i agree with rj, once you take the weight and are about to go Downwards, your hips rotate drastically (sticking your butt out, creating lower back arch) This you want to avoid, Hold your abs tight to keep you hips from rotating back like that. Then that combined with the massive Lean forward of the upper body is what is Killing the Crap out of your Lower back. I dont think i would know of anybody who would not get a sore lower back doing ya squats that way.
One way to correct the Upper body forward lean, is to squat just 2inches away from a Post. Set a broom handle down infront of post to square your Feet, then back off 2inches. Then when you squat, look for the following
- your nose remains infront of post and doesnt Wrap around the side of the post.
- your feet remain flat on floor
- your toes remain just slightly pointed out
- your knees dont drift past your toes
when 1st doing it, hold onto the post with your hands
- have your hands beside the post without touching it
- have your hands beside you
- have your hands on your head
- do the squat with a bar
Then, you can move right over to the squat rack.
Depending on how long that takes, it may be useful to use that as a warm up for some time?
Oh yeah, also perhaps set up a small bench or medball where your butt can just touch so your get Deeper in your squats. Not to sit on, just to Feel your at the correct depth.
Some ppl get this right in 10min. Others can take weeks. Typically, the longer it takes, the Tighter You are. If you are tight, the squat will tell you exactly where you are, esp if you do a Squat HOld at the very bottom position. And often, lets say your Hip Flexors are tight, and you fix them, you do the squat hold again, and Hip Flexors feel better, but now your Glutes are tight, and so on and so forth.
I hope that makes sence. If done correctly, and you listen to the Squat Hold at correct posture at parallel position, i have never had it fail.