Leg Length for Sprinters

the general spectrum dictates that world class sprinters must be 6’ and over.i would totally disreguard this.andrea cason,ato bolden dennis mitchell are just a few of the noticable world class sprinters whom we all know of who were under 6’.i can name certain japenese sprinters whom i’ve trained with who also were under 6’ and running under 10.10.

the late sam jefferson was also around the 5 8’ height with very respectable times.leg lenght dosen’t dictate fast times.guys this is a very debatable topic wiht many many different answers and many different ways to go for or against leg lenght for fast performances.sprinting is generally about stride

lenght,frequency and ana endurance.

if you are a sprinter under 6’ and are discouraged by this topic please take my advice and train with what you’ve got.god made us all in different ways and no one person is the same so you are the holder of your destiny!!

RULES ARE MADE TO BE BROKEN!!! (my ex girl used to say lenght was everything.no it ain’t its what you do with it that matters!)

I fully agree with you man. But I like to read still. I never get discouraged by anything said here. I just ignore anything to do with limits. Its not very usful for me at least. May be someone else can use it if he wants! But for sure its not me

I would be interested, as I have always thought about this and I’m a 5" 6’-7’ sprinter.