Haven’t been posting due to, A, being aggravated about having a post deleted for no reason really, just someone didn’t like it, and 2, not having results to speak of since hitting a new bench PR(215lb x 3), yawn. Both throwing and lifting have been tough to get up for, but I have to lift or I become Homer Simpson, physically and mentally, and the throwing, well, as I say in my last journal entry, once I do 6 clubs I’m done, basically. That has eluded me for waaaaaaaaaaaaayyyyyyyyyyyyy too long, but it’s time I came to grips with the fact that you can’t have Luke Skywalker skillz if you live like Jabba the Hutt.
I’ve also been mad stressed over money, in that
there’s a bunch of stuff I want to do that I don’t yet have the jack for, dammit. I still haven’t launched the commercial web site, but it’s getting closer. I keep agonizing over decisions, large and small, and doing 10 parts worrying for 1 part doing.
A guy who does a lot of shows came to town, performing at the State fair, and he told me that The Kid has been putting the mouth on me in a major way. I may go out there tonight to where he’s performing and ask him what’s up. OTOH, he’s basically a robot for his father, so so I could just write him off, but still, it would be good to see him try to BS his way out of it.
Squats today. Have been wiggy about them since tweaking my knee trying a new stance, but it seems fine and I’ll just make sure to be in a good groove. I will be extra careful changing form from now on.
A little learning is a dangerous thing,
Drink deep, or taste not the Pierian spring,
there shallow draughts intoxicate the brain,
and drinking largely sobers us again.
– Alexander Pope