Importance of Testosterone?

It may even effect distance runners. some guy on a television program was able to predict the order of finishing, with the club level amateur athletes. He didn’t know them, he simply measured their wedding ring fingers, compared to their index fingers. Apparently (according to him) the closer the length between wedding finger and index finger, the higher the general testosterone levels. There were 6 athletes, all running 10,000 meters around the track. He predicted the order they would finish, and on 4 of them he was correct, but the guy he said would come fourth, came fifth. The guy he said would come fifth, came in fourth. But he correctly predicted the first, second, third, and sixth place finishers of the race. (The athletes all trained at the same club regularly, and therefor had similar training programs to begin with.) My last sentance should be taken in to account, because ofcourse somebody can radically improve their performance level thru a smart training method, but where you have athletes training together with similar preperation, the ones with higher ‘T’ counts tend to do a little better.

I have various signs on my own body that I have a high T count, and various other signs that I don’t, so not sure what to conclude there. My wedding ring finger (not that I’m married), is only a few millimeters shorter than index finger. I also have a lot of hair growth on chest/ abdomen (annoying to me, cause it’s not in fashion to be hairy).
However, I don’t have the square jaw that many ‘manly’ folks do. So various people may display different attributes.