My current status
Compositional & girths : …
Loading & PBs : …
CVPS : …
Totally agree. I was planning on adding this information in later when I work it all out. I was just a bit to keen to get this training journal up and running. I have added some old stats of mind (Composition & Grith) but they are from christmas. Other details and updates to come soon.
Thanks boldwarrior for you feedback - it is appreciated.
I do not train 1bp per week. The bodyparts trained on a day get repeated 96hr later.
I have found that I have made quite good gains on this, along with a push/pull/legs repeated twice a week. I am going to be reworking my program over the next few weeks though. Thanks.
I would love to bring down my rest times between squatting, but I find that I am quite light headed afterwards and need the time to get my breath back. I probably am not fit enough. I will work on bringing my rest times down on these though. Thanks.
I agree with you on the carbs. I am actually doing a carb cycling diet (and carbs particularly loaded around workouts) to try to keep my weight gain as lean as I can. I should have consumed more carbs postworkout yesterday after my cardio session to replenish glycogen.