jamaican 200m grass races(development)

I see I never really explained what shaking is. Instead of a jog you are dropping the shoulders completly and shaking your body. The idea behind this is to stay completely relaxed and allow the vibration to also relax the muscles. It’s very helpful to use this with in warm up session when you might be having trouble loosening someone up.

It just occured to me that no one is really discussing the beloved push up / sit up workout. I hated that workout but it was so good.
RB do you remember that workout from Detroit?
I remember doing this workout with one of the players who I think was the second string quarter back but I really don’t remember but it was only the two of us.
I was very nervous to do this workout let alone that I had to do it was a professional male athlete who was earning more on that day that I had ever seen in my life but I digress.
He did not do overly well primarily because he had never done it before. There is a specificity to all training to some extent ( at some point anyway)
The guys always seemed to beat me at the push ups ( you would expect that) and I could take them on the push ups and then it came down to who did what in the running. Clearly I had done this many times and he did not but it’s a damn good way to get in the workout if you are concerned about surface.
2 sets of 10 x 100 meters with 15 push ups on one end and 20 varied situps ( use the multi postion ones in gpp or just vary them as you wish) on either end. There are ways to modify this workout but it’s perfect with the bike and I’ve done it in the pool and I have also used my bike outside in the summer when I was having trouble running and could not stand training inside.

;)… lol

A very smart University sprint/jump coach in my area has said something similar about extremely close monitoring of the warmup - are the footstrikes too heavy… are they favouring one leg… do they appear fluid or tight…

I have the 2000 manual right here:

Situp/Pushups: 50-60%
start in end zone perform 25 situps. stride 100yds. drop and do 10 pushups. Jump up and stride 100yds. All this equals 1 rep. Cont non-stop until all reps are complete.

Small tempo circuit and Big tempo circuit:

Target time runs:

I do a burpee challenge similar.
run 105m (length of grass park we used) do 10 x burpees
run 105m then 10 push ups, 10 x split squats, 10 x abs

repeat for 9, 8,7 etc to 1. keeping run the same.
Just over 2km run.

Everybody loves to hate it…

Would also note, heavier guys, around 130kg (1kg = 2.2lb) suffer from 2000m of tempo. those under 100kg all can handle 2km of tempo no issue from what i’ve seen.
But really big guys like that are not Sprinters… 150m reps instead of 200m reps seem fine.

Charlie has always said - build from right to left. Build endurance first. Then add.
If you’re under 100kg, and not a short ass, then you’ll handle 1500-2000m of tempo no drama at all. If it’s a drama, then you need to figure out why.

I totally agree with James statement above too - i see it often also.

Wouldn’t it be fun if all you had to do to run fast was run fast, none of this “fluff stuff” like tempo, massage, nutrition, stretching and other work.

Got ya. Thanks for explaining another option for low intensity work.

One other thing that has to be considered:

  1. Recreation athlete that has no practices only a game - has to get conditioning still, which is tempo for me and as you noted it works for me.

  2. NCAA/Pro athlete with multiple weekly practices that includes some type of locomotive movement for multiple reps - plenty to condition them / or maintain conditioning. Low to no additional conditioning required. Would probably still benefit for a volume of low intensity running that exceeds the typical volume run in a game.

How much conditioning do you really need to play flag football? I would rather have a greater speed reserve. I think drivephase played flag football and didn’t do much tempo but his speed reserve was top notch.

Ive been doing something similar to this lately. Ill do 2x5x200 90 sec rest on grass. another day i do 8x150 on track at about 70-80%. walk back recovery. I also if time permits will do a 10x100 30sec rest grass.

Did you have in mind the lumbosacral joint or L5 as the main one(i.e. pinched or compromised nerve causing tingly pins and needles feet, or hot feet, somewhat disconnected feel of small toes)?

I wouldn’t train for conditioning alone, it’s not as if I or someone I would train wouldn’t train to increase speed and consequently speed reserve. However, everyone won’t be able to achieve an exceptional speed reserve though. They can increase their own relative speed reserve but it may not mean much depending on the competition they face.


-yohan blake and warren weir are doing some workouts in the video.
-yohan doing some drills(grass), stepups, sledpulls/runs(grass), and strides/accel type runs(track).
-warren weir did drills(grass), stepups, tempo?strides(grass), strides/accel runs(track).

-yohans gym session: https://m.youtube.com/#/watch?v=-MpCX3WSyzE
-yohan does their machine weights exercises, as has been well documented/known in the past for them to workout at that gym with all the machines.

Username for these videos on youtube is: letsrundotcom

I get nothing when I click on these links?
What am I doing incorrectly?

That’s because you can only view them from that link via a mobile phone.

here they are again-

Yohan Blake And Warren Weir Workout Clips

Yohan Blake Weight Lifting Clips

Flotrack.org was their too, same day i guess, the video is on the homepage, on right side under ‘workout videos’, titled ‘yohan blake weights and hills in kingston’

-on the video description it said: day1- light weight session; day2- plyos/drills, box jumps w/15lb weight vest, sled pulls, 10x hill repeat w/weight vest, 60meter strides.

MVP doing starts in the morning on grass: http://m.youtube.com/watch?v=lubQPo9scfk

-again, flotrack was there the same days as ‘letsrundotcom’, and did video on mvp track club and some starts…its just above the yohan blake video under the ‘workout wednesday videos’…the video is called ‘block starts with the best’, at 0:45secs of video, there is this womansprinter, don’t know who, but damn has herself some fine ass glutes.