3x6: 50,60,70kg
Hang Snatch 3x6: 42.5,45,47.5kg
Seated Row 3x6: 40,45,50kg
Various Abs 150
Ecc. Calf Raises 3x10 each leg

Warm Down: Walk, Stretches

The rest has helped my times drop over 40m. Using flat foot landings for box plyos. A little safer & closer to jump tech than a forefoot landing.


Warm up:
Walk, jog, stretches, abs
Drills: 5x20m a skip

Circuit (x3)
10 Squat jumps
20 MB(5kg) chest throws
10 Jump onto bench (65cm)
10 MB bwd throws height
10 Split jumps
10 MB Between leg side to sides
100 Abs
100m + 100m skip (+ = 30sec rest)

210 reps
300 abs
Tempo 600m

Warm down: Walk, stretches.


Warm up:
1 lap walk, 3 laps jog, stretches
Drills: 3x20m a skip, 3x10m ankle hops
Strides: 3x60m

Hurdle hops
5x6 hurdles (76cm)

6x20m: 3.3, 3.3, 3.3, 3.2, 3.3, 3.3sec

3x60m: 7.4, 7.3, 7.3sec

MB(5kg) throws
5xfwd: 11.40m
5xbwd: 10.40m
5xChest: 9.00m

Snatch 3x6: 40,45,50kg
Bench 3x6: 50,60,70kg
Hang Cleans 3x6: 50,60,70kg
Front LPD 3x6: 40,45,50kg
Various Abs 150
Ecc. Calf Raises 3x10 each leg

Warm down: Walk, stretches.

Bit sluggish at the track. However nailed the wts. Did hurdles with flat footed landings. Getting pretty good bounce off the ground.


Warm up:
1 lap walk, 3 laps jog, stretches
Drills: 3x20m a skip, 3x10m High knee + 10m accel


10x100m (alt. 100m skips + 100m runs)
Abs: 300

Felt much better today after feeling sluggish yesterday. If anything I need to get more regen methods happening.


Still catching up with past weeks entries since I lost some posts a few weeks ago. Anyway here we go.


Warm up:
5x20 push ups, step ups, sit ups
Drills: 3x20m a skip, 3x10m ankle hops
Strides: 3x60m

5x9 Bounds (2 steps at a time): 3.4, 3.4, 3.4, 3.2, 3.4sec

Med Ball (4kg) throws
2x5 Chest
2x5 Fwd
2x5 Ht

6x6 Jump onto box (approx 65cm)

Ecc. Calf Raises 3x10 each leg

Warm Down: Walk, Stretches

Had a bad hayfever attack today. Sneezing from about 2pm till I went to bed. Didnt do wts as I felt very tired.


Warm up:
Walk, jog, stretches, abs
Drills: 3x20m a skip, 3x10m High knee + 10m accel.

Circuit (x3)
10 Squat jumps
20 MB(5kg) chest throws
10 Jump onto bench (65cm)
10 MB bwd throws height
10 Split jumps
10 MB Between leg side to sides
100 Abs
100m + 100m skip (+ = 30sec rest)

210 reps
400 abs
Tempo 600m

Warm down: Walk, stretches.

Had 2 days rest as the hayfever turned into a headcold. The antihystamines helped stop the sneezing, but they also make me feel drowsey. Anyway the rest did me some good.


Warm up:
1 lap walk, 3 laps jog, stretches
Drills: 3x20m a skip, 3x10m ankle hops
Strides: 2x60m

Hurdle hops
6x6 hurdles (76cm)

2x30m: 3.9, 3.8sec

Tyres (standing start)
5x30m: 4.6, 4.5, 4.6, 4.6, 4.6sec

4x60m: 7.2, 7.2, 7.2, 7.2sec

MB(5kg) throws
5xfwd: 11.30m
5xbwd: 10.90m

Cleans 3x6: 50,60,70kg
Bench 3x6: 50,60,70kg
Hang Snatch 3x6: 40,45,50kg
Front LPD 3x6: 50,60,55kg
Various Abs 200
Ecc. Calf Raises 3x10 each leg

Warm down: Walk, stretches.

Had a very good session today. Still feeling tired from hayfever, but didnt affect my training. Tyres were quick for me, & 60s were consistent. Felt good in the gym. See how I go next week when Im back to 5 training days.


Warm up:
1 lap walk, 3 laps jog, stretches
Drills: 3x20m a skip, 3x10m High knee + 10m accel


2x6x100m (alt. 100m skips + 100m runs)
Abs: 400

Tempos felt good. A very windy day in Sydney. Running into strong headwinds was tough, but stayed relaxed.
