Josh's Bodybuilding Journal

If you pause the programme restarts its phase from the beginning… so pause before the ramp is down fully and when you restart you go straight back into the ramp up and contraction. Pause during the pulses and when you restart it’ll start the pulses from the beginning. I now pause halfway throught the ramp down, time 50s, then restart… If I feel I need the pulses I can accomadate by pausing for around 40s then restart the pulsing (it lasts around 13s).

After my second session I am getting used to the intensity… I go to what I can tolerate… last night I went from 25mA to 40+ by rep 10 on the quads. Have you been adjusting the frequency? Which fibres are you targetting? That may effect how high you can go… but I believe your machine goes to 120mA… I sure you won’t out grow it!

I ate dried apricots and drank tonic water, that stopped the cramping.

If you pause the programme restarts its phase from the beginning… so pause before the ramp is down fully and when you restart you go straight back into the ramp up and contraction. Pause during the pulses and when you restart it’ll start the pulses from the beginning. I now pause halfway through the ramp down, time 50s, then restart… If I feel I need the pulses I can accommodate by pausing for around 40s then restart the pulsing (it lasts around 13s).

After my second session I am getting used to the intensity… I go to what I can tolerate… last night I went from 25mA to 40+ by rep 10 on the quads. Have you been adjusting the frequency? Which fibres are you targeting? That may effect how high you can go… but I believe your machine goes to 120mA… I sure you won’t out grow it!

Ate dried apricots and drank tonic water, that stopped the cramping.