lucky for me, they had salmon at the dining hall tonight Chicken can get a little monotonous.
pretty much just AHHHHHHHHHHHH
I have driven myself into a panicked frenzy, and for good reason… I have an intense neuroanatomy/neurochemistry exam tommorow, plus a lit paper whose topic does not invite an easy repsonse, PLUS a big philosophy paper which also requires a lot of actual thought. I have not slept more than 6 hours any night for almost 2 straight weeks, and this week it has been more like 4 or 5. Last night I was working until 2:30am, slept for about 4.5 hours, and STILL did my hardest running workout of the week:
-brief WU, mobility, sprint drills
-10x200m; 200m walk btw them
I was debating with myself whether it was smart to do this, knowing how little sleep I got and with my hamstring being tight yesterday. But I made myself do it anyway- I figured that it is days like these when a lot of other people would give in and quit but I don’t- that really make me tougher and will pay off later mentally, if nothing else. Also, I promised myself that once I started training that I would not miss a day, to prove my own self-discipline to myself, and so far I haven’t.
SO bottom line, I went out hard and slowed at the end- wanted to cut it short at about 100000 different points, but finished it… and stuffed a banana in my mouth immediately to keep from collapsing.
break for lab where I watched mutated mice and cut up brains hahaha
pretty easy core lift:
-10 min steady bike
-lying low-pulley pull-ins- just like a hanging garhammer but on the ground and pulling weight- 3x12 @30lbs; paired with
-back exts on glute-ham bench: 1x12 w/5k plate, 2x10 w/25 lb plate. 60s btw
-prone ab pull-ins on swiss ball, 3x7; paired with
-hip extensions on swiss ball, 3x7. 60s btw
-side sit-ups w/twist on glute-ham bench: 1x8, 2x10 each side, paired with
-L-overs 3x5 each side. 60s btw
Now I am ready to go to the library- shoulders are tight tight tight and I can’t even fathom how much caffeine I am tanking through right now :eek: